June 28, 2011
A healed mind recognizes the truth about who we really are. It recognizes that we are all One, that there is no separation between the Children of God. It recognizes there is no sin, and no possibility that we can really hurt each other. It recognizes that there is no death and no punishment. It recognizes there is no need for suffering and that we are limitless and powerful. But we cling to our mistaken idea that we are the opposite from all the previously mentioned characteristics.
Every relationship we encounter in this world is an opportunity to heal and be healed. Each one is a chance to recognize the Oneness of all in the one we are engaging at the moment. It doesn’t matter haw fleeting, how brief, how challenging, are how easy the encounter or relationship is. Each moment is an opportunity to recognize the Divine in that one, see that one in the light of Spirit, and see the light of God shining from that one. It that moment we realize the joining of all of creation in that encounter. Be grateful each encounter and bless it. It is a holy relationship and all we need do is recognize it as it really is. Spirit will do the rest.
We are so afraid of losing the identity we have made for ourselves. We have made it in isolation. We have made it to look like it is independent from others. We have made it look like something it isn’t and can never be. We are all One. We are all joined, never to be separated. The reality of our Oneness is blessed, joyful, full of love, and radiating light. Recognize our reality as One and soar on the wings of eagles. The salvation of the world is soaring with us. Let it be so.
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