A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.III The Guide to Salvation

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 20, 2013

Our minds are split.  We have our higher mind, our true mind where
Spirit dwells.  We also have our ego minds, our lower minds, the egoic minds we made up when we believed we were separate.  The higher mind knows the ego mind is not real, that it is made up.  But the lower mind sees the higher mind as a threat to its very existence, and so blocks our awareness of our higher mind.  Our lower mind sees itself the opposite of the higher mind, and therefore threatened by it.  So turmoil and fear characterize the existence of the lower mind.  While peace characterizes the higher mind.


The blessing is that God set the Spirit in our higher mind as we chose to believe the idea that we are the lower mind.  We blocked our awareness of our higher mind and our true state of being by believing the misperception that we are separate.  The gift of Spirit within us is our salvation, the salvation from the misperception that we are separate from God and each other.  Spirit knows the real world.  Spirit is in and aware of Heaven, our true home.  Spirit also understands the world we think we see.  Spirit sees and understands what this world really is.  The world we think we see is a world perceived by our egoic mind made up by that same egoic mind.  Since Spirit understands both reality and perception, It works at the level of perception to correct our perception and our thinking to a higher level.  Spirit works with our mind quietly.  Spirit, however, only works with our mind when we let It guide us.  Spirit never forces us or works against our will.


All the world is a learning tool for Spirit’s teaching and guidance.  No matter what happens in our life, good or bad, there is a learning experience in it for each of us.  As we allow, Spirit translates each experience for our mind, teaching us whatever we need to learn through this experience.  Spirit asks that we embrace each lesson.  Allow Spirit to show us the lesson.  We will begin to recognize a measure of peace come over us as we allow Spirit to teach us. The anxiety of the lower mind will give way to the peace of the higher mind.  No longer will we need to fight our thoughts or fight for our lessons.  The change and shift in our thoughts come to us naturally.  And then we recognize we are feeling peaceful.  We begin reconnecting to the holy within.  The reality of our Divine nature wells up within us.  The light we truly are shines forth from us, radiating the light we are to all our brothers and sisters.  Come, it is time.  Eternity is now.  It can only be in the now.  Let Spirit guide you to the awareness of who you really are and let your light shine brightly to the world, radiating its love and peace to all who seek. Let it be so.

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