A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-I9.IV The Obstacles To Peace

February 13, 2018

Peace lies deep within each and every one of us; no exceptions. It is there, even if we don’t recognize that it is there. Peace dwells there within us waiting for us to allow the obstacles we have placed between our separated self and our real Self to be gently removed and fade away into nothing. The obstacles to peace within us may seem to come from many places outside us, but they are really obstacles we have placed between our mind and the awareness of peace within us. Here’s what the Course tells us about this:

As peace extends from deep inside yourself to embrace all the One Childship and give it rest, it will encounter many obstacles. Some of them you will try to impose. Others will seem to arise from elsewhere; from others, and from various aspects of the world outside. Yet peace will gently cover them, extending past completely unencumbered. The extension of the Holy Spirit’s purpose from your relationship to others, to bring them gently in, is the way in which Spirit will bring means and goal in line. The peace Spirit lay, deep within you and others, will quietly extend to every aspect of your life, surrounding you and others with glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection. And you will carry its message of love and safety and freedom to everyone who draws nigh unto your temple, where healing waits for them. You will not wait to give them this, for you will call to them and they will answer you, recognizing in your call the Call for God. And you will draw them in and give them rest, as it was given you.   T-19.IV.1:1-9

All this healing peace and love is there within all of us and all we need do is allow it to extend from us to others. Is it really this simple? Yes, it is! But we have placed obstacles to it in our minds. And we can just as easily allow those obstacles to be gone. Let the peace within you expand and flow across these obstacles we placed before it. We can and will do this, for nothing we undertake with Spirit can be unfulfilled. There is nothing outside us we can be sure of or rely on but the resting place within us we offer Spirit where we, then, can rest in Spirit. There we find peace and the holy blessing with which Spirit fills every relationship.

The gratitude you owe to Spirit, Spirit asks but that you receive for Spirit. And when you look with gentle graciousness upon others, you are beholding Spirit. For you are looking where Spirit is, and not apart from Spirit. You cannot see the Holy Spirit, but you can see others truly. And the light in them will show you all that you need to see. When the peace in you has been extended to encompass everyone, the Holy Spirit’s function here will be accomplished. What need is there for seeing, then? When the One has taken the last step, the Holy Spirit will gather all the thanks and gratitude that you have offered and lay them gently before the Creator in the Name of the most holy Child. And the Creator will accept them in Their Name. What need is there of seeing, in the presence of Their gratitude?   T-19.IV.3:1-10

Open your eyes. Open your Spirit eyes and see what is really in others.  Recognize Spirit within each and every one of them. Perhaps some of them do not seem to be exhibiting Spirit as you gaze on them in this world. Take a moment and gaze again beyond the appearance of things in the holy instant and see them in the eternal now. You will see the miracle of healing in them as you see them as they really are – the One Holy Child of Oneness. Let us begin to see with Spirit Vision and begin to remove the obstacles to Peace.

ACIM T-I9.III The Unreality of Sin

February 6, 2018

The belief in sin has, as a necessity, the notion that sin is more powerful than God and Oneness. It assumes that it can make its own reality different than that of Oneness. It has, at its core, the belief that we are not as we are created and that it is possible to create a reality other than love and peace and joy. It believes we can create a reality different from reality. Does that sound insane? It is, yet we believe it is possible. We seem to want to create a world of misery for ourselves, even if it costs us our happiness. Separation is unhappy simply because we deny much of ourselves and who we really are in order to see ourselves as separate. As we blame others and/or God for our unhappiness, we increasingly block our mind from happiness and reinforce our belief in our separateness. We continually deny our happiness found naturally in the Oneness of all Creation.

If our separated identity were real, each part of this fragmented “creation” would have a different will, opposed to the Creator’s will, and in eternal opposition to the One and to each other. Our holy relationship has, as its purpose now, the goal of proving this is impossible. Heaven has smiled upon our holy relationship, and the belief in sin has been uprooted in its smile of love. We see a fragmented world still, because we do not realize that its foundation has gone. Its source has been removed, and so it can be cherished but a little while before it vanishes. Only the habit of looking for it remains.

And yet you look with Heaven’s smile upon your lips, and Heaven’s blessing on your sight. You will not see sin long. For in the new perception the mind corrects it when it seems to be seen, and it becomes invisible. Errors are quickly recognized and quickly given to correction, to be healed, not hidden. You will be healed of sin and all its ravages the instant that you give it no power over anyone else. And you will help them overcome mistakes by joyously releasing them from the belief in sin.   T-19.III.9:1-6

Again, we find the promise of the holy instant waiting to give us a glimpse of Heaven’s smile. It may come when we’re least expecting it. Look deeply beyond any appearance of sin to the smile of Heaven beyond.

In the holy instant, you will see the smile of Heaven shining on both you and another. And you will shine upon them, in glad acknowledgment of the grace that has been given you. For sin will not prevail against a union Heaven has smiled upon. Your perception was healed in the holy instant Heaven gave you. Forget what you have seen, and raise your eyes in faith to what you now can see. The barriers to Heaven will disappear before your holy sight, for you who were sightless have been given vision, and you can see. Look not for what has been removed, but for the glory that has been restored for you to see.   T-19.III.10:1-7

 Look to Spirit within you and behold what would be shown to you in each other, and do not allow sin to arise again to blind your eyes. The belief in sin would keep you separate from them, but Spirit guides you to look upon another as yourself. Your holy relationship is now a temple of healing; a place where all who are weary can come and rest. Here is the rest that waits for all, after the journey. And it is brought nearer to all by your healed and now holy relationship. Sin is not real. The sooner we let go of our belief in sin, and see its unreality, the sooner we rejoin Heaven in Oneness and return to the peace, love and joy that has always been within us. As the blinders of our belief in sin fall away, we step into the awareness of our holy Oneness and the Grandeur of Heaven. This is our reality, this is our true Home in eternity.

ACIM T-I9.III The Unreality of Sin

January 30, 2018

The idea of sin is an essential tool our egoic thought system uses to keep us trapped in our attachment to the idea of separation – that we are separate from each other and Oneness. It is a powerful idea that we are completely dedicated to. Even so, we remain attached to the idea even as we fear it. All the emotions we feel around the idea of sin keep us very conflicted and thus distracted from the reality of who we are. This all leads us to the conviction that we deserve punishment for our sins and our sinful nature. This idea has been drilled into our heads time after time again until we have become convinced we are irreversibly sinful, because we have come to believe that sin is eternal, and it cannot be corrected. Sound familiar? For some strange reason we find sinfulness and sim “attractive.” The Course asks us to change our mind about the idea of sin – to see sin differently as impossible and unreal. We are holy as is our Creator and so sin is an impossibility, no matter what we have come to believe.

The Course asks us to be open to the idea that we have made mistakes that are correctible. Even though correctible may not be attractive to our egoic thought system, it is an idea Spirit can work with when we are willing to allow our mistakes to be corrected. Mistakes call for correction and thus are a call for love. Where love is called for, love always answers.  Spirit does not understand the idea of unforgiveable sin and cannot punish sin. But Spirit understands mistakes, for mistakes are harmless and within the purview of Spirit. Spirit is entrusted with the recognition of mistakes and their correction. Mistakes call for correction and nothing else, and Spirit is happy to fulfill its holy function.

In time, the Holy Spirit clearly sees the Child of God can make mistakes. On this you share Spirit’s vision. Yet you do not share Spirit’s recognition of the difference between time and eternity. And when correction is completed, time is eternity. Spirit can teach you how to look on time differently and see beyond it, but not while you believe in sin. In error, yes, for this can be corrected by the mind. But sin is the belief that your perception is unchangeable, and that the mind must accept as true what it is told through it. If it does not obey, the mind is judged insane. The only power that could change perception is thus kept impotent, held to the body by the fear of changed perception which its Teacher, who is one with it, would bring. T-19.III.5:1-9

Understanding this difference is imperative to our continuing on this journey we have embarked on. This journey is the journey to return to the awareness of who we really are in Oneness. A return to the awareness of our wholeness, completeness and the awareness of our divine mature. The Course gives us this tip:

When you are tempted to believe that sin is real, remember this: If sin is real, both Source and you are not. If creation is extension, the Creator must have extended Them-self, and it is impossible that what is part of Them is totally unlike the rest. If sin is real, Source must be at war with Itself. Source must be split, and torn between good and evil; partly sane and partially insane. For Source must have created what wills to destroy Itself, and has the power to do so. Is it not easier to believe that you have been mistaken than to believe in this?   T-19.III.6:1-6

What would you believe? What do you really want? Are you content to be locked in the fear of irreversible sin and punishment? Take another path. Allow Spirit to show you there is nothing to fear, for any mistake in perception is easily corrected with the guidance of Spirit. Sin is completely unreal. Step into the peace that Spirit brings you as each and every mistake is shown a gentle correction and the peace of Heaven and eternity fill your mind.

ACIM T-I9.II Sin Versus Error

January 23, 2018

The Course teaches us about the difference between sin and error because we have become so attached to the finality and power of the idea sin. It is a false and mistaken idea, but we need to learn that there is no such thing as sin and that we cannot be defiled in any way. Heaven cannot be defiled, and neither can we. Our journey in the world is to reawaken to our true essence – the One Holy Child of Oneness.

What is our true essence, who we really are? We are the One’s creation, clear and simple.  All the Creator creates is innocent, pure and holy. There is no exception. And what is not innocent, pure and holy cannot be real. This is plain and simple. Yet we have somehow got the mistaken idea that we are not as we are created. Out of this idea we have made mistakes, errors. But can we ever change the truth of who we really are? No matter how many mistakes we make, we can never make ourselves anything other than the Holy One we really are. An error is reversible, it can be corrected. But “sin”, were it possible, is irreversible. Our Creator has given us free will to make mistakes, to deceive ourselves, and even to use the power of our mind against ourselves. But we cannot sin. To sin would be to make ourselves something other than what we are, to change our essence, our reality. But there is nothing we can possibly do that would change who we really are. Do we really think we can destroy what the One created? To think so is arrogant. For how could anyone destroy what the One has created immortal? The idea of sinfulness is the cornerstone of the egoic thought system’s idea of separation. What better foundation of an idea against Oneness but one that seems to destroy what Oneness has created? The simple fact is that it can’t be done. The idea of sinfulness is only a mistaken one and it can always be corrected just by changing our mind and stepping into the awareness of who we really are. There, in that awareness, we find Oneness, the experience of love, peace and holiness that carries us home to joy and the knowledge of who we really are.

Do you choose to live in hell or Heaven?  This choice is for right now, this very moment. We can choose to see ourselves as “sinners”, having “sinned” and permanently made ourselves unacceptable to the One, needing someone outside of ourselves to make us acceptable. This idea is surely hell. Or, we can see ourselves as the One sees us, as we are created, only having made the mistake of perceiving ourselves as something other than who we really are, pure, innocent and holy. How could this be, for we are one with the One? The idea of “sin” is to say that the One is corruptible and can be defeated. But “sin” cannot be real because the Creator did not create sin. The One only created good. So the idea that we are “sinners” – that we are permanently damaged – is a mistake, an error. And errors can be corrected. We always have the choice to change our mind and see ourselves as we are created. Our separated mind, the idea that we are separate from Oneness at all, uses the idea of “sin” to keep us thinking we are permanently separate. It is the ultimate weapon of the egoic thought system. If we see “sin” as real, as truth, we cannot see Oneness as Oneness truly is, Truth. For two different truths cannot coexist. Would you not rather see “sinfulness” as simply a mistaken idea that is wholly correctable?

Choosing the Truth that Oneness is as Oneness is and that we are One with the One is as gentle and easy as walking through a mist and emerging into the sunlight. The choice is ours. We made up the idea that we are anything other than what we really are, and it is our choice whether to correct it or not. By not correcting the idea, we live in hell for the time being. But by just simply correcting our idea of separation to seeing ourselves as we really are, we step into the light of Heaven right now in this moment. It is our choice right now. Will you choose Heaven today? Spirit is waiting within us to guide us in this choice and step into the awareness of Heaven’s light.

ACIM T-I9.II Sin Versus Error

January 16, 2018

Our egoic thought system is vey invested in the idea of sin. The idea of sin is a tool our egoic thought system uses to keep us invested in the mistaken idea that we are separate. The idea of sin is final and irreversible. There is no getting beyond or around it. It is fatal! The egoic thought system believes sin is uncorrectable. We are sunk, so to speak. Never mind that Spirit teaches that there is no such thing as sin and that we are sinless. Our own egoic thought system has convinced us that we are doomed to death because we are of a sinful nature and there is nothing that can possibly redeem us from its fate. The egoic thought system can be so dramatic. If we are created in the image of the One, then is the One also sinful and unredeemable? If not, then the opposite must be true; that we are created in the image of the One and therefore sinless as the One is. Our egoic thought system has deemed sin “truth” and, thus, made sin holy.

We then carry this idea into our relationships and judge each other and ourselves accordingly. Remember that making “special” is basically judging someone or something and making our happiness conditional on that someone or something. Deeming someone or something “sinful” is a sure-fire way to reinforce the idea of separation in our minds. To the egoic thought system, “sin” is the ultimate power that appears to be absolute. Is it any wonder we quake in our boots when the idea rears its ugly head? Do we dare entertain the idea that it is not true?

There is nothing in all the ego’s world that is more heavily defended than the idea that sin is real; the natural expression of what we have made ourselves to be, and thus what we are. To the ego, this is no mistake. For this is its reality; this is the “truth” from which escape will always be impossible. This is our past, our present and our future. For we have somehow managed to corrupt our Creator, and change our Creator’s Mind completely. Mourn, then, the death of the One, whom sin has killed! And this would be the ego’s wish, which, in its madness, believes it has accomplished.

Would you not rather that all this be nothing more than a mistake, entirely correctable, and so easily escaped from that its whole correction is like walking through a mist into the sun? For that is all it is. Perhaps you would be tempted to agree with the ego that it is far better to be sinful than mistaken. Yet think you carefully before you allow yourself to make this choice. Approach it not lightly, for it is the choice of hell or Heaven.   T-19.II.8:1-5

We do have a choice – Heaven or hell. Belief in sinfulness is faithlessness and that is surely separation and hell. Our choice, however, can be to have faith that sin is merely a mistake and wholly correctable. We can always look within to our Higher Holy Spirit Self for guidance. We can allow our minds to be changed from “sinfulness” to a belief that it is merely a mistake that can be corrected through the guidance of Spirit. For we are created Holy; whole, complete and divine. We are created incorruptible as we are one with the Holy One – inseparable in Oneness. Let this realization dawn in your mind and the love of all that is real and true will fill your mind with the awareness of who you really are. Allow the idea of “sin” to be corrected in your mind and awaken to the awareness of your divine being in Oneness with all of creation.

ACIM T-I9.II Sin Versus Error

January 9, 2018

The Course tells us we are sinless. It also tells us there is no such thing as “sin” and “sin” is not real. Those of us who grew up in many of the Christian traditions were indoctrinated with the idea that we are inherently sinful, and because of that, God could not look upon us. Even though we were taught that we were created in God’s image and that God is Love, we were still permanently sinful in nature. The Course was sent to us to free us from that burden. If we could be sinful, then God would be sinful, for we are One with God. However, we are as God creates us. And since God is unchangeable, we are also unchangeable. The idea of sin is an egoic idea that is designed to keep us distracted from our true divine and holy nature. In a reality that is solely love, there can be nothing opposing love. The idea of sin is simply wrong and impossible.

So, why do we support this misperception? Our own egoic thought system uses this idea to keep us distracted from the reality of Oneness. It keeps us believing we are separate and apart from the truth about who we really are.

It is essential that error be not confused with sin, and it is this distinction that makes salvation possible. For error can be corrected, and the wrong made right. But sin, were it possible, would be irreversible. The belief in sin is necessarily based on the firm conviction that minds, not bodies, can attack. And thus, the mind is guilty, and will forever so remain unless a mind not part of it can give it absolution. Sin calls for punishment as error for correction, and the belief that punishment is correction is clearly insane.   T-19.II.1:1-6

Believing that we have a sinful nature leaves no room in our minds for any idea opposed to that idea. The conflict between the belief that we are sinful and the reality that we are divine and holy is dissonant and makes for confusion in our minds. It is insane to believe two conflicting ideas, and so we choose one idea over the other. Which idea is true? Most of us have chosen to believe the idea that we are sinful after a lifetime of reinforcement of that idea. What has that belief brought us? Since a sinful nature tells us we are damaged, we believe we are permanently damaged unless something outside us fixes us.

The Course tells us something different. The Course tells us we have done nothing more than believe a mistaken idea (sinfulness). Mistakes can be corrected. Reality has no room for even the idea of sin. In a reality that is whole, complete, perfect and unchangeable, there is no room for sin to even occur. Reality is full of love and peace. Sin is not of love and peace.

The Child of God can be mistaken; they can deceive themselves; they can even turn the power of their mind against themselves. But they cannot sin. There is nothing they can do that would really change their reality in any way, nor make them really guilty. That is what sin would do, for such is its purpose. Yet for all the wild insanity inherent in the whole idea of sin, it is impossible. For the wages of sin is death, and how can the immortal die?   T-19.II.3:1-6

Are we willing to see ourselves differently? Are we willing to even entertain the idea that we are not sinful? Even if we have believed this mistaken idea, we can correct that error if we choose. It may take some time, but to see ourselves as we truly are is worth it. We have everything within us that we need to show us we are divine in Oneness. Spirit is waiting within us for us to accept that willingness to change our mind and accept the truth about who we really are. We can set aside our attachment to the mistaken belief we are separate and allow Spirit to show us the divine and holy nature already within us waiting for our minds to recognize it is who we are. The Course tells us nothing real can be threatened. So, are we willing to let go of what we think is real and allow what is really real to rise in our minds? Let error be corrected and release all else that cannot be corrected because it is not real.

ACIM T-I9.I Healing and Faith

January 2, 2018

Faith is joining, and faithlessness is separation. Our belief that we are separate is a symptom of our faithlessness. As we journey in this world of separation, we are asked to have faith that we are really all joined – that we are all One in Oneness. There are no exclusions. Our relationships are where we put this faith into practice. The idea in which we need to have faith is the idea that we are whole, complete and free as we are created and that we are sinless. Every encounter and experience in this world is an opportunity to put this faith into practice. We have faith to look beyond the appearance of anyone and anything and see the reality of wholeness there. We have the faith to recognize the One Holy Child of God in each One. This takes practice. This takes faith.

I think faith is about recognizing and honoring the holy and divine within ourselves and each one of us as we journey back to the awareness of who we really are. When we choose to live the principles of A Course In Miracles, we choose to believe that the divine essence of each one of us is what we have faith is true. We choose to be guided by the Spirit within us – our Higher Holy Spirit Self. This guidance sorts out the confusing and competing thoughts in our mind and helps us see with new eyes the world around us. When we allow ourselves to see anew, the world is transformed in our mind and we see the reality of truth where we previously saw pain, hurt and suffering. Our hearts and minds are now beginning to see peace, joy and love rather than the misery we saw before. Then, we are clearer about what we are to do and say in this world to be truly helpful in healing the world.

Faith is as easily exchanged for knowledge as is the real world. For faith arises from the Holy Spirit’s perception, and is the sign you share it with Spirit. Faith is a gift you offer to the One Child of God through Spirit, and wholly acceptable to the Creator as to Spirit. And therefore, offered you. Your holy relationship, with its new purpose, offers you faith to give unto another. Your faithlessness has driven you and them apart, and so you do not recognize salvation in them. Yet faith unites you in the holiness you see, not through the body’s eyes, but in the sight of the One Who joined you, and in Whom you are united.   T-19. I.12:1-7

The holy instant is where we come together in a transformed perception, recognizing what is right now, and seeing anew what has always been One, but appeared separate. The misperceptions of the temporal world fade as we gaze with new eyes through new perception and begin to see the Oneness of which we all are. Can we live the Course and set aside our attachment to pain and suffering? Can we allow ourselves to follow Spirit’s guidance within and rise in the holy instant to the awareness that we are all whole and joined in Oneness – that we can only see our completeness when we include all Creation in our joining? In the holy instant we exchange our faithlessness for faith and begin to relate with each other in a new way. Look again at where your dedication lies and if it is eternal.

Let, then, your dedication be to the eternal, and learn how not to interfere with it and make it slave to time. For what you think you do to the eternal you do to you. Whom the One created as the One Child is slave to nothing, being sovereign of all, along with their Creator. You can enslave a body, but an idea is free, incapable of being kept in prison or limited in any way except by the mind that thought it. For it remains joined to its source, which is its jailer or its liberator, according to which it chooses as its purpose for itself.   T-19. I.16:7-5

Look within, then, to how you see another. This one could be your life partner, your friend, your boss, your coworker or someone you encounter on the street. Would you describe your relationship as having faith or faithlessness? Allow Spirit to awaken faith in your mind towards this one. Allow yourself to have faith that this one is One with you, is whole and complete as you are and that you share all there is in this eternity we find as we join in Oneness. This transformation is the return to the awareness of who you really are and who we all really are. Have faith that we are all One and we will remember we are all One in Oneness.

ACIM T-I9.I Healing and Faith

December 19, 2017

Healing is a concept that we often get all confused. The Course is clear that healing is of the mind, of our thoughts. Healing is the shift in perception from seeing ourselves and each other as separate to seeing ourselves and each other joined in Oneness. Our mind is focused on unity and joining – reality – rather than illusion. The Course tells us that reality and illusion cannot coexist in the mind because they are polar opposites. This is important to remember. We must let go of our attachment to the physical or temporal – illusion – for reality to bloom in our mind.

The inevitable compromise is the belief that the body must be healed, and not the mind. For this divided goal has given both an equal reality, which could be possible only if the mind is limited to the body and divided into little parts of seeming wholeness, but without connection. This will not harm the body, but it will keep the delusional thought system in the mind. Here, then, is healing needed. And it is here that healing is. For God gave healing not apart from sickness, nor established remedy where sickness cannot be. They are together, and when they are seen together, all attempts to keep both truth and illusion in the mind, where both must be, are recognized as dedication to illusion; and given up when brought to truth, and seen as totally unreconcilable with truth, in any respect or in any way.   T-19.I.6:1-7

Are we willing to compromise healing by maintaining the healing of both the body and mind even though they are irreconcilable? Think about this. Maintaining the goal of healing the body blocks the healing of our mind. It’s like asking if we want a healed body or happiness. I know, it’s an odd question. The way I have come to understand this contradiction is that the healing of our mind is the real solution – our real and most high goal. It is the solution to the problem of separation, the only problem we have. Spirit will guide the body in what is appropriate for each of our situations and our function in the world. I always say to myself, “I am here only to be truly helpful.” Spirit will provide me with the right perceptive or illusory conditions to fulfill my function in this world. I can definitely be happy with that and accept Spirit’s purpose for wherever and whatever my body is.

Faith is my key. My faith is that Spirit will provide for and guide me in my perceptive function this world. I can fully accept whatever that is in this world having faith that I am right where I need to be to be truly helpful in this world to my brothers and sisters. I have faith that I am truly complete and One with all Creation. I have faith that I am not separate but that I dwell in complete Oneness in the eternal present moment.  I am content to be who I am and to be truly helpful in this world. I have nothing to fear for I am whole.

Faith is the opposite of fear, as much a part of love as fear is of attack. Faith is the acknowledgment of union. It is the gracious acknowledgment of everyone as a Child of your most loving Creator, loved by your Creator like you, and therefore loved by you as yourself. It is your Creator’s Love that joins you and another, and for your Creator’s Love you would keep no one separate from yours. Each one appears just as they are perceived in the holy instant, united in your purpose to be released from guilt. You see the Christ in them, and they are healed because you look on what makes faith forever justified in everyone.   T-19.I.10:1-6

Have faith in your wholeness. Have faith in your divine nature and your Oneness with all Creation. Let go of your attachment to any fear you harbor against another and free them from your limitations. Grant yourself healing as you release your attachment to all fear and limitations. The healing you experience will free you in the eternal holy instant where you realize you are One with all in perfect Oneness. Allow this to be now, for it is already within you.

ACIM T-I9.I Healing and Faith

December 12, 2017

I think I can say without argument that all of us want peace. We may not always act that way, but peace is what we really want. And when we reach peace, we have so much more, more than we could ever imagine. Peace is attainable. Its attainability is within each of us as we release our perceived need for and belief in separation. We do not need to expend great effort to attain peace. But, we do need to be willing to change the way we look at ourselves and others and the world around us. Furthermore, peace is the result of our dedication to truth. And, faith is our dedication to truth as we journey to the awareness of who we are.

We said before that when a situation has been dedicated wholly to truth, peace is inevitable. Its attainment is the criterion by which the wholeness of the dedication can be safely assumed. Yet we also said that peace without faith will never be attained, for what is dedicated to truth as its only goal is brought to truth by faith. This faith encompasses everyone involved, for only thus the situation is perceived as meaningful and as a whole. And everyone must be involved in it, or else your faith is limited and your dedication incomplete.   T-19.I.1:1-5

Every situation, every encounter, is an opportunity to heal ourselves and each other. Remember, we are not healed alone. We are healed together. One is healed because we offered faith to them, giving them to Spirit and releasing them from every demand our egoic thought system would make of them. Thus, do we see them free. Spirit shares wholly in this vision, and in sharing that vision Spirit has given that vision to us, and so heals through us. It is this joining in a united purpose that makes this purpose real, because we make it whole. Do not think that healing is for the body, for the body is part of the illusion of separation. A segment of the mind can see itself as separated from the Universal Purpose. When this occurs, the body becomes its weapon, used against this Purpose, to demonstrate that separation has occurred. The body thus becomes the instrument of illusion; seeing what is not there, hearing what truth has never said and behaving insanely, being imprisoned by insanity.

The faith we need is the faith that we are all One, that we are One with each other and, thus there is no separation. Faithlessness leads straight to illusions, for faithlessness is the perception of another as a body, and the body cannot be used for purposes of union. If, then, we see another as a body, we have established a condition in which uniting with them becomes impossible. Our faithlessness to them has separated us from them, and kept both of us apart from being healed. Our faithlessness has thus opposed Spirit’s purpose, and brought illusions, centered on the body, to stand between us.

It cannot be difficult to realize that faith must be the opposite of faithlessness. Yet the difference in how they operate is less apparent, though it follows directly from the fundamental difference in what they are. Faithlessness would always limit and attack; faith would remove all limitations and make whole. Faithlessness would destroy and separate; faith would unite and heal. Faithlessness would interpose illusions between our true Self and our Creator; faith would remove all obstacles that seem to rise between them. Faithlessness is wholly dedicated to illusions; faith wholly to truth. Partial dedication is impossible. Truth is the absence of illusion; illusion the absence of truth. Both cannot be together, nor perceived in the same place. To dedicate yourself to both is to set up a goal forever impossible to attain, for part of it is sought through the body, thought of as a means for seeking out reality through attack. The other part would heal, and therefore calls upon the mind and not the body.   T-19.I.5:1-11

Have faith in the idea that we are One – that we are unified in Oneness. The willingness to have faith in Oneness is the starting place for Spirit to work in our minds, showing us a new perception of ourselves, others and the world. This opens us to a new perception of healing and the Universal Purpose we have blocked from our awareness.  Be open to new perceptions of what we think we see. With faith in Oneness, look beyond the appearance of everything and allow Spirit to show you a new meaning as you are led to truth and the attainment of peace.

ACIM T-18.IX The Two Worlds

December 5, 2017

The section we are reading is called “The Two Worlds.” Yet, there is only one real world. We have made up the other world through our perception and the belief that we can be separate, that we can be out of Oneness. We can choose to let go of this other world and allow ourselves to reawaken to the real world. The only thing that keeps us unaware of the real world is our attachment to our own perception of the world we see. That perception is the block that keeps us unaware of the real world. It’s all a matter of perception. We have made a bargain with our own egoic thought system to not look beyond our limited beliefs and thinking. We think this protects us from harm. However, it merely serves to protect us from the love, peace and happiness that dwells within us. What do we really want? In which world do we really want to dwell? Which world have we prepared for?

This preparation is the work of the Course. It is not hard work unless we make it hard.  We have everything within us we need to do this work efficiently and expeditiously once we choose to allow Spirit within us to guide our minds. We have assistants we have brought with us to help us along the way. They help us achieve every goal we set whether that goal is helpful or unhelpful. The people we encounter in any situation – the Course calls them our brothers and sisters – are there to help us learn who we are. They are there to help us remember our worthiness, our completeness, our wholeness, our limitlessness. They are there to show us love, peace, joy and happiness. When we don’t see these qualities and characteristics in them or ourselves, we are misperceiving the world and thus seeing a “little” world. The real world – one we need simply awaken to – still surrounds us as it always has and merely awaits our recognition. We know this world of love so well.

Love is not learned. Its meaning lies within itself. Love is not learned, because there never was a time in which you knew it not.   T-18.IX.12:1-2, 5

Our relationships with each other – each one we encounter on our journey – are our learning and teaching opportunities. We can allow Spirit to show us healing through forgiveness in these relationships or we can reinforce separation instead. It’s our choice. What do we will for ourselves?

Your relationship with another has been uprooted from the world of shadows, and its unholy purpose has been safely brought through the barriers of guilt, washed with forgiveness, and set shining and firmly rooted in the world of light. From there it calls to you to follow the course it took, lifted high above the darkness and gently placed before the gates of Heaven. The holy instant in which you and another were united is but the messenger of love, sent from beyond forgiveness to remind you of all that lies beyond it. Yet it is through forgiveness that it will be remembered.   T-18.IX.13:1-4

Be willing to let go of your attachment to the world you think you see. Look beyond its appearance, for appearances founded in separation are merely incorrect. They are illusions. Forgiveness is our willingness to see things differently, our willingness to allow Spirit within us to show us its holy meaning. It’s our choice to be willing. The rest will rise within us. Then will we begin to remember who and what we really are.

And when the memory of Oneness has come to you in the holy place of forgiveness you will remember nothing else, and memory will be as useless as learning, for your only purpose will be creating. Yet this you cannot know until every perception has been cleansed and purified, and finally removed forever. Forgiveness removes only the untrue, lifting the shadows from the world and carrying it, safe and sure within its gentleness, to the bright world of new and clean perception. There is your purpose now. And it is there that peace awaits you.   T-18.IX.14:1-5

Step into the world of light and leave the world of darkness behind. Peace awaits us. We need not delay it any longer. Do this now because you really want it now. And so it is.