March 10, 2020
Healing must be understood before we can understand and accomplish the purpose of the Course. We tend to think of healing in terms of the body, i.e. sickness and disease. The Course is very clear that healing occurs in the mind. Its goal is the healing of the mind; the healing of our thoughts and our thought system. This section will review the laws of perception and the laws of healing as we remind ourselves of what the Course has taught us thus far about separation and the healing of separation. This installment will review the first five paragraphs of this section; Chapter 26, Section VII, paragraphs 1-5.
All sickness comes from separation. When the separation is denied, it goes. For it is gone as soon as the idea that brought it has been healed, and been replaced by sanity. T-26.VII.2.1-3
The idea that we are separate is the idea that needs healing. The Course teaches us that we are not at all separate and it is impossible for us to be separate in reality. It is the mistaken idea of separation that we have believed and given our allegiance to that keeps our true identity in Oneness blocked from our awareness. Can we be just a little willing to allow our mind to be changed – to be healed? Are we willing to entertain reason’s light in our thoughts and mind?
Guilt asks for punishment, and its request is granted. Not in truth, but in the world of shadows and illusions built on sin. The Child of God perceived what they would see because perception is a wish fulfilled. Perception changes, made to take the place of changeless knowledge. Yet is truth unchanged. T-26.VII.3.1-5
Truth and reality cannot be perceived, they can only be known. Perception is a way of interpretation and thus it blocks our minds from the awareness of knowing the truth. Once we allow our thoughts to see truth, perception and what we have perceived makes no sense anymore. Are we willing to allow ourselves to see and recognize truth?
Perception’s laws are opposite to truth, and what is true of knowledge is not true of anything that is apart from it. Yet has God given answer to the world of sickness, which applies to all its forms. God’s answer is eternal, though it works in time, where it is needed. T-26.VII.4.1-3
Ideas do not leave their source – our mind. Their effects seem to be apart from our ideas. Ideas are of the mind. What is projected out, and seems to be external to the mind, is not outside our mind at all, but an effect of what is in our mind, and has not left its source – our mind.
God’s answer lies where the belief in sin must be, for only there can its effects be utterly undone and without cause. Perception’s laws must be reversed, because they are reversals of the laws of truth. The laws of truth forever will be true, and cannot be reversed; yet can be seen as upside down. And this must be corrected where the illusion of reversal lies. T-26.VII.5.1-4
The illusion of separation is nothing more than a belief in that illusion. Its reality goes no further than our supposedly separated mind – that little bit of mind we thought we could wall off and make ourselves God over. The “reality” this little bit of supposedly separated mind believes is real seems insane, for it is an upside-down view of reality. It is insane in the light of truth and reality. Yet the healing of that mistaken idea is to allow Spirit –knowledge – within us to rise in our awareness. It has been waiting within us for our minds to awaken and be willing to see the truth of who we really are. It is time to let go of our stubborn belief in our mistaken ideas and allow the truth within us to rise to our awareness. This is where healing arises.
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