A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: January 2013

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ACIM T-2.VIII The Meaning of the Last Judgment

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 29, 2013

The last judgment probably brings up some very disturbing and fearful thoughts for many of us raised in a conservative or traditional Christian tradition.  As with other concepts we have been raised with and perhaps believed, the Course gives us a new definition of the last judgment.  The Course has taught us that God is Love and nothing else.  It has also taught us that we are God’s creations, are extensions of God, and carry all the characteristics of God within us because God creates like God.  We are therefore inseparable from God and also perfect as God is.  God’s Will is to create like God.  And since we are extensions of God, we have the ability to create as God does.  It is our Will to create perfectly as God does.  But, God gave us free choice and free will.  We are free to choose to co-create with God, or to exercise our creative power to make separately from God on our own.


Our creative ability rests in our mind and is a matter of will.  It follows that any creation made in our separated mind is real to our own mind, but not real in the Mind of God.  If we have made alone, we have not co-created with the Mind of God.  Understanding the distinction of how we make or create is essential in understanding the last judgment.  In the Mind of God there is no judgment or any need for judgment.  The Course tells us that God has no need of judgment.  All God’s creations and all creations of the Mind of God are holy and perfect.  Judgment was brought into being after separation as one of many learning devices built into the plan for our return to the awareness of who we really are.  And judgment works hand in hand with miracles to shorten the time that journey takes.  We must free ourselves from the fear of judgment so we can emerge from the conflict in our minds and bring peace to other minds.


Judgment is more about sorting true from false, real from illusion, and right-minded thinking from wrong-minded thinking.  Judgment is done in partnership with and under the guidance of Spirit.  We are so attached to our thoughts and ideas made by our separated mind that we believe they are real and true without discrimination.  Though many of our creations may have been co-created with our mind and the Mind of God, we don’t understand how to see the difference.  Judgment may be seen as a process of right evaluation.  Thus we determine what is worthy and what is not with the guidance of Spirit.  Sprit guides our mind to look with love on all we have created and see its worthiness.  At the same time, our guided mind will release all it made up and those miscreated thoughts will no longer exist.


The time we choose to begin this “last judgment” for ourselves is our choice. We must be willing to allow Spirit to guide us in this process.  We cannot do it with our separated mind, for it lacks the practice to join with the Mind of God.  Spirit guides our joining with the Mind of God until we accept it fully.  This process of right evaluation will gradually open the shutters we have closed around the light we truly are.  The light of Spirit will flood our minds and open our Spirit eyes and ears to the awareness of who we really are.  As more and more of us move on this path, whatever form it takes, we will see the world we perceive shift to reflect the love and peace of God and the real world.  Take the first step and let yourself be guided into freedom.

ACIM T-2.VII Cause and Effect

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 22, 2013

One of the biggest mistakes we make is underestimating the power of our minds and the power of our thoughts.  There is no greater power than the power of our thoughts.  The thoughts we think and believe can and do significantly create the world we see.  The world we see is determined by how we perceive everything we see and experience.  And our perceptions are colored by what we think and believe about every thought about every experience we have ever had.  It’s no wonder that each one sees a different world even though we are all looking at, living in, and experiencing the same world!  This causes great confusion as we make our journey through life.


This confusion, this multitude of different worlds we seem to see, is caused by a fundamental confusion between cause and effect.  We have turned cause and effect on its ear in our attempt to understand what we think, and consequently dig ourselves deeper into confusion.    The Course tells us that God is Cause and we, the “Sonship”, are Effect.  We are the Thought of God, created in the Mind of God and are like God because we are One with God.  This is the perfect order that is Love.  But we have misperceived who we are and thought ourselves separate from God, thus miscreating with thoughts that come from the split mind, a state of mind separate from God.  We have miscreated or misperceived from a state of separation from God rather than Oneness with God.  Thus we have perceived that the cause of our separation is our experiences in this world rather than our beliefs about who we are.  This huge confusion of who we are and what the world is are a result of our basic confusion between cause and effect.


Cause and effect are demonstrated in how we perceive the world by whether we experience love or fear.  If we perceive from a state of Oneness with God, we will experience Love since that is God’s intention.  God created a world of Love, and Love only.  If we experience anything other than love, such as fear, we are perceiving from a state of separation from God.


The gift the Course gives us is a path to return our thinking to its natural state, the Mind of God.  It is a structured process of learning how our mind works, learning the mistakes we have made in our thought process, and teaching us to rely on the guidance of Spirit to correct our perception step by step as we return to the awareness of who we really are.  Miracles are the changes in our thinking that correct our thinking.  The world we see and experience has been given to us to learn to change our perception.  We’re never on our own in this journey, for Spirit walks with us to guide us if we will allow Spirit’s guidance and be willing to follow that guidance.


We have within us all we need to accomplish this journey.  Being willing to listen to and follow Spirit’s guidance will bring about the miracles we seek and share to return all of us to the awareness of the Divine Self we really are.  Take the first step even if that’s the only one you can see right now.  Spirit will show the next step when you need it.

ACIM T-2.VI Fear and Conflict

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 15, 2013

All fear is produced at the level of our minds.  And, we think our fear thoughts when our minds are in conflict between what we want and what we do.  The mind can only be in conflict when it is split.  Our minds can only be split when we are thinking in a state separate from God or Spirit.  We are responsible for our fear thoughts, for they originate from the thoughts of our separated mind.  We always have a choice no matter what we are facing or in the midst of.  It is the choice of how we think.  How and what we think is reflected in our lives in some way, but it always boils down to whether we are experiencing peace or something other than peace.


We have become so accustomed to thinking with a split mind, a mind separated from Spirit, that it seems automatic to us and we aren’t even aware that what we want and what we do are in conflict.  The “what we want” is embedded in our right-mindedness and is a part of our higher self, the Mind of God, or Oneness.  We have become so unaware of our true nature that we think and therefore act from the separated mind, the mind we made up by thinking we are not One with God, that we are not who we really are.  We have had so much practice thinking in this separated manner that we think it’s the only way we can think and therefore must be right.  Our “want” from our higher mind is to be in communication with Spirit and thinking with the Mind of God.  But our “doing” is coming from the thoughts of our separated mind, which is in the habit of ignoring and discounting the higher thoughts from our real mind, the Mind of God.  It is important to understand these two levels of thinking; the separated mind and the higher mind, the Mind of God tp begin letting go of fear.


The correction we need to make is the correction of how we think.  We cannot make any real changes at the level of doing because doing so doesn’t make changes at the level at which we are thinking.  So, we therefore must make the correction at the level of tour minds.  Once we are willing to make a change at the level of our minds, and we are willing to change from thinking with the separated mind to thinking with the right mind or the Mind of God we become available to Spirit and can rely on Spirit’s help.  Spirit is there within us to guide us in thinking more correctly.  Before we do anything, we have the opportunity to stop a moment and ask Spirit for guidance in whatever we are about to do.  We can also use the feeling of fear, when we become aware that we are experiencing it, to think, “Wait a minute.  My mind is in conflict, so I must be thinking from separation.”  Then we can take a moment, step back, and ask Sprit for guidance in whatever situation we are in.


The Course first teaches us how we are thinking from a separated or split state of mind and that we have thus misperceived all we think we see.  It then teaches us how to change our thinking to align with and come from the One Mind of God which we all share in its entirety.  Inner peace, already within us, comes to our awareness as we allow Sprit to guide us in making this simple shift in our thinking.  Let it be so.

ACIM T-2.V.A Special Principles of Miracle Workers

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 8, 2013

The last bit of Section V, Titled Special Principles of Miracle Workers is a powerful section.  It restates some of the principles in Chapter 1 and concludes with a passage known as the Miracle Worker’s Prayer.  If we lived our lives from just this little bit of text, we would surely be in constant communication with our Source, God, and would be in a state of mind that would constantly and consistently guide us in living the life we are meant to live.  We would be fully present in the present moment and seeing ad hearing with our higher or spiritual senses.  This prayer is one of my favorite passages from the Course and is certainly worth committing to memory.


Miracle Worker’s Prayer

“I am here only to be truly helpful.

I am here to represent the One who sent me.

I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because the One who sent me will direct me.

I am content to be wherever the One wishes knowing that the One goes there with me.

I will be healed as I let the One teach me to heal.”

ACIM T-2.V.A.18.2-6    Words inclusified by Rev. Denis Moore


If we remembered that our purpose is only to be TRULY helpful and that we represent our Source, God or Spirit, in all we do and say, how would we conduct ourselves?  How would we speak and act as we considered that we are speaking and acting on behalf of God and Spirit?  Are we willing to listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Voce for God, as we speak and do in this world?  If we are questioning what Spirit is directing us to say or do, it’s time we hone our spiritual eyes and ears and let Spirit show and tell us.  Letting go of our attachment to our ego or split mind is the beginning of awakening to our spiritual sight and hearing.


Accepting that we are always in the perfect place at the perfect time in the perfect situation to learn, see, hear, and/or do frees us from the ego’s doubt and limitation that we so tightly hang on to.  Our Source IS always with us.  Spirit is always within us ready to guide us waiting for us to awaken just a little to the still quiet voice of Spirit within us.  And the passage concludes that we will each be healed as we allow ourselves to listen to the Spirit within us that guides us, teaches us, loves us, and awakens the awareness of peace within us.  We never stop learning in this world.  We never stop teaching in this world.  When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, or one in which we would rather not be we can begin the prayer, “I am here only to be truly helpful.”  Just this one thought is capable of shifting our whole state of mind and freeing us from the limitations of our limited thinking.  We know, then, that we are not alone and that Source is walking with us and guiding us, for we are now in communication with our Source.  Let it be so.