A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.168 – Your grace is given me. I claim it now.

June 16, 2020

Lesson 168 –

Your grace is given me. I claim it now.   ACIM W.p1.168

As I began to contemplate this lesson again, I asked myself, “What does the Course mean by ‘Your grace is given me.’” I have learned that we all have everything we need.  I have also learned that we are all holy, complete, whole and limitless. If I already have everything, what is this grace I am given? Then I realized this lesson is talking to my split mind. My split mind does need healing and awakening. And, it appears to my split mind that I am lacking what I need. I see the grace as the beautiful way in which Spirit holds the truth of who I really am for me until I am ready to accept and step into that awareness. Who or what holds that remembrance may appear different to each of us. Perhaps we see that entity as God, Source, Spirit, Oneness or our Higher Holy Spirit Self. The grace is that it is held without judgement, knowing we are already whole even when we don’t see it ourselves. The Course tells us this:

Today we ask of Source the gift They have most carefully preserved within our hearts, waiting to be acknowledged. This the gift by which Source leans to us and lifts us up, taking salvation’s final step Themselves. All steps but this we learn, instructed by Their Voice. But finally Source comes Themselves, and takes us in Their Arms and sweeps away the cobwebs of our sleep. Their gift of grace is more than just an answer. It restores all memories the sleeping mind forgot; all certainty of what Love’s meaning is.   W-pI.168.3:1-6

What are we waiting for? The split mind we have made for ourselves is not real. It is separation and thus is illusion. We are not separated in any way for we are all of one Mind,. When we realize our Oneness, we recognize our wholeness, completeness, limitlessness and holiness. These are the unchangeable essences of our true being. What Joy it is to recognize this. What Peace and Love wells up in our mind when we realize this. This perfection has always been within us, though hidden by our belief in separation. In our acceptance, the ancient memory of our true Self in Oneness rises in our Mind. All memories of unworthiness recede in the light of Truth when we embrace such Light.

Source loves Their One Child. Request Them now to give the means by which this world will disappear, and vision first will come, with knowledge but an instant later. For in grace you see a light that covers all the world in love, and watch fear disappear from every face as hearts rise up and claim the light as theirs. What now remains that Heaven be delayed an instant longer? What is still undone when your forgiveness rests on everything?   W-pI.168.4:1-5

Let us now claim this grace that has been given us. It is within us in plain sight. Nothing of reality and truth are hidden from us. Only our disbelief in our holiness blocks our awareness of our truth from us. Turn to the Light grace reveals to us and see clearly who we really are. Not one of our mistakes matters. They fade into nothingness in the Light of Truth. Let them go, for they do not serve us. Peace, Love and Joy are always ours. Repeat again this lesson, this prayer.

Your grace is given me. I claim it now. Source, I come to You. And You will come to me who ask. I am the One Child You love.   ACIM W.p1.168.6:5-9

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