A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: August 2013

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ACIM T-5.IV Teaching and Healing

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 27, 2013

Our true state of being is Oneness, in unity, of One Mind.  Our journey is the return to the awareness of our unity, Oneness, with God, each other, and all of Creation.  All of life in this world of perception is for the purpose of remembering and reconnecting with the awareness of who we really are.  Heaven is our natural state.  The peace and joy of Heaven are ours right now whether we are aware of it or not.  There is nothing like the joy of reconnecting with that peace and joy through the love we share with each other through the guidance of Spirit.  What we believe about ourselves and each other determines how we perceive the world.  Do we like what we are perceiving?  Are we feeling peaceful, loving, and joyous about everything?  We have Spirit within us to help guide us to the state of blissful being that is ours.  All Spirit needs is a nod, the OK to guide our perception.


Our perception is based on our beliefs.  So if our beliefs are mistaken we will perceive a mistaken world around us.  It will not be understandable because it can’t be understood from a mistaken thought system.  We may be able to convince ourselves that an isolated bit of the world we perceive makes some sense, but it will be limited.  Spirit can work with what we have made up and guide us in the reinterpretation of all we have perceived and give us a real and right understanding of the world.  Since we are all One, our new perception comes through our relationships.  Each one we encounter on our journey has some lesson to offer us as we have a lesson to offer them.  The perfect lesson is there in that relationship and is realized through the guidance of Spirit.  As we turn to Spirit and ask for guidance, we allow Spirit to reinterpret what we thought we understood and allow new understanding to well up in our mind.  The understanding is not new, for it has always been within us, but it is new to our awareness.


The Course has taught us that giving and receiving are the same.  In a like manner teaching and learning are the same.  Spirit uses the world we perceive as a learning tool.  It is neither good nor bad, but is the perfect learning tool.    We learn by teaching, and we teach by learning.  For as we correct our perception of ourselves we correct our perception of another.  In that correct perception of ourselves and another we have extended the Love of God to all of creation.  Once we have corrected our perception of each other we have joined with each other and rediscovered our Oneness.  We reconnect with our true nature.  We have reawakened our awareness of the realm of Heaven which is our home, the home we never left.  The truth about us is in this reawakening.  We remember our Divinity, our peace of mind, and our ever extending love that comes from the Divine nature within our true Self.  We share this peace, love and joy with all of Creation.  We are limitless in this awareness.   Say “yes’ to Spirit’s guidance right now.  We have nothing to lose but a misperceived perception of our world.  What we gain is the awareness of the realm of Heaven all around us and the ever abundant love of the Divine flowing through and around us.  Let it be so this very moment.

ACIM T-5.III The Guide to Salvation

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 20, 2013

Our minds are split.  We have our higher mind, our true mind where
Spirit dwells.  We also have our ego minds, our lower minds, the egoic minds we made up when we believed we were separate.  The higher mind knows the ego mind is not real, that it is made up.  But the lower mind sees the higher mind as a threat to its very existence, and so blocks our awareness of our higher mind.  Our lower mind sees itself the opposite of the higher mind, and therefore threatened by it.  So turmoil and fear characterize the existence of the lower mind.  While peace characterizes the higher mind.


The blessing is that God set the Spirit in our higher mind as we chose to believe the idea that we are the lower mind.  We blocked our awareness of our higher mind and our true state of being by believing the misperception that we are separate.  The gift of Spirit within us is our salvation, the salvation from the misperception that we are separate from God and each other.  Spirit knows the real world.  Spirit is in and aware of Heaven, our true home.  Spirit also understands the world we think we see.  Spirit sees and understands what this world really is.  The world we think we see is a world perceived by our egoic mind made up by that same egoic mind.  Since Spirit understands both reality and perception, It works at the level of perception to correct our perception and our thinking to a higher level.  Spirit works with our mind quietly.  Spirit, however, only works with our mind when we let It guide us.  Spirit never forces us or works against our will.


All the world is a learning tool for Spirit’s teaching and guidance.  No matter what happens in our life, good or bad, there is a learning experience in it for each of us.  As we allow, Spirit translates each experience for our mind, teaching us whatever we need to learn through this experience.  Spirit asks that we embrace each lesson.  Allow Spirit to show us the lesson.  We will begin to recognize a measure of peace come over us as we allow Spirit to teach us. The anxiety of the lower mind will give way to the peace of the higher mind.  No longer will we need to fight our thoughts or fight for our lessons.  The change and shift in our thoughts come to us naturally.  And then we recognize we are feeling peaceful.  We begin reconnecting to the holy within.  The reality of our Divine nature wells up within us.  The light we truly are shines forth from us, radiating the light we are to all our brothers and sisters.  Come, it is time.  Eternity is now.  It can only be in the now.  Let Spirit guide you to the awareness of who you really are and let your light shine brightly to the world, radiating its love and peace to all who seek. Let it be so.

ACIM T-5.II The Voice for God

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 13, 2013

We often feel that life is aimless, that it is random, or that it has no direction.  We think life “happens” so to speak.  But we have a guide at our disposal.  But this guide can only provide us with direction if we allow it to.  We are so accustomed to doing it all on our own, or alternatively just giving up.  Sometimes we charge through our life, focused on what we think is the prize.  Sometimes we just give in and let fall what may fall.  Neither of these scenarios need be our reality.  A change in our focus has an amazing power to make a difference.  We already have the guide we need.  This guide is within us.  God placed it there when we believed in the idea of separation.  It is there patiently waiting for us to recognize it and ask for its guidance.


This guide within our minds is the Holy Spirit.  We can call it Spirit if you wish.  Spirit is the Voce for God.  Spirit is all knowing in the Oneness of Heaven, and in the perception of the world we think we see.  Spirit is the bridge between our perceived minds, separation, and the Oneness and perfect Mind of God.  In the Mind of God there is no limitation, no lack, no pain, and no blame or guilt.  All that is perceived by our mind is separate from the Mind of God.  We chose to hold allegiance to the separated mind we think we are.  And we are often loath to let go of our allegiance to it.  But Spirit holds the memory of our true mind, the mind that is one with the Mind of God.  That one mind, that shared knowing of truth, has simply been blocked from our awareness by our choice to perceive ourselves separate from our true nature.  If we remembered our true nature we would never stay in the choice of separation for an instant.  We have blocked our awareness that completely.


Spirit is within us.  It is sounding the Call to Joy.  Joyfulness is our true nature.  Resting in God is our true nature.  Our true calling in this world we perceive is to release it to Spirit and allow Spirit to guide us in our choosing.  Where does our devotion lie?  Is our devotion to Spirit, to God, or is it to the world and life we have perceived on our own?  No matter what lessons we have to learn, Spirit will guide us to and through them.  Each of them will be the perfect and most efficient lesson for us.  Rather than bumbling around blindly on our own through our perceived journey, wouldn’t it make sense to ask the perfect guide to guide us on our journey?


No matter where we’ve been, no matter what mistakes we’ve made, no matter how abused we think we have been on the way, Sprit is there holding out its loving comfort and guidance calling us to be just a little willing to shift our devotion.  Devotion to separation will gain us only separation and will never move us to the full joy of Spirit.  Shift your devotion to the Guide within, Spirit, and begin to see the light that shines deep within you.  Begin to allow it to shine from deep within you to light the way for others.  We are truly the light of the world.  Joining with Spirit is the plan God has for us to share with each other and discover the awareness of the truth about who we really are.  Invite Spirit to be your guide.  Place your devotion at the altar of Spirit within you and let your light shine brightly.

ACIM T-5.II The Voice for God

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 6, 2013

We are the Realm of Heaven, nothing more, nothing less.  This is the radiant Realm of Light.  It shines forth forever.  There is no limit to Heaven’s radiance or its reach.  It is peaceful, it abounds in Love and Joy.  It is abundance itself where lack is not even a concept.  This is our true state of being.  This is who and what we are.  This is the beauty of our creation.  It doesn’t matter what name we give this Heaven, it is always this Grandeur of Light, Peace, and Joy.  It flows through our being with infinite Grace without a trace of anything less.


But wait a minute.  What happened?  Our world certainly doesn’t look like this to us right now.  We allowed the belief in darkness to enter our mind.  We chose to separate our minds from the awareness of Light and believe instead we are separate from the reality we cannot be separate from.  Just as we allowed the belief in darkness to enter our mind, our Creator placed the Holy Spirit within our mind to remind and guide us on our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  By believing in this darkness, we severed our mind from the knowledge through which the Creator communicates with us.  Since our Creator honors the free will to choose that is our holy gift and wishes not to hinder our creative choice in any way, the Creator gives us a Voice to speak for our true state of being. This Voice calls to us, quietly and gently reminding us of who we really are.


Spirit calls to us both to remember and forget:  to remember who we really are, and to forget the state of opposition we have chosen.  Spirit calls to us to again make a choice.  In the holy state, where our will is free and unlimited, choice is meaningless.  But once we have chosen to separate our mind, we must make another choice to undo that error of choice.  Spirit gives us a holy choice with which to correct that choice.  It is actually the unchoosing of our previous mistaken choice and making the correct choice guided by Spirit.


The Voice of Sprit is gentle.  It does not command, demand, overcome, or attack.  It simply gently reminds.  The Voice is compelling only because of what it reminds us of.  It brings to our mind the other way; the real way.  It remains quiet even in the midst of the turmoil we have gotten caught up in.  Spirit guides us to the part of our mind that speaks for the right choice; that knows where to find the peace love, and joy that are our real state of wholeness.  It brings us back to the awareness of our higher state of mind.  Here we recognize the reality of who we really are.  We may find it takes a few – or perhaps more – steps to reach that awareness, but Sprit knows the perfect steps for us to take and will guide us in those steps if we will simply make the choice to allow our minds to be guided by Spirit.


What do we really want?  If we want to be in the Realm of Heaven radiating light, love, peace, and joy, make the choice to unchoose our belief in darkness and let Spirit guide us to the light that is our natural state of being.  The peace of Heaven is truly ours if we will just let it be ours.  Let it be so.