A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-12.II The Way to Remember God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJune 9, 2015

As I read this section, I think, “Do we love?” If, as the Course tells us, we are Love, and Love is all that is real, what else is there but Love? I want to hold the intention to love, to see love, and to share and offer love in all I think, do and say. If I do not hold love in my mind and love is my essence, am I not denying love and myself? The truth is I am Love. The truth is we are all Love. The truth is that all that is real is Love and nothing else exists. This sounds insane to me when I think with a split mind, but it is nevertheless the truth the Couse teaches. This section begins with the statement that miracles are merely the translation of denial to truth. To love oneself is to heal oneself. And to love another is to heal another. So when we or another call for love – anything that is not love itself – we are asking for healing by being loved. Of course, we must also be willing to be loved to be healed.

As a miracle worker, whose purpose is “Only to be truly helpful”, our task is simply to deny the denial of truth! We must heal ourselves for the truth is already within us. Yet we have obscured it from our minds, so light in another’s mind must shine into ours because that light is also ours. The Course tells us:

The light in them shines as brightly regardless of the density of the fog that obscures it. If you give no power to the fog to obscure the light, it has none. For it has power only if We give power to it. We must ourselves withdraw that power, remembering that all power is of the One. You can remember this for all of Us. Do not allow another not to remember, for their forgetfulness is yours. But your remembering is theirs, for the One cannot be remembered alone. This is what you have forgotten. To perceive the healing of another as the healing of yourself is thus the way to remember Oneness. For you forgot your sisters and brothers with Oneness, and the One’s Answer to your forgetting is but the way to remember. ACIM T-12.II.2.1-10

The light and love we are is within us and has always been within us. We have simply forgotten who we are and our healing is to remember who we are. This is the answer we so diligently seek, yet seek it outside of us when it can only be found within us.

Whatever seems to be amiss in the world we think we see, perceive it as a call for love and offer another what they believe they cannot offer themselves. Whatever condition we perceive in this world, it has one and only one remedy. Allow the light and love of truth to shine into the mind of each One we encounter.

Learn to be quiet in the midst of turmoil, for in the quietness is the end of strife and is the journey to peace. Look at each obstacle that arises in our way to delay us and let it fade in the light of the goal before us as it is inevitable because it is eternal. The Love we are is eternal and nothing can destroy the eternal within us. The goal of love is our right because it belongs to us. Let its light shine away all doubt that this is so. Ask then for the guidance of Spirit in all you do, for Spirit will assist us to fling open the shutters of our split mind letting the light of love shine through us into another’s mind where they will recognize the truth about themselves. Yhis is the miracle. This is the return to the awareness of who we really are.

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