A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.VI Time and Eternity

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 24, 2013

Our true place is only in eternity where we were placed by the Creator.  We do not belong in time.  However, we have freely elected to be in time.  And therefore we have chosen to be bound by time.  By choosing to be in time we have lost sight of eternity and the freedom eternity gives us.  And since we (not the Creator) have freely chosen to be in time the choice is alterable.  The choice can be undone because we have chosen a consciousness that is not real.  In the Realm of Heaven, which is eternity, there is no other real option.  As we choose the illusion of time we wait for the Realm of Heaven to come for us.  Of course, if we are waiting, so all others are waiting.  Who will step forward and start the awareness of eternity rolling?


The concept of time has no purpose in the Realm of Heaven.  It has absolutely no meaning for we cannot actually be in time.  It is a mistaken idea.  It is a mistaken idea that is healed through a change in perception, a change of mind.  We simply choose another concept, the concept of eternity.  Eternity is a completely different concept than time.  We tend to think of eternity as a very very long time.  Instead, it is the ever present moment that is the Now.  It is never the past, nor is it ever the future.  Eternity is always the present moment.  This is a natural concept that makes perfect sense to the Mind of God for eternity is where the Mind of God is.  Only the mind that believes it is separate from the Mind of God can even fathom the idea of time.


The egoic mind needs our belief in the idea of time for it to maintain its hold over our mind.  The egoic mind doesn’t really hold any power over anything, but we have believed it does so we relinquish to it our power. Though we appear to exist and experience in this space time continuum, we are still firmly rooted in eternity and the Realm of Heaven.  We have simply blocked our awareness of eternity by believing the idea of time the egoic mind has presented us.  As a result of this belief, we experience guilt, suffering, attack, and division in the world we perceive.  We are perceiving our world through a distorting lens that shows us an incomplete and unreal world.  Since we have blocked the real world from our consciousness, we think this world we perceive is real.


We have another choice.  Our true Self, the Spirit that dwells within our mind, is placed there to guide our mind back to the awareness of its true essence.  This Higher Self, as we allow it, gently guides the corrections we need to make in our perception.  Each change in perception raises our awareness step by step, closer and closer to true perception where we experience the real world.  We again feel the Love, Joy, and Peace of Source welling up within us.  We begin understanding the idea of being in the present moment, the eternal moment of Oneness with all of Creation.  As we allow each change in our perception we see our perception of each other, our brothers and sisters, changing before our very eyes.  And we experience a whole new understanding that we had lost sight of in our separation.  The awareness of the Realm of Heaven engulfs us and we bask in the brilliance of its radiant Love, Joy, and Peace.  And we recognize that we are at last in the home we never left.  Let it be so.

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