A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-25.VII The Rock of Salvation

November 30, 2010

In God’s plan it is impossible for anyone to lose for any one to gain.  Losing and gaining cannot exist together.  For anyone to lose, God and God’s creation would have to be limited.  This is simply not true!  The rebirth of this realization, that no one can lose for one to gain, and that when one gains, all gain, is the rock of our salvation.  It is the return to sane thinking.  It is the realization that God is unlimited and not mad.  It is the return to the knowledge of who we really are.

So much of our lives, we have thought we must lose to gain.  We have thought that we must give up our identity to be in God’s Will.  What we don’t realize is that our own will is God’s Will and we have simply made up a will we think we want instead.  Even though our made up will leads us to separation and suffering, unhappiness and guilt, it is a will we have become accustomed to.  It is a will we have come to believe in.  And we think it has little or nothing to do with God.

But we are One with God, an extension of God and God’s creation.  To think anything else is an insane idea that is not based in any reality.  We know that when we do experience the love and peace of God we feel the presence and connectedness with God that is our true nature.

The rock of salvation is the return to sane thinking, to the thinking guided by Spirit, to the thinking that comes from the awareness of our union with God and each other.  Knowing we are One with God and each other is the basis for our sanity.  We gain in our Oneness with God and so do all gain in our Oneness with God.  We are united in Spirit, we have returned to the awareness of who we really are and have always been.  This is the state of Heaven on earth, our home in God.  Here do we dwell as we return to the awareness of who we really are, unlimited, unchangeable, abundant, and free.

ACIM T-25.VII The Rock of Salvation

November 23, 2010

God has provided each of us with a unique function in a form that is uniquely ours.  God could not leave us floundering in the insane world we have made with no plan for our salvation from it.  For God could never shut out any part of God’s creation.  Every creation is just as important as another and just as loved as another.  God’s love extends to each of us unconditionally in all its fullness.  So we cannot be separate from God’s love, only unaware of it if we so choose.

Each of us has a special function for each of us.  It is the special form in which we find the idea of God most believable and reachable, sensible and meaningful.  The form for each of us is suited to our special needs and to the time and place where we are at, whenever and wherever that is.  It is always in the moment we are in now, the present moment.  And it adjusts to the present moment we are in now.  Or it adjusts to another present moment we are in then.  It is uniquely ours, and is never quite the same as anyone else’s.

Each of our worlds is uniquely ours, only because we made it up out of the thoughts we had about each and every experience and what we chose to believe about all of them.  The world we see is each of ours and only each of ours because we believe what we have thought about it.  The world of another may seem very similar to ours, but each one’s world is never the same.  Therefore each of us needs a special plan to help us shift our perception to a more correct understanding of our world.  God through the Holy Spirit will use everything we have believed, done, and thought to help us see how what we have believed has limited us.  This is the path to our salvation, the opening of the awareness of who we really are.

God has appointed One to raise before us a saner world.  That One chooses a form that meets our mistaken perception and shows us another world in its place.  It is the same world, but seen differently through the eyes of Spirit, the Vision that we have always had but chose not to believe because we believed something else.  What we have lived and thought is seen in a new light.  We begin to see the light ad love of God in all of creation, the same as what we have always seen, but transformed in the light and eyes of God in a new understanding.  Our unique function is always at hand and ready for the moment we choose to let go of insanity and see sanity and the truth about who we really are.  What a beautiful sight it is as we step into the Light and the Oneness of who we really are.

ACIM T-25.VII The Rock of Salvation

November 16, 2010

I remember a hymn we used to sing when I was a child where the chorus said, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” The sinking sand is like quicksand.  It looks solid, but when one steps on it, one begins sinking.  And the more one struggles, the deeper one sinks.  The quicksand is like the world of separation or illusion; it appears solid, but is not.  And the more we struggle in it, the deeper we immerse ourselves in it.  Yet we can also choose to stand on the solid rock; the real world that we experience in the awareness that we are One with the Christ Spirit.

The mistake we often make is looking for the rock in the world of illusion, separate from the One.  The rock is not a physical thing that we can see and touch, but an analogy for the Mind of God, Truth.  The Mind of God is constant, changeless, and never waivers from Truth, for there is nothing else.  Our perceived reality is built on what we think or believe we see.  When we see with the eyes of Spirit, and think with the Mind of God, we are placing our trust in the Mind of God, in Truth.  That becomes the foundation of our faith.

When we place our trust in separation and illusion, that becomes the foundation of our faith and quickly fails us.  The more we scramble around looking for something solid in illusion the deeper we sink into that illusion.  Yet, all is not lost.  At any time, in any place, in any circumstance, the Holy Spirit is there waiting for us to be ready to reach out and change our mind.  The Spirit within us has the power to transform the whole foundation on which we have based the world we see into something else.  It is merely a shift in perception, divinely guided, that transforms the world we see into one that has no contradiction and leads us to sanity, joy, and peace.  In a thought we leave behind the world of insanity and sin as we forgive and let go of our old way of thinking.

There is nothing to fear in this shift.  The resulting world we see is changeless, it is peaceful, and it is home.  Test everything you believe against the vision Spirit brings.  What is not love is meaningless, and so all that remains is love.  Look with gentle eyes past the insanity of separation and illusion to what is wholly true and see that you are One with God and all of creation.  Rest in the awareness of who you really are and experience the fullness of God’s Love in the forgiveness of the world.

ACIM T-25.VII The Rock of Salvation

November 9, 2010

Our biggest confusion is between what is changeable and what is changeless.  Our habitual way of thinking believes that what is of this world of form, what is based in the belief in separation, is changeless.  The belief in the temporary, the illusion, pulls our awareness away from the awareness of who we really are.  It pulls a veil over the awareness of our Divinity and Divine nature.  We have believed in our “sinfulness” and have thus taught ourselves that is unchangeable.  In this misperception we have made our idea of ourselves as strong as God’s Will.

Yet how could anything be as strong as God’s Will and not be a part of it?  God’s Will is changeless.  Everything not of God’s Will is changeable.  There is the ability to find the Divine purpose in all we see.  Yes we believe in separation and give it power to hide the Truth from us.  But the Holy Spirit’s gift is the transformation of that mistaken perception into True perception of reality that heals our minds.

The Spirit can take anything we have brought into our life and mind and use it to heal.  We need not make the effort to change our thoughts, and search out a new thought for our mind.  We need only to be willing to let Spirit show us the new perception.  We must set aside our beliefs we have become so attached to.  Spirit will bring us the new perception.  We must let our mind be correctly changed for us.

Are we willing to place our trust in God? Our sanity is found in what we allow Spirit to show us.  What was formerly unchangeable is now changeable and we see that what we thought was changeable is really changeless.  The Will of God is a constant that never waivers.  It is the rock of salvation we place our trust in and see the world transformed before our very eyes.  No matter what situation we find ourselves in, there is a great blessing waiting to come of it.  We take the first step by being willing and Spirit takes the next, showing us the truth of who we really are.  Place your faith and belief in the unchangeable, the rock of Truth, the salvation of our insanely mistaken mind into the changeless Mind of God.

ACIM T-25.VI The Special Function

November 2, 2010

We often feel badly about what we have done or how we have handled things in our lives.  Maybe we feel guilty.  Maybe we feel we have “sinned.”  Whatever it is we think we have done, we may feel badly about it.  No matter what it is, there is a different way to look at it.  There is always a different way of looking at and perceiving it.  Evan relationships we have made “special” cam be seen in a different light.

We are never stuck in this perception that causes us to feel badly.  We always have a choice to see and perceive differently.  It is simply a choice to be willing to let the Holy Spirit show us a different perception.  The Holy Spirit has always been with us.  It knows all we have done and also has a different purpose for all we have done.  The vehicle Spirit uses to show us the way is every experience we have ever had in a new perception.

The Holy Spirit gives every little thing we have done a special function in this world.  All is transformed into a special function that heals, that offers forgiveness, and frees us from our imprisonment.  We must be willing to see that our willingness to see and perceive differently gives Spirit the opportunity to show us a more correct perception.  This willingness allows a new vision, a new interpretation to come to us.  Each new interpretation that we welcome is a healing of whatever idea or thought we had that has blocked our awareness of Oneness and Love.

This is how we fulfill the part assigned to each of us, making each complete within a world where incompleteness reigns.  As our mind is transformed by our willingness to be at One with the Mind of Spirit, we are healed.  We make this one perfect choice, an act of faithfulness in one we perceive as “other” than ourselves, and thus learn the gift we give is given to ourselves, showing us we must be One.  Our forgiveness is the means Spirit uses in this world to bring us into the real world, the awareness of who we really are.

ACIM T-25.VI The Special Function

October 26, 2010

The Grace of God rests on forgiving eyes.  For those eyes bring salvation to the world we live in.  We have gone through life making mistakes, involved in special relationships, and living the effects of our misperceptions as our experiences.  This is what we call life.  As a result we feel the experiences of hurt, pain, guilt, attack, and blame.  Oh what a world we have made.

But the Holy Spirit has a plan for all this, a special function for all we made.  Everything we have dome, experienced, and made to this moment has a special function as reinterpreted by the Holy Spirit.  As we release each other from the bonds and limitations we placed on each other, we are forgiving each other.  We grant each other the gift of freedom to be who we really are.  And as we forgive and free each other, we in turn forgive and release ourselves from the bonds we have kept ourselves imprisoned in.

We begin to see the special function Spirit places in all we have ever made, transforming all into the means to forgive and free all of us.  The connection of unconditional love wells up within all of us, joining us as the One Child of God we really are.  We begin to remember what has always been, hovering just above our unconsciousness; there, but not seen or experienced.  But when we let Spirit show us the special function of our world, we begin to see that our true being has never left us.  And we begin to remember who we really are.

So love follows forgiveness.  It floods into our awareness and extends to all we know, extending and connecting all that is One, showing us it has never been otherwise.  Are we not ready to look gently on each other with eyes of forgiveness?  The Grace of God is in those eyes and sees truly the perfection of all of God’s Children in unity.  Let us gently rest the Grace of God on all the world by seeing with forgiving eyes.  As we look deep into those eyes we see the limitless unconditional love of God as it extends to and unites all of creation into the Divine Oneness we truly are.

ACIM T-25.V The State of Sinlessness

October 19, 2010

Imagine a mind free of attack thoughts and free of guilt thoughts.  This mind sees clearly.  It recognizes the holy in all it sees.  It recognizes the Oneness in all of creation and recognizes itself in all it encounters.  Peace of mind, joy, love, and serenity are the thoughts of that mind.  This state of sinlessness is surely the state of being.  Is this what we are seeking for ourselves?  If so, it already is ours.  It is there within us waiting for us to recognize it and be it.

When we look upon each other with eyes of separation, we see what appears to be “something else” and therefore fear what we think we see.  In a state of separation thinking we attack or defend against what we fear.  What we really end up doing is attacking ourselves or defending against ourselves.  On one level we see this “something else” as our enemy.  Yet we are also aware that at another level we recognize this “something else” as ourselves and the Christ within.  This dichotomy causes a conflict in us as we begin to consider our self and the Christ within our enemy.

This conflict is intolerable to us, so we reinforce the separation we think we see and deny the real Self and the Christ within we see in another.  In this way we defend the separated self we made up and make our real Self, the Christ within, and God the “enemy”.  Hence attack and guilt set us in a state of “sinfulness”, the thought that we are anything other than who we really are.  We have given power to our mistaken thoughts that we are separate, solely by believing those thoughts.  And so we have given power to that which is powerless.  We have placed our belief and trust in thoughts that are illusion.  If we really think about it, illusion or nothing cannot have power, yet we have given it power in our life.

In the state of sinlessness there is no reason to see each other, the One Child of God, as anything other than what we really are.  In the state of sinlessness, we relinquish all the thoughts that tell us we must attack, defend against, and make guilty our brother, our sister.  Once we relinquish this need, the veil we have been using to cloud our vision falls away and we see the Truth of who we really are reflected back to us in each other.  The Christ within us shines through eyes of love that look back at us, full of the knowledge of the grace of God.  This is our natural state of being, the state of sinlessness.  Are we ready to Be in it?

ACIM T-25.IV The Light You Bring

October 12, 2010

What is our aim?  And what means do we choose to reach our aim?  What do we truly believe that we must do to reach our aim?  We all want happiness, peace, love, joy, safety, and freedom.  In reality, we have all we want, but just don’t realize it.  We have chosen not to see and experience what we want because we have chosen to believe something else.  We have chosen to believe that we must attain these things, and so must do some thing or some things to experience them.

We all are pursuing the same aim, so what are our means for attaining those aims?  For how we choose to achieve those aims is the key to actually experiencing them.  The means must be consistent with the aim.  It’s so simple, but we tend to miss it.  If we use unpeaceful, unloving, unjoyful, threatening, and limiting means to achieve love, peace, joy, safety, and freedom, we can’t possibly experience them while we are believing in and experiencing means to the contrary of the aim.  Can we just stop a moment and observe what we are doing?

The Course says that giving and receiving are the same.  Would it not make sense to believe that giving peace and using peaceful means would achieve the aim of peace?  It is the same with happiness, love, joy, safety, and freedom.  As we align the means we use with our aim, we allow that which we really want to become manifest in our life.  Soon we are experiencing the very things we desire as we use them as a means to achieve our desire.  It comes from within us; from within all of us.  It is the totality of Heaven within us.  All of creation reflects it back to us, allowing us to see it for ourselves.

The light we bring from within us transforms our brother and sister and, in turn, transforms us.  It shines brightly and the darkness retreats into nothingness at its light.  No more need we be fearful or limited.  Our willingness to bring the light of Heaven with us brings the light of truth to our mistakes as we walk beyond the world of darkness into light.  And thus all of our mistakes are brought to the light of truth and fade into nothingness.  Be love and achieve love.  Be peace and achieve peace.  Be joy and experience joy.  Be safety and freedom and experience safety and freedom.  Be who you want to be; the real One you are, always have been and always will be.

ACIM T-25.IV The Light You Bring

October 5, 2010

Do we choose to see each others’ errors or mistakes?  Or do we allow our Helper to show us the real One before us?  When we realize that the questions “What is justified?” and “What do we want?” are the same question, we will see the choice is made.  In that realization is the release from the idea that there are two ways to see.  This one way to see offers us peace at any moment in all opportunities.  In that peace our forgiveness extends to all we encounter bringing peace to all and bringing light to the seeming darkness.

We rejoice at what we see, for it brings us joy, true lasting joy.  This fulfills the law of perception, the law that what we believe is what we will see and experience.  We all want joy.  It is only our means for reaching joy that we choose.  Once we release ourselves from our choice of suffering and guilt to obtain joy will we realize that joy is already within us.  We see it in each other, recognize it, and let it bloom within us, each other and all of creation.

The peace of God is within each of us.  It has always been there and always will be.  As we allow this world of peace to rise within us, it will grant each one we encounter rest.  From us will a world rise which any can rejoice in.  Our vision will extend to all and bring them gentleness and light.  This widening world of light will push back the darkness they think they see until it fades into nothing.  The light of Oneness will permeate every corner of each one, showing the, the peace and joy that is already there within and shared by all.

This light and peace of Heaven is within each and every one of us.  Every bit of creation is given life in us and this awareness.  Not one thing in this world we see is not given life in us.  The peace, love, and joy of God is evident in all the world through us.  Pull the veil from your eyes.  Let Spirit see through you to show the grandeur of creation to all.  Salvation and freedom are inevitable for all as we allow the light we are to rise in us and show all of creation the light they are.  We truly bring light to all the world.  We are the light of the world.

ACIM T-25.III Perception and Choice

September 28, 2010

We are responsible for the world we see.  This may seem preposterous, but is inherently true.  The fundamental law of perception is that we see what we believe is there, and we be believe it is there because we want it to be there.  The world is formed by all of our perceptions of our experiences and interactions.  It is comprised of the collection of thoughts, conclusions, and judgments we have made about everything, everyone, and every experience we have had in our life.  Is it any wonder no two of us see the same world?

We choose to perceive something a certain way because we have made choices about what we believe to be true.  We may have arrived at this conclusion in what seems to be a very rational way.  But it is often only rational to us and those close to us who have agreed on certain perceptions.  We often look at a situation and see it from our habitual way of thinking about life and so miss the larger picture.  We perceive only from a narrow perspective, often ignoring the eyes of Spirit we carry within our own being.  We are perceiving from a perspective of separateness, choosing to ignore the presence of Spirit within us.

Every thought, every perception is a choice.  We choose either to perceive through the narrow, veiled sight of separation, or the vast resource of Spirit’s vision.  God has given us the vision of Spirit s\o secure that it can never be lost, but we must choose to use that gift rather than our limited separated perception.  In this world, both are perception, but the perception guided by the Holy Spirit perceives with the limitless resources and knowledge of God.  We are an extension of God, inseparable from God, and so always have the resources of Spirit available to us if we will just use them.

The misperceptions we have made are nothing in God’s eyes.  The path to correcting our perception begins in a willingness to let go of our perceptions and beliefs we have made up over time.  God created us in Love, creating like God’s Self.  Our true essence is God, is Love, and Love can create nothing except itself.  If what we have made is not Love, it is therefore not real.  Letting go of misperceptions and misbeliefs allows Spirit to show us Truth, to shift our perception to the clarity of God’s Love and power.  We are freed from the prison of our misthoughts and find the glory of a world fills with inner peace and love.  Make the choice today.