A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-20.VIII The Vision of Sinlessness

August 14, 2018

Our healing – our return to the awareness of our holiness – is Spirit’s goal for us. It is the return to the awareness of our true Self that has never been touched by any force that can harm us. The mistake we make is that we think we see anything real with our body’s eyes. This perception is clouded and distorted by our egoic though system rooted in the belief that we are what we are not. We believe we are broken, limited, unholy and condemned and so that is what we think we see. What if we were to entertain the thought that none of what we think we see is true, that none of it is real? The Course asks us to consider this question. Do we like what we think we see? Do we want to be a part of that world? I don’t think so. We really want something better if we are honest with ourselves.

We have the choice to accept Spirit’s gift of Vision, a way of seeing that looks beyond the appearance of the world to the truth of reality beyond. Isn’t this what we really want?

Everything looked upon with vision falls gently into place, according to the laws brought to it by Spirit’s calm and certain sight. 2 The end for everything Spirit looks upon is always sure. For it will meet Spirit’s purpose, seen in unadjusted form and suited perfectly to meet it. Destructiveness becomes benign, and sin is turned to blessing under Spirit’s gentle gaze.   T-20.VIII.6:1-4

Our egoic thought system wants none of this. It uses our relationships in ways that support its purpose, keeping us thinking we are limited and broken. Yet, Spirit transforms our relationships through the Vision It offers us – which is already ours – bringing us the reawakening of the awareness of our holiness, our limitlessness and the love and peace that are deeply rooted within us. What if we recognized this world we think we see is a hallucination? What if we really understood we made it up? What if we realized that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal? Entertain this thought just for a moment.

Hallucinations disappear when they are recognized for what they are. This is the healing and the remedy. Believe them not and they are gone. And all you need to do is recognize that you did this. Once you accept this simple fact and take unto yourself the power you gave them, you are released from them. One thing is sure; hallucinations serve a purpose, and when that purpose is no longer held they disappear. Therefore, the question never is whether you want them, but always, do you want the purpose that they serve?   T-20.VIII.8:1-7

There are only two purposes possible. One is separation, the other holiness. Nothing is in between, and which purpose we choose determines what we see. What we see is simply how we elect to meet our goal. Hallucinations serve to meet the goal of madness. They are the means the outside world, projected from within, adjusts to illusion and witness to its seeming reality. It still is true that nothing is without. Yet all projections are made on nothing. It is projection that gives the “nothing” all the meaning that it holds.

When you have looked on what seemed terrifying, and seen it change to sights of loveliness and peace; when you have looked on scenes of violence and death, and watched them change to quiet views of gardens under open skies, with clear, life-giving water running happily beside them in dancing brooks that never waste away; who need persuade you to accept the gift of vision? And after vision, who is there who could refuse what must come after? Think but an instant just on this; you can behold the holiness the One gave Us. And never need you think that there is something else for you to see.   T-20.VIII.11:1-4

What will you choose now? Choose the Vision Spirit offers you now in this moment. It is the choice that transforms all you see. Your relationships will reveal their true holy purpose, to unite you in Oneness with all others. Let your mind be healed in this moment and realize the holiness of your being. Love and peace are your reward.

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