A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-I9.IV The Obstacles To Peace

March 20, 2018

There is a song I enjoy singing that contains the following line: “I’m attracting the people in my life whom I’ll be serving, and who will teach me lessons that I need to know.” We may read this and think that can’t possibly be true. Or perhaps we think that most are an exception to this rule. Maybe we’re not allowing ourselves to be open to the lessons Spirit is offering us. Perhaps we need to look at all the things we encounter through a different perception. Perhaps the obstacles we have placed in our minds are not protecting us, as we may think, but are actually hurting us. Maybe we’ve grabbed the wrong end of the stick and are hanging on for dear life when the best thing for us to do is let go of it.

When we approach this world from a mindset of doing it alone or by ourselves, we make a simple task extremely difficult. Reality is meant to flow gracefully through and above all this world offers. And much of what the world has to offer would be helpful if we allowed our Higher Holy Spirit to guide us in each aspect of our journey. Our natural state of mind is peace. Peace still dwells within us, being so much a part of us we can’t get rid of it. But we expend great effort blocking the awareness of peace from our mind. Perhaps it would be more correct to say we block our Mind from our mind. We block the awareness of our Holy Divine Self form our awareness. Our Creator, though creating us as Itself, gave us the power to choose our own perception and thus our awareness. What and how we choose to see sends its own messengers reinforcing what we have chosen to see. Those who appear in our lives reflect the perception we have chosen to color our world with. What if we choose a different perception, a different lens with which to see? I propose we would see a different world – a different reality. Is our perception aligned with our egoic thought system or our Higher Holy Spirit Self? It’s a question worth asking ourselves.

It is not given to the ego’s disciples to realize that they have dedicated themselves to death. Freedom is offered them but they have not accepted it, and what is offered must also be received, to be truly given. For the Holy Spirit, too, is a communication medium, receiving from the Creator and offering the Creator’s messages unto Us. Like the ego, the Holy Spirit is both the sender and the receiver. For what is sent through Spirit returns to Spirit, seeking itself along the way, and finding what it seeks. So does the ego find the death it seeks, returning it to you.   T-19.IV.B.17:1-6

What messages do we choose to listen to? Furthermore, what messages do we choose to take in and make our own? Allow yourself to really look at each message you receive and ask Spirit for the guidance in which you welcome in and which you set aside. Do not worry about making a mistake. Any message you set aside that is holy will remain waiting for you to realize its truth and will welcome your acceptance when it comes. The messages of eternity and love and joy and peace will never fade, for there is no death in them. Only the messages of separation and the temporary deceive us to make us think they are real and lasting. They will let us down when we align with them. But the messages of eternity will remain ready for us to welcome when we are ready to see them.

There is no obstacle to peace too great to keep us from peace. Let your Higher Holy Spirit Self do the heavy lifting to remove them from your sight, for they are nothing more than an illusion and fade to nothingness when seen for what they are.

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