A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-4.VI The Rewards of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 2, 2013

Our real life has continued without interruption, and has been and always will be unaffected by our attempts to dissociate from our true Self.  Our Divine real life cannot be interrupted or diminished in any way by our attempts at separation.  We can and do dissociate form it and block it from our awareness in an attempt to create an individual identity separate from God.  In essence we are living two lives; one in peace and joy in Communication with God, and one in separation fraught with feelings of fear and lack.  No wonder we’re confused.


The ego is not an entity that attacks us.  It is an idea in our mind made by our dissociation with who we really are.  We made it.  It didn’t invade us.  We have given that idea – albeit a mistaken idea – the power to govern our thinking – our mind.  We have given a mistaken idea power over our thoughts and believed it.  The mistaken thought system has no power unless we give it power.  And, we have become so accustomed to this mistaken thought system that we find it difficult if not impossible to let go of it, especially on our own.  We also have convinced ourselves that we could not possibly be who we really are.


We are inherently indebted to each other.  I perceive this indebtedness as responsibility.  Or, we are responsible to each other and for each other.  We are certainly responsible for what and how we think about each other.  We are responsible to each other by seeing the truth about who our brothers and sisters really are.  If we throw this responsibility away, we throw away the graciousness of each other’s Divinity including dignity; theirs and ours.  Thus we throw away – ignore – the holy perception our loving thoughts would produce.  Holy perception comes as close to knowledge as perception can.  The gap is so small at this point that knowledge easily flows across the gap, obliterating it forever.  It’s our choice to allow our thought system to be guided to change.


We really are the perfect creations of God we are created to be.  There are no ifs, and, or buts about it.  We are and have always been and always will be Divine.  We are to simply wake up and smell whatever we are meant to smell and be who we really are.  Whatever thought system is keeping you blocked from the awareness of who you really are can be offered to Spirit for evaluation.  What is mistaken will fall away.  What is mistaken cannot exist in the light of the divine.  Look in another’s eyes and see the Divine withu.  Let what is not Divine and therefore not real fall away.  The joy of the Realm of Heaven is awaiting your awakening.  We exist in the peace, love, and joy of Heaven and nowhere else.  Be where you really are and be who you really are.

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