A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: July 2019

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ACIM T.24.VI Salvation from Fear

July 30, 2019

In this moment there is another we encounter for a little while or for some time. How do we choose to see this one? Do we see them as their mistakes and shortcomings, or do we see their holiness? Whichever we choose we will see and believe is true. Yet, we must ask ourselves whether or not we are seeing the Christ in them or denying the Christ in them. It is a matter of whether or not we are willing to see with holy Vision or deny holy Vision. Spirit is waiting patiently within us to guide our vision to see clearly. When we ask, Spirit will gladly and gently guide our vision looking beyond the appearance of another in this world to their holiness beyond that which we think we see. By glimpsing the truth in another, we then glimpse the truth in ourselves. Our holiness is revealed in us as another’s holiness is revealed in them to us.

Another’s holiness is sacrament and benediction unto you. Their errors cannot withhold God’s blessing from themselves, nor you who see them truly. Their mistakes can cause delay, which it is given you to take from them, that both may end a journey that has never begun, and needs no end. What never was is not a part of you. Yet you will think it is, until you realize that it is not a part of them who stands beside you. They are the mirror of yourself, wherein you see the judgment you have laid on both of you. The Christ in you beholds their holiness. Your specialness looks on their body and beholds them not.         T-24.VI.8:1-8

See another as what they are, that your deliverance may not be long. A senseless wandering, without a purpose and without accomplishment of any kind, is all the other choice can offer you. Futility of function not fulfilled will haunt you while another lies asleep, till what has been assigned to you is done and they are risen from the past. They who condemned themselves, and you as well, are given you to save from condemnation, along with you. And both shall see God’s glory in God’s Child, whom you mistook as flesh, and bound to laws that have no power over them at all.   T-24.VI.9:1-5

The Course asks us to merely pursue another goal with far less vigilance; with little effort and with little time. The power of God maintains this holy goal and promises success. Of the two goals, it is this holy one you find more difficult. We seem to understand “sacrifice” of self, yet we do not consider the cost too heavy for the little we get. However, a tiny willingness, a nod to God, a greeting to the Christ in you, you find the burden of the unholy goal wearisome and tedious, too heavy to be borne. No sacrifice is asked in the dedication to the truth as God established it, no strain is called forth, and all the power of Heaven and the might of truth itself is given to provide the means, and guarantee the holy goal’s accomplishment.

Which goal will you pursue? Will you continue to believe in your own “specialness” and judge another as less? Choose again! Choose to see another’s holiness as revealed to you by Spirit within you. Let Spirit reveal the truth about another through your holy Vision and hear the song of truth from another’s holy Voice through your holy Ears. When you allow this communication, you sweep you both into the awareness of Heaven on earth and the awareness of the holiness you both are. Celebrate the peace and joy of this awakening, for it is who you both really are in Oneness.

ACIM T.24.VI Salvation from Fear

July 23, 2019

We are essential. We are essential to Heaven. We are essential to the awareness of love and peace. We are essential to wholeness and completion. We are essential as is the one we journey with at any given moment. We are both essential together. Reality is not complete without both of us. We are essential for the One – Source – to be complete. Be assured, we are there in Oneness. Reality is complete for we are an integral part of reality. Yet, we are unaware of reality when we deny our part in it. When we deny our Oneness and thus our reality, the world appears as chaos. It appears hateful, lacking love and lacking peace. The test is whether or not we recognize each other as One with us or separate from us. In reality we are joined, forever inseparable. There is limitless blessing in that realization.

Before your friend’s holiness the world is still, and peace descends on it in gentleness and blessing so complete that not one trace of conflict still remains to haunt you in the darkness of the night. Your friend is your savior from the dreams of fear. Your friend is the healing of your sense of sacrifice and fear that what you have will scatter with the wind and turn to dust. In them is your assurance Source is here, and with you now. While they are what they are, you can be sure that Source is knowable and will be known to you. For the One could never leave Its Own creation. And the sign that this is so lies in your friend, offered you that all your doubts about yourself may disappear before their holiness. See in them the One’s creation. For in them their Creator waits for your acknowledgment that your Creator created you as part of Oneness.   T-24.VI.1:1-9

Our Creator – Source – has given us all that is and ever was or ever will be, no exceptions. Nothing is withheld from us for we are all One with Source. The whole universe is ours in Oneness and love. All Creation is laid before us lovingly, and is ours forever. Every Thought within the One’s Mind is also in our own mind. The One shares perfect Love for us and looks upon us as lovingly as we were conceived of before the world began, and as we are still. No condition in this world can change the reality of who we are and how the One loves us. And our friend is as our Creator created them. This is what saves us from a world that is not real.

Look on your friend, and behold in them the whole reversal of the laws that seem to rule this world. See in their freedom yours, for such it is. Let not their specialness obscure the truth in them, for not one law of death you bind them to will you escape. And not one sin you see in them but keeps you both in hell. Yet will their perfect sinlessness release you both, for holiness is quite impartial, with one judgment made for all it looks upon. And that is made, not of itself, but through the Voice that speaks for Oneness in everything that lives and shares Oneness’ Being.    T-24.VI.5:1-6

The ones we encounter on this journey – back to the awareness of who we really are – are our saviors. They are showing us the way, pointing our misperceptions simply to allow us to recognize and correct them. Let the light and love in them speak to you. Look beyond the appearance of their shortcomings to the reality beyond that communicates love and peace. We are One with them. They are our teachers. And, we are their teachers. The Course teaches us to teach only love. Do so, but learn only love, too. Love is all there is. Peace comes from sharing love, for giving and receiving love are the same. Rest in the infinite Source of Love that can only increase. Be that infinite unconditional love for all the world, for that is what we are.

ACIM T.24.V The Christ in You

July 16, 2019

We are holy. We are whole. There is nothing wrong with us. And we have a tendency to  believe there is something wrong about ourselves. We are created in the holiness of the One Source many call God. And we are created One with that holy Source. There is no separation. There is no division. The Course tells us we have adopted a belief that we are separate from Source and so are less than who and what we really are. This belief does not make us less than we really are. It only blocks our awareness of who we really are. We are pure and perfect love, we are peace.

The Christ in you is very still. The Christ in you knows where you are going, and leads you there in gentleness and blessing all the way. This Love for the One replaces all the fear you thought you saw within yourself. This Holiness shows you the same Christ in the friend whose hand you hold, and whom you lead to the Christ in them. And what you see is like yourself. For what but Christ is there to see and hear and love and follow home? The Christ in you looked upon you first, but recognized that you were not complete. And so the Christ in you sought for your completion in each living thing that the Christ in you beholds and loves. And seeks it still, that each might offer you the Love of Oneness.         T-24.V.6:1-9

The Christ in you is your higher holy Self. It is the true essence of ourselves we have denied through our belief in specialness. How could any one of us be “special” if we are all One? Specialness implies that one is more or less than another and thus hides Oneness from our awareness. Though Oneness and holiness can be denied and hidden, it is impossible to destroy it. The Christ in us holds it in reverence and quietness until we allow it to rise in our awareness again. Our true essence will never be forced upon us, but waits in gentleness and quiet for us to allow it to return to our awareness.

Yet is the Christ in you quiet, for It knows that love is in you now, and safely held in you by that same hand that holds your friend’s in your own. The Christ’s hand holds all of Us in Itself. The Christ gives them vision for their sightless eyes, and sings to them of Heaven, that their ears may hear no more the sound of battle and of death. The Christ reaches through them, holding out Its hand, that everyone may bless all living things, and see their holiness. And the Christ rejoices that these sights are yours, to look upon with Oneness and share Oneness’ joy. The Christ’s perfect lack of specialness is offered you, that you may save all living things from death, receiving from each one the gift of life that your forgiveness offers to your Self. The sight of the Christ is all there is to see. The song of the Christ is all there is to hear. The hand of the Christ is all there is to hold. There is no journey but to walk with the Christ in you.   T-24.V.7:1-1

Do not be content with specialness. Do not seek wholeness and Oneness in a war with Love. And do not attempt to find wholeness alone, for the ones we encounter in this journey are truly one with us and have been brought to us to join together in rediscovering our Oneness. Do not doubt the holy purpose of each one brought into our presence showing us the path to the awareness of our real Self, One with all creation. Open your mind and heart to the holiness offered.

The Christ in you has no doubt, and from this certainty quiet comes. The Christ in you will exchange certainty for all your doubts, if you agree that the Christ in you is One with you, and that this Oneness is endless, timeless, and within your grasp because your hands are One. Onen3ss is within you, yet Oneness walks beside you and before, leading the way that Oneness must go to find Oneness complete. This quietness becomes your certainty. And where is doubt when certainty has come?   T-24.V.9:3-7

Welcome the Christ in you. Recognize it is Oneness and that this is what you really are. Welcome your holiness, completeness and limitlessness. Our journey is to return to the awareness of who we really are and to rest there in its gentle quietness. Accept this for yourself and those you journey with. And find Heaven on earth as we leave specialness behind.

ACIM T.24.V The Christ in You

July 9, 2019

What have we aligned our minds with? What thought within us have we pledged allegiance with? The Christ in us is very still. The Christ in us looks on what the Christ in us loves and knows it as our True Self. And thus, does the Christ in us rejoice at what the Christ in us sees, because the Christ in us knows that it is one with the Christ in us and with our Creator. Specialness also takes joy in what it sees, even though it is not true. Yet what we seek for is a source of joy as we conceive it. When we seek joy in specialness, we block our awareness of the Christ in us and the stillness that brings to our minds. Aligning with specialness brings us anything except peace. Which do we seek?

There is no dream of specialness, however much it delicately offers the hope of peace and the escape from pain, in which we do not suffer our condemnation. Effect and cause are interchanged in the dream of specialness. The maker of the dream believes that what they made is happening to them. They do not realize they picked a thread from here, a scrap from there, and wove a picture out of nothing. In other words, we made up the dream of specialness, believed it and aligned our minds with it and, thus, blocked our awareness of the peace and joy already within and around us.

Where could your peace arise but from forgiveness? The Christ in you looks only on the truth, and sees no condemnation that could need forgiveness. The Christ in you is at peace because The Christ in you sees no sin. Identify with the Christ in you, and what has the Christ in you that you have not? The Christ in you is your eyes, your ears, your hands, your feet. How gentle are the sights the Christ in you sees, the sounds the Christ in you hears. How beautiful the Hand that holds your friend’s, and how lovingly the Christ in you walks beside them, showing them what can be seen and heard, and where they will see nothing and there is no sound to hear.   T-24.V.3:1-7

Do not be deceived that specialness will treat you kindly. Its purpose is to keep you off balance. Its purpose is to deny you peace of mind and joy. It may offer you dribs and drabs of peace and joy to keep your allegiance, but they will always be fleeting glimpses that do not stay the course. We need not settle for the dribbles and glimpses of peace and joy. We can be resting in the fullness of complete unadulterated peace and joy. The choice is ours if we are willing to make it, or even allow it.

Rejoice you have no eyes with which to see; no ears to listen, and no hands to hold nor feet to guide. Be glad that only Christ can lend you Christ’s, while you have need of them. They are illusions, too, as much as yours. And yet because they serve a different purpose, the strength their purpose holds is given them. And what they see and hear and hold and lead is given light, that you may lead as you were led.   T-24.V.5:1-5

Remember that this world of form is an illusion – it is temporal. Yet, everything we perceive in this world can be used for separation or for joining. The purpose of joining us in Oneness is the world’s holy purpose. Let’s align our minds with each holy purpose in this world as we begin to transcend the specialness of the world to the holiness of all Creation. This is where Heaven on earth truly is.

ACIM T.24.IV Specialness Versus Sinlessness

July 2, 2019

The section we look at this week is titled “Specialness Versus Sinlessness.” It equates specialness with sinfulness. The Course taches us that we are sinless, so what does this imply? It certainly implies that specialness is illusion – that it is not real. It seems the Course keeps coming back to some form of specialness. It talks about special relationships often. It talks about specialness. In all cases the word special and its various forms implies differences and not-the-sameness. The Course teaches us we are all One – with God – the One – and each other. The Course teaches us we all share in everything equally. This doesn’t mean equal parts divided among us, it means we all have everything and share the entirety of everything. Everything seems so finite in this world of form where everything appears to have boundaries. This is a function of perception led by the idea that separation is real. Separation and specialness are concepts we are loathe to let go of as they are so engrained in our egoic thinking.

Our attachment to differences as defining who we are becomes a form of attack. Either we attack each other by believing they are less than us or we attack ourselves by believing we are less than them. What a crazy way to think. We may even try to destroy anything we think keeps us down or less than.

We have transferred purpose to the physical to reinforce our idea of separation. However, purpose is of the mind. When the mind delegates purpose to the body, it is denying its responsibility for the world we see. Purpose is of the mind. And minds can change as they desire. What minds and all their attributes are, they cannot change. But what they hold as purpose can be changed, and body states must shift accordingly. Of itself the body can do nothing. See the body as means to hurt, and it is hurt. See the body as means to heal, and it is healed. It is the mind that gives the body its purpose. Miracles are merely change of purpose from hurt to healing. This shift in purpose does “endanger” specialness, but only in the sense that all illusions are “threatened” by the truth. Illusions will not stand before Truth. Know there is no comfort in illusions. Give your allegiance to Oneness and the universe is yours. Offered to illusions, no gifts can be returned. What you have given specialness leaves you with nothing.

Do not defend this senseless dream, in which Oneness is bereft of what It loves, and you remain beyond salvation. Only this is certain in this shifting world that has no meaning in reality: When peace is not with you entirely, and when you suffer pain of any kind, you have beheld some sin within another, and have rejoiced at what you thought was there. Your specialness seemed safe because of it. And thus you saved what you appointed to be your savior, and crucified the one whom Oneness has given you instead. So are you bound with them, for you are one. And so is specialness their “enemy,” and yours as well.   T-24.IV.5:1-6

Our attachment to the belief in specialness blocks our awareness of peace within us. How do we see each other? Do they appear to suffer because of our belief in specialness? Our belief in specialness and separation always blocks our awareness of who we really are. We have not lost our peace of mind – we have not lost the love within us. We have merely blocked our awareness of all we have and are. Let go of the blocks to love and peace and step into the awareness of Heaven right here on this earth right now. What we want, what we desire is right here now. Let it be so.