We know not what we do. We do not realize what we do when we believe the mistaken idea of separation, the mistaken belief that we are not who we really are. Identifying with separation, the alignment with the egoic thought system, is to attack ourselves and make ourselves seem poor. Thus we feel deprived. We then experience depression or anger among a myriad of other feelings because we have exchanged Self-love for self-hate, making us afraid of ourselves. And we have believed this so thoroughly that we don’t realize we have done this. No matter how aware we are of our anxieties, depression or anger, we do not recognize its source as our own identification with our own egoic thought system, so we attempt to resolve it with some arrangement with the world we think we see. Since we believe the world we think we see is outside of us, we never get to the root of the problem and thus our attempts at resolution are futile. We do not realize that we make the world we think we see, for there is no world outside of us and our mind.
The real world is the loving thoughts that are in the Mind of the One Child of God, all of us in Oneness. This truth has always been, is now and will always be. This is incontrovertible. Our mistaken “insane” thoughts are also in our mind, creating an internal conflict of such magnitude that is intolerable. Our recognition that a split mind encompassing completely opposing thoughts within itself, and that this is completely intolerable, cause the mind to project the split, not the reality. Thus, everything we perceive as the outside world is mainly our attempt to maintain our egoic thought system identification. We believe this world we made up is real, more real than reality, and we are at odds with it because we think it is antagonistic to us. This antagonistic world, or any world we see outside ourselves, is not reality. Reality is within our mind. Reality is only love. Our real thoughts are loving thoughts. This “other” world we believe we see outside ourselves is also within our minds. We must first accept that this is so to begin to get rid of it by releasing our attachment to its reality and thus begin to see and perceive the world as it really is, completely loving.
How do we escape this misery? How do we resolve this conflict in our minds? The Course tells us this:
If you will recognize that all the attack you perceive is in your own mind and nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it begins it must end. For in this same place also lies salvation. The altar of the One where Oneness abideth is there. You have defiled the altar, but not the world. Yet the One has placed the Atonement on the altar for you. Bring your perceptions of the world to this altar, for it is the altar to truth. There you will see your vision changed, and there you will learn to see truly. From this place, where the One and the One Holy Child dwell in peace and where you are welcome, you will look out in peace and behold the world truly. Yet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you project it, allowing the Holy Spirit to extend the real world to you from the altar of the One. T-12.III.10.1-9
It is really a matter of release rather than accomplishing. Letting go of our alignment with the egoic thought system we made is a most freeing release. It takes little effort compared to the effort we expend to maintain our belief in separation contrary to our Oneness. Take a moment, decide to be open to Spirit’s guidance and let reality flood your mind with what is already there – the awareness of who we really ate.
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