A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.23.IV Above the Battleground

May 14, 2019

No one wants to be on a battlefield during a battle. Yet, we often choose to remain in the midst of battle by our refusal to relinquish attack and defense. Conflict is the tempter. We tend to prefer to see differences rather than sameness or equality. Even competition is a form of attack, which reinforces our belief in difference. If we are all One, how can there be any differences? If all that is real is shared completely, how can we lack anything that means anything? We can rise above the battleground any time we choose to do so. It is simple. It is instantaneous. However, we must be willing to be raised above the battleground. We must be willing to leave conflict behind. Haven’t we had enough already? Perhaps we can desire love and peace rather than conflict.

Love and conflict are incompatible. One is real, the other is not. They cannot coexist. If we believe conflict is real and therefore possible, we will see conflict and it will block our awareness of love and peace already within us. If we believe love is real, it outshines all that is nothing, making nothing nothing. It may sound unbelievably simple, and it is. Truth and reality have all the power of the universe behind them. And thus, nothing cannot exist in the presence of everything. Our Creation has just one function; to recognize its Oneness, its Unity, and hold that for each and every part of Creation that has believed it is not a part of Itself. Our function is to recognize the love and peace within us and extend and share it with all the universe. This is the highest purpose. The lovely light of our relationship is like the Love of Oneness. Spirit understands how to increase our little gifts and make them mighty. Spirit also understands how our relationship is raised above the battleground. This is our part; to realize that conflict in any form is not our will. The overlooking of the battleground is now our purpose.

Be lifted up, and from a higher place look down upon it. From there will your perspective be quite different. Here in the midst of it, it does seem real. Here you have chosen to be part of it. Here murder is your choice. Yet from above, the choice is miracles instead of murder. And the perspective coming from this choice shows you the battle is not real, and easily escaped. Bodies may battle, but the clash of forms is meaningless. And it is over when you realize it never was begun. How can a battle be perceived as nothingness when you engage in it? How can the truth of miracles be recognized if murder is your choice?   T-23.IV.5:1-11

How do we know if we are on the battlefield or risen above it? There is a stab of pain, a twinge of guilt, and above all, a loss of peace. This we know well. When they occur, we do not leave our place on high, but quickly choose a miracle instead of conflict. Oneness and all the lights of Heaven will gently lean to us and hold us up. For we have chosen to remain where the One would have us be, and no illusion can attack the peace and love of Oneness.

Think what is given those who share their Creator’s purpose, and who know that it is theirs. They want for nothing. Sorrow of any kind is inconceivable. Only the light they love is in awareness, and only love shines upon them forever. It is their past, their present and their future; always the same, eternally complete and wholly shared. They know it is impossible their happiness could ever suffer change of any kind. Perhaps you think the battleground can offer something you can win. Can it be anything that offers you a perfect calmness, and a sense of love so deep and quiet that no touch of doubt can ever mar your certainty? And that will last forever?   T-23.IV.8:1-9

Happiness and peace will never be found on the battlefield. Allow yourself to rise above the battlefield and see it differently. See there is no point in conflict when all we could possibly get out of it is nothing. We sacrifice our peace by staying on the battlefield. We regain the awareness of the peace and love within us as we rise above the battlefield. Leave conflict behind. It cannot give us anything we really want. Step into the awareness of the Heaven within us and rise above that battleground. Let go and never return, for it is not real and has nothing to offer.

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