A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Category Archives: Acim Ch. 14 – Teaching For Truth

ACIM T-14.V The Circle of Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 10, 2016

We each teach innocence in our own way, joining together with other teachers of innocence, taking our part in the unified curriculum of the At-One-ment. There is no conflict in this curriculum, which has one aim, no matter how it is taught. The ultimate lesson is the release from guilt – the acceptance of guiltlessness. Every teaching that points to guiltlessness points directly to Oneness and peace. There is no pain, no fear, no trial that this teaching cannot fail to overcome. The power of Oneness supports this teaching and guarantees its limitless results. The unlimited unconditional peace and love we seek is within us and our awareness of all this rises in our learning and teaching the release of guilt – At-One-ment.

Join your own efforts to the power that cannot fail and must result in peace. No one can be untouched by teaching such as this. You will not see yourself beyond the power of Oneness if you teach only this. You will not be exempt from the effects of this most holy lesson, which seeks but to restore what is the right of Creation. From everyone whom you accord release from guilt you will inevitably learn your innocence. The circle of At-One-ment has no end. And you will find ever-increasing confidence in your safe inclusion in the circle with everyone you bring within its safety and its perfect peace.   T-14.V.7.1-7

Peace then rises in everyone who becomes a teacher of peace. Peace comes to all who acknowledge perfect purity, for none are excluded. This is the unifying attribute of each one that joins us into Oneness, leaving no one outside. This is the power of Oneness that draws everyone to its safe embrace of love and union. Stand quietly within this circle of At-One-ment and attract all misperceiving minds to join with you in the safety of its peace, love and holiness.

Each one we encounter, let us see them as they truly are, guiltless and holy, whole and complete as they are, accepting their guiltlessness and placing them in their rightful place in the circle of At-One-ment. Each one is a blessing and as we allow our minds to see each one clearly, we are filled with the limitless love and peace that wells up within us. We feel the joy well up within our being as we join and rejoin with each other again and again. There is no end to this peace and joy as it rises from the limitless Source within us.

Each one you see you place within the holy circle of At-One-ment or leave outside. If you bring them into the circle of purity, you will rest there with them. If you leave them without, you join them there. Judge not except in quietness. Refuse to accept anyone as without the blessing of At-One-ment, and bring them into it by blessing them. Holiness must be shared, for therein lies everything that makes it holy. Come gladly to the holy circle, and look out in peace on all who think they are outside. Cast no one out, for here is what they seek along with you. Come, let us join them in the holy place of peace which is for all of us, united as one within the Cause of peace.   T-14.V.11.

See each other. See each other only with holy eyes that see beyond any appearances to the guiltlessness within. Thus we see each one’s wholeness, their holiness, their Oneness. Let the light of Love shine on all you see. See that they stand within the circle of purity just as you do. Allow the unlimited blessing of Oneness to flow freely, showering all with the abundant blessings of peace, joy and love. This is the circle of At-One-ment. Welcome all into its embrace.

ACIM T-14.V The Circle of Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 3, 2016

Our divinity is woven into the very fabric of our being. It is integral in who we are. It reflects our divine nature and is characterized by peace, love and joy. We are inseparable from this divine nature. Yet we have chosen to deny this divine nature by some means and believed that denial. We dwell on the little beliefs of our egoic thought system that try to convince us we are alone and limited in this world. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The only part of your mind that has reality is the part that links you still with Source, the One. Would you have all of it transformed into a radiant message of the One’s Love, to share with all the lonely ones who have denied their Source? 3 The One makes this possible. Would you deny the One’s yearning to be known? You yearn for your Source, as your Source for you. This is forever changeless. T-14.V.1.1-6

We yearn to be together. We yearn to be in the divine Oneness we are. We have denied the Divine Oneness that is woven into the fabric of our being, and we will never feel complete and whole until we stop denying the divine Oneness we are. The plan of At-One-ment is our return to the awareness of our divine nature. Nothing else will relieve the longing we feel in this world for something better.

We each have our own special part to play in the At-One-ment, yet the message each of us is given is always the same: We are guiltless. We each teach this lesson differently and we each learn this lesson differently. Until we each teach and learn this lesson, we will appear to suffer the pain of our dim awareness that our true function remains unfulfilled in us. When we feel lack and incompleteness, it is a signal that we have not yet learned the lesson of the At-One-ment. If we are not experiencing peace, love and joy, we have not yet taught or learned the lesson of the At-One-ment. Our function is to learn and teach the true nature of our being. Learning that we are not separate from Source and each other – that we are One – is the shift in our belief in who we really are. It is accepting each other’s guiltlessness. It is no longer denying the divine nature that is woven into the fabric of our being. Releasing these mistaken beliefs dissolves the barriers to our awareness of who we really are and rejoins our minds with the Mind of the One – Oneness – which we never really left.

The Course tells us this:

We are all joined in the At-One-ment here, and nothing else can unite us in this world. So will the world of separation slip away, and full communication be restored between the One and Us. The miracle acknowledges the guiltlessness that must have been denied to produce the need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there but wishes to be free of pain? We may not yet have learned how to exchange guilt for innocence, nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from pain be ours. Yet we who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack. To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them.   T-14.V.5.1-8

The Circle of At-One-ment is the condition in which we correctly learn and teach the lesson we need to teach and learn. It is a mindful state that allows us to release our desire to be alone and separate from Oneness. As we relax into this state of mindfulness we release our need for guilt and accept the guiltlessness that then allows our divine nature, woven into our being, to rise to our awareness and bring peace, love and joy to our minds. The joy in the reuniting in Oneness has no parallel. It is truly divine. And so we join in the Circle of At-One-ment.

ACIM T-14.IV Your Function in the Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 26, 2016

When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer. Only your own volition seems to make deciding hard. The Holy Spirit will not delay in answering your every question what to do. The Holy Spirit knows. And the Holy Spirit will tell you, and then do it for you. You who are tired will find this is more restful than sleep. For you can bring your guilt into sleeping, but not into this.   T-14.IV.6.1-8

Wow! Is there ever a more beautiful promise? It’s not a promise for when we leave this world and our body behind. It’s a promise for now. It’s a promise that carries us until the time we leave separation and the egoic thought system behind completely. The decision is ours. It’s a decision of intention to decide with our Source – God. How tired we feel fighting our egoic thought system day in and day out when we have Spirit within us willing and waiting for the permission to guide us. And – deciding with Source is more restful than sleep. The Course so often encourages us to rest in God, to rest in At-One-ment. Only a little willingness is required. The rest comes from Spirit within us.

We do not have to make or find reality. It is here within us without our making. And reality is not without us, for we have never left it. We are in the midst of Heaven yet cannot see it because we have made our own barriers to seeing and experiencing reality. We cannot experience Reality and how much Source loves us for there is nothing parallel in the world we think we live to help us understand it. There is nothing on earth that can compare, and nothing we have ever felt, other than our Source, that resembles it even faintly. Even the most awe inspiring experience pales in the completeness of the love of the One within us. It’s time to let go of those barriers and let Love and Peace rise within us.

Our problem is not who or what we are. Our problem is that we have blocked our own awareness of who and what we are. There is a simple solution to removing the barriers to our awareness of who and what we are if we are willing to allow the guidance of Spirit to rise to our minds ad our awareness.

The children of Heaven live in the light of the blessing of their Source, because they know that they are sinless. The At-One-ment was established as the means of restoring guiltlessness to minds that have denied it, and thus denied Heaven to themselves. At-One-ment teaches you the true condition of Oneness. It does not teach you what you are, or what your Source is. The Holy Spirit, Who remembers this for you, merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know. Spirit’s memory is yours. If you remember what you have made, you are remembering nothing. Remembrance of reality is in Spirit, and therefore in you.   T-14.IV.9.1-8

As long as we hold on to the blocks to the awareness of who we are in our mind, we are blocked from our communication with our Source in the Mind of God. It is not that it is not there or not happening. We have simply blocked it from our minds. Our acceptance of our guiltlessness, both others and our own, and our decision to decide with Source as guided by Spirit bring us into the awareness of communication with Source. Communication with Source is life. Nothing without it is at all. It is our function to be in communication with Source through Spirit. Accept guiltlessness and At-One-ment, for the awareness of our true Self is there.

ACIM T-14.IV Your Function in the Atonement

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 19, 2016

Our function is to grant each other the awareness of each one’s wholeness. They are, always have been and always will be whole. This is inherent in our creation and cannot be undone no matter what we think about another. This is At-One-ment. The Course says this:

When you accept another’s guiltlessness you will see the Atonement in them. For by proclaiming it in them you make it yours, and you will see what you sought. You will not see the symbol of another’s guiltlessness shining within them while you still believe it is not there. Accepting another’s guiltlessness is your Atonement. Grant it to them, and you will see the truth of what you have acknowledged. Yet truth is offered first to be received, even as the One gave it first to Us.   T-14.IV.1.1-6

Our decision to see with our spirit eyes, to allow Spirit to guide our vision, is the beginning of the return to the awareness of who we really are. Once we recognize the wholeness within each other, our own wholeness is evident. None of us has ever become un-whole. We have simply thought and believed that we are not whole. This really begins when we begin to believe that someone else is not whole. It matters not in reality what anything appears to be in the world of form. We are all whole once we look beyond the appearance of the temporal world we think is real. At-One-ment is seeing beyond what the temporal world – illusion – appears to be.

The state of guiltlessness is simply the condition in which what is not there is removed from the disordered mind that thought it was there. This is the state we must attain, and we must attain it with the One beside us. For until we do, we will think that we are separate from the One. Oneness cannot be taught. It cannot be achieved or even rationalized in our egoic thought system. Learning of Oneness applies only to the condition in which the awareness of Oneness happens of itself. We set the conditions for awareness to happen by releasing our attachment to the beliefs we hold so dear about each other. We could even call this surrendering our separation beliefs and our desire for guilt and blame. Once we have let all that obscured the truth in our most holy mind be undone for us, and therefore stand in grace before the One, we are in Oneness, we are One. Ask not for forgiveness, for that is accomplished. Ask, rather, to learn to forgive, restoring what always was to your unforgiving mind. This is At-One-ment.

Before you make any decisions for yourself, remember that you have decided against your function in Heaven, and then consider carefully whether you want to make decisions here. Your function here is only to decide against deciding what you want, in recognition that you do not know. How, then, can you decide what you should do? Leave all decisions to Spirit Who speaks for the One, and for your function as Spirit knows it. So will Spirit teach you to remove the awful burden you have laid upon yourself by loving not each other, and trying to teach them guilt instead of love. Give up this frantic and insane attempt that cheats you of the joy of living with your Creator, and of waking gladly to One’s Love and Holiness that join together as the truth in you, making you one with All.  T-14.IV.5.1-6

Be Love in a loveless place and shine away all lovelessness. Be light in a place of darkness and shine away all darkness. Lovelessness and darkness fade into nothing in the presence of love and light. Grant each other the gift of the awareness of their guiltlessness, for this is our function in this world. This is our function in the At-One-ment. The joy that is within us rises from deep within us were it has always been, waiting to be set free.

ACIM T-14.III The Decision for Guiltlessness

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 5, 2016

One of our most mistaken thoughts is that we can make decisions on our own that affect no one but us. This is simply impossible. We are all, every one of us, within the Mind of God, the One. Every thought we think is in the Mind of the One and every thought in the Mind of the One is in our mind. Separation is impossible, so separate thoughts are also impossible. The pastor at my church gave two descriptions of God and our relationship with God in her Homily last Sunday. First was God as a huge circle and us as much smaller circles under the huge circle of God, which depicts a God separated from us with power over us. The second was God as the same huge circle and us as smaller circles within the greater circle called God, One with God and each other, all part of the One. The second illustration is, to me, what the Course tells us about ourselves. We are inseparable from the One as the One is inseparable from us.

The Course tells us this about making decisions:

Whenever you choose to make decisions for yourself you are thinking destructively, and the decision will be wrong. It will hurt you because of the concept of decision that led to it. It is not true that you can make decisions by yourself or for yourself alone. No thought of God’s One Child can be separate or isolated in its effects. Every decision is made for the whole of Oneness, directed in and out, and influencing a constellation larger than anything you ever dreamed of.   T-14.III.9.1-5

We have convinced ourselves that the thoughts we think in separation have power. The only power our thoughts generated from our egoic thought system have is over our state of mind, nothing more. Separation is an illusion, so any thought rooted in separation has power only to block our awareness of who we really are; our Oneness in the Mind of the One. The effects of our thoughts simply support the sense of Oneness or the sense of isolation, fear, and unhappiness.

We need never make decisions on our own. Within us is our connection to Spirit and the whole of Creation. We need simply turn our attention within and accept Spirit’s guidance in any choice we find ourselves facing. The right and best answer is within us. It is in the wisdom we are within. We have thought we are undeserving of any gift of wholeness from the One. Yet, we are that Oneness. We are inseparable form that deserved Oneness. Accept the answers to the choices that you face from the wisdom of Spirit within you. Trust that it is there, for it is in your creation.

Would you deny the truth of the One’s decision, and place your pitiful appraisal of yourself in place of the One’s calm and unswerving value of You? Nothing can shake the One’s conviction of the perfect purity of everything that the One created, for it is wholly pure. Do not decide against it, for being of Oneness it must be true. Peace abides in every mind that quietly accepts the plan the One set for its At-One-ment, relinquishing its own. You know not of salvation, for you do not understand it. Make no decisions about what it is or where it lies, but ask the Holy Spirit everything, and leave all decisions to Spirit’s gentle counsel.   T-14.III.12.1-6

Decide now to decide with Spirit rather than in separation. Spirit is within us, so Spirit’s guidance is within us. The decision to deny guilt is the acceptance of guiltlessness. We open ourselves to the awareness of the wholeness and completeness of our being, knowing it is not ours alone but shared with the One, each other and all of Creation. Open your mind to the peace, joy and love that radiate from within you and are shared in abundance with all. This is the Oneness we are.

ACIM T-14.III The Decision for Guiltlessness

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 29, 2016

As long as we are living and experiencing this temporal world, we are deciding to identify with separation or Oneness. We are deciding to acknowledge our wholeness or deny our wholeness. At the root of each decision we make is the choice to be who we really are or deny and reject who we really are. This decision is the acceptance or rejection of our guiltlessness. Our choice determines whether or not we are happy. Guilt is the accumulation of all the feelings around our belief that we are sinful. It is the rejection of our sinlessness and the At-One-ment. There is no real lasting happiness in this denial and rejection.

Guiltlessness is freedom. It is freedom from the bonds of guilt. Any belief that we are separate, limited, incomplete or unwhole blocks our minds from the awareness of our wholeness and the guidance of Spirit. It blocks our minds from correct learning. The happy learner is free of guilt for the happy learner has accepted their guiltlessness through the At-One-ment. The Course tells us:

The happy learner cannot feel guilty about learning. This is so essential to learning that it should never be forgotten. The guiltless learner learns easily because his thoughts are free. Yet this entails the recognition that guilt is interference, not salvation, and serves no useful function at all.  T-14.III.1.1-4

There is no compromise that we ca make with guilt. We either accept or deny our guiltlessness. Learning is living here in this temporal world, as creating is in heaven. Whenever the pain of guilt seems to attract us, remember that if we yield to it, we are deciding against our happiness and will not learn how to be happy.   When the pain of guilt seems attractive, be gentle with yourself, and look within with the conviction of the Love and Peace within you and remind yourself:

What I believe I manifest in my experience.

I have nothing to fear as I am guiltless.

I choose to accept rather than deny the At-One-ment.

I accept my guiltlessness by making it manifest and sharing it.

I bring peace to all through my awareness and belief in my Oneness and my wholeness.

Each day, each hour and minute, even each second, you are deciding between the crucifixion and the resurrection; between the ego and the Holy Spirit. The ego is the choice for guilt; the Holy Spirit the choice for guiltlessness. The power of decision is all that is yours. What you can decide between is fixed, because there are no alternatives except truth and illusion. And there is no overlap between them, because they are opposites which cannot be reconciled and cannot both be true. You are guilty or guiltless, bound or free, unhappy or happy.   T-14.III.4.1-6

It really is this simple. A simple choice. Our egoic thought system doesn’t want us to believe it’s that simple, for complication keeps us believing in separation. But once we release our attachment to the pain of guilt, we will find ourselves soaring free in happy learning. The ease of our happy learning will rise within us and flow in peace and love. We will learn to be happy with the little effort that willingness brings us. Say yes to the At-One-ment. Say yes to the acceptance of your guiltlessness. Make your decision for guiltlessness and be the happy learner you already are.

ACIM T-14.II The Happy Learner

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 22, 2016

Each of us is free. We are free of the limitations of our past. We are free to be the whole, complete, joyous, divine beings that we are created. We are free to be the happy learners in this world as we journey here. What is stopping any of us from being all we are? The answer to this is not so much the specifics of what we do, but the attitude with which we approach the way we think about this life and make decisions on our journey. It is possible to create a mindset – thought system – for ourselves that optimizes the conditions for learning. We needn’t do it alone. It’s difficult to do alone. However, Spirit will guide us to the optimum conditions for learning if we will allow ourselves to be guided. Our willingness is all that’s needed.

Once we release to Spirit our attachment to all we have learned, Spirit unlearns it for us. The ideas and beliefs we have learned are mostly rooted in our past experiences and so keep us living in the past rather than the present. Once we have released our attachment to the past from our minds, we can begin to learn the joyous lessons that come quickly on the firm foundation that truth is true. As we allow our minds to be open to reality and truth, the universe of learning opens up before us in all its gracious simplicity. The world we made up, rooted in our misperceptions about the past, is complicated and convoluted. The world within us – the Realm of Heaven – is rooted in reality which is the utmost in simplicity. Once we reawaken to the simplicity of who we really are, we will never look back.

Of the happy learner and freedom, the Couse tells us:

The happy learner meets the conditions of learning here, as they meet the conditions of knowledge in the Realm of our Source. All this lies in the Holy Spirit’s plan to free us from the past, and open up the way to freedom for us. For truth is true. What else could ever be, or ever was? This simple lesson holds the key to the dark door that we believe is locked forever. We made this door of nothing, and behind it is nothing. The key is only the light that shines away the shapes and forms and fears of nothing. Accept this key to freedom from the hands of the One Who gives it to us, that we may join the One in the holy task of bringing light. For, like our sisters and brothers, we do not realize the light has come and freed us from the sleep of darkness.  T-14.II.7.1-9

Awaken to another in their freedom, and learn of them how to be free of darkness. The light within us wakens them and they, now awakened, will surely not leave us asleep. In the quietness of its simplicity, it is so compelling we will see it is impossible to deny its simple truth. With the joyous realization that we are One with all reality in Oneness, can we possibly sing the dirge of sorrow any more when our heart is singing the ancient song of joy that wells up within us? In this simple joy we cannot help but be the happy learner.

ACIM T-14.II The Happy Learner

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 15, 2016

We have been discussing the conditions of learning. This section begins by telling us that Spirit needs a happy learner so Spirit’s mission can be happily accomplished. Spirit’s mission is to guide our minds to the awareness of who we really are, to the awareness of our wholeness, completeness and our Oneness with our Source and all of Creation. This is the state of truth where we are truly happy. Yet, in our devotion to our egoic thought system – separation – we have become devoted to the misery of separation and thus confused misery and happiness. It is important to begin by recognizing that we are miserable and not happy. What we have done is valued the ideas and beliefs that distract us from the truth about ourselves. As long as we believe the limiting untrue ideas we hold about ourselves, we will not value the truth about ourselves. We must decide we are willing to allow Spirit to show us the changes in our mind to guide us to the condition of a happy learner.

Spirit’s lesson for us is in simplicity. Our efforts to figure our life and the world out in separation has resulted in anything but simplicity. As we try ever harder to find peace and happiness through our egoic thought system we make it all so very complicated and conflicting. Every time we find ourselves in a new learning situation, we find the solutions we had made don’t quite fit. They may even seem contradictory. The mental gymnastics we have pursued have resulted in a twisted mind at times. And simplicity is very difficult for a twisted mind. We have become so attached to the ideas of a twisted mind that simple truth seems so alien to us. Truth and the truth about our true nature is just so simple. We are peace. We are love. We are whole and complete in Oneness with each other and our Source. Yet, we do not see it….yet. All this complicatedness is really nothing. It is not real. The simple truth is real.

For those of us who have become wrapped up in the complicated illusions of nothingness, Spirit says to us in quietness:

The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there. Let Me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you. Offer your faith to Me, and I will place it gently in the holy place where it belongs. You will find no deception there, but only the simple truth. And you will love it because you will understand it.   T-14.II.3. 3-9

Understanding simple truth begins by placing our faith in Spirit to guide us. Spirit will guide our faith in It to the holy place where we belong. And here we find ourselves happy learners open to the happy teaching of Spirit.

We are transformed out of the darkness of nothingness and illusion to the light of truth. How could this be anything but happy? The light of truth shines upon us, emanates from us and shines on others, revealing the light of truth to both.

Like you, the Holy Spirit did not make truth. Like God, Spirit knows it to be true. Spirit brings the light of truth into the darkness, and lets it shine on you. And as it shines your brothers and sisters see it, and realizing that this light is not what you have made, they see in you more than you see. They will be happy learners of the lesson this light brings to them, because it teaches them release from nothing and from all the works of nothing. The heavy chains that seem to bind them to despair they do not see as nothing, until you bring the light to them. And then they see the chains have disappeared, and so they must have been nothing. And you will see it with them. Because you taught them gladness and release, they will become your teachers in release and gladness.   T-14.II.4.1-9

We are freed from the chains of the misery we have believed in. Misery has no more power than we give it. Letting go of our belief that all the illusions we have made of nothing are real frees us to the awareness of the simple truth of our wholeness that we have always been. Let go of all your attachment and beliefs. Allow Spirit to guide and direct your mind to what is true and real. Anything you release that is real you will not lose for it remains with you always. Only that which is false and rooted in nothingness will fall away. What is real cannot be taken away. Allow yourself to be transformed into the happy learner and awaken to the awareness of who you really are.

ACIM T-14.I The Conditions of Learning

abstract background withe sea sunrise

March 8, 2016

We have spent a lifetime making the life we live in this world. We have done the best we could. We have been exposed to many teachings, ideas, and experiences that we have considered and applied or not applied to the world we live in. We may not understand all of it or be happy with it, but we are here now and have made an identity for ourselves. This is an identity that we believe is true and we consider this identity who we are.   Perhaps over the years we have let go or thrown out some ideas about our identity that didn’t seem to work or be right. Perhaps we have held on to some ideas of our identity that we aspired to yet always seem unreachable. Many of us, having embarked on our spiritual journey, have made changes but struggle to make the perceivable progress we desire.

When asked what the conditions for learning are, I have said that they are being willing to ask for Spirit’s guidance. Sounds so simple. I think it is that simple. It may not be easy if we are not willing to be open to it, but it is a simple concept. It boils down to preparing our minds to be receptive to the different ways of thinking that Spirit will offer us. Nothing will be forced on us for we are created with free will to create our thoughts. The Course gives us many ways to begin preparing ourselves. One is to rest in the One. Another is to let go of our attachments to our thoughts and beliefs. Surrendering to “what is” is another. Opening our mind is also suggested. Looking within to who and what we really are is another. We are asked to be open to the idea that we are whole, complete, limitless and holy, with the willingness to consider that this is our true nature and the essence of our being. We are asked to let go of our mistakes, the guilt we hold on to and the fear we feel toward others and ourselves. All of these suggestions and requests are gentle changes we can be willing to be open to as we allow Spirit to change the way we think about ourselves. It is a process that is designed to open us up to the freedom, peace and joy we already have, but have blocked from our awareness.

We have spent our lives denying ourselves the awareness of who we really are- our true Identity. Yes, we did the best we could with the world as it came to us, but we blocked our awareness of our true being as we focused on this world rather than our true Oneness Identity. Any direction we took was nothing more than a mistaken thought.

Any direction that would lead you where the Holy Spirit leads you not, goes nowhere. Anything you deny that Spirit knows to be true you have denied yourself, and Spirit must therefore teach you not to deny it. Undoing is indirect, as doing is. You were created only to create, neither to see nor do. These are but indirect expressions of the will to live, which has been blocked by the capricious and unholy whim of death and murder that your Source does not share with you. You have set yourself the task of sharing what cannot be shared. And while you think it possible to learn to do this, you will not believe all that is possible to learn to do.  T-14.I.4.1-7

We have spent so much effort denying who we are. We have spent so much effort supporting that mistaken identity we believe ourselves to be. It seems impossible that allowing the conditions for learning could ever be so simple. Even the words of the Course seem difficult and seem to require great effort. Look beyond the appearance of the worlds. Look beyond the appearance of all you have experienced in this world. Releasing our identification with this world is the key. Release everything no matter how precious you value it. If it has real value it will remain with you. That which is not real will fade in importance as Spirt guides your mind in Its teaching. You will learn what you already know as you allow Spirit to guide your mind to the awareness of who you really are – the healing of your mind. Release, surrender and let go and you will have set up the conditions of learning – the openness to Spirit’s guidance.

ACIM T-14.In & I The Conditions of Learning

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 1, 2016

We are blessed. We are Holy. We are complete, whole and limitless. We are all we could possibly want to be. Yet we don’t know or believe it. So to be what we really are we must learn who and what we really are. The intro to Chapter 14 tells us this:

Yes, you are blessed indeed. Yet in this world you do not know it. But you have the means for learning it and seeing it quite clearly. The Holy Spirit uses logic as easily and as well as does the ego, except that Spirit’s conclusions are not insane. They take a direction exactly opposite, pointing as clearly to Heaven as the ego points to darkness and to death. We have followed much of the ego’s logic, and have seen its logical conclusions. And having seen them, we have realized that they cannot be seen except in illusions, for there alone their seeming clearness seems to be clearly seen. Let us now turn away from them, and follow the simple logic by which the Holy Spirit teaches the simple conclusions that speak for truth, and only truth.   T-14.in.1.1-8

The confused seemingly insane world we appear to live in is not real, for our perception of it does not reflect who we are. Stop just a moment, step into the quiet of the now, and allow yourself to begin to perceive your blessedness, your wholeness and completeness that is the peace within you.

What thoughts do we project or extend? Do we extend blessing thoughts? Do we extend thoughts of wholeness and completeness? These are the true thoughts about us and our sisters and brothers. Or have we not learned this of ourselves yet and thus project lesser untrue or mistaken thoughts about ourselves and each other? If we believe incorrectly we must learn what is correct. It may seem daunting to learn the opposite about what we believe, so we must first learn the truth about others so we may see the truth about ourselves reflected back to us. What we believe we give our power to. If we believe an untruth about us, we have given it the power to block the truth from our mind. The Holy Spirit is within us waiting for us to ask for guidance in choosing what we believe. Our misbeliefs are engrained habits in our minds and so we must allow Spirit to guide us in releasing our attachment to those mistaken beliefs and allow a new belief in what Spirit shows us is true to take shape in our minds. Spirit will never direct us toward anything unreal or untrue, but Spirit needs our cooperation for It cannot overrule our mistaken beliefs without our cooperation.

Are we willing to trust Spirit?

The Holy Spirit, therefore, must begin Its teaching by showing you what you can never learn. Spirit’s message is not indirect, but Spirit must introduce the simple truth into a thought system which has become so twisted and so complex you cannot see that it means nothing. Spirit merely looks at its foundation and dismisses it. But you who cannot undo what you have made, nor escape the heavy burden of its dullness that lies upon your mind, cannot see through it. It deceives you, because you chose to deceive yourself. Those who choose to be deceived will merely attack direct approaches, because they seem to encroach upon deception and strike at it.   T-14.I.5.1-6

Begin by letting go of all you are so attached to. What is true will never fade, but what is not true will fade away as we allow Spirit to guide our mind. It is a huge decision to let go. It goes against everything we have ever believed about ourselves. But if we will simply let go, we will find a sense of peace rising up within us from that place where Spirit always dwells. This is our comfort in the face of change. This peace will at first seem strange, yet we will recognize its familiarity as we allow it to rise up in us. It is time for us to choose to set up the conditions of learning in our mind and embark on the journey without distance to the reawakening of our minds to who we really are. That knowing rests in the peace and love within us.