A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 22, 2009

I wish or you a joyous Christmas season filled with wonder and an awakening of the Christ Spirit, God within you.  Christmas can be a time of new discovery.  We honor the birth of the Christ Child into the world.  But we also allow who we really are to birth again in our awareness about ourselves and each other.  All of us are inextricably and beautifully connected at the core of our being, being One in God’s eye.  We are never apart, we are never separated, even when we make the mistake of thinking we are alone and separate.

Allow the spirit of Christmas to bring peace to you and all you come in contact with.  Allow joy to well up within you and spill over in its abundance.  Allow the boundless love that dwells deep within you to extend to all you encounter as you go about you holiday activities.  That warm smile, that “hello” or “Merry Christmas” will make someone’s day.  It may even make your day.

To borrow a phrase that you have most probably heard:  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Allow the awareness of your wholeness to rise up from within and let it shine so others you encounter will see their wholeness reflected back to them in your eyes, you words, and your actions. Our wholeness is unchangeable.  Our unawareness of it is changeable.  Let spirit rise up within you and see the wondrous love that you already are.  Feel the peace you already are.  And share the joy you can’t possible contain as you celebrate who you really are, the One Child of God, rediscovered this season.  Merry Christmas to all of you!  God’s blessing is yours.

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