A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.189 – I feel the love of God within me now.

July 7, 2020

Lesson 189 –

I feel the Love of God within me now.   ACIM W.p1.089

What we feel right now is an indication of where our mind is. When we get down to the basics, we feel either love or fear. This reflects what we believe about ourselves. We either believe we are one, connected with all Creation or we believe we are separate, alone and limited. No matter what specific experiences we are engaged in in this world, no matter what seems to be real right now, our belief about who we are brings us to feelings of love or fear. How we feel is our gauge. And it is important to be honest about how we feel and whether it is lasting or fleeting. If it feels precarious or fragile, we probably feel some fear that it will fail us at any moment.

There is a light in you the world can not perceive. And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon. It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight. This light is a reflection of the thought we practice now. To feel the Love of Oneness within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.   W-pI.189.1:1-7

Lesson 61 taught us we are the light of the world. This light shines within us. It doesn’t matter whether or not we believe it, the fact is we are the light of the world. It shines forever within us. Our choice is whether we allow ourselves to see it and to let it shine. The world we think we see is searching for that light just as we are. Who will be the one to start letting their light shine? When one allows their light to shine, the light within others will shine, too. Who could feel fear in such a world? It welcomes us, rejoices that we came, and sings our praises as it keeps us safe from every form of danger and pain. It offers us a warm and gentle home here to stay a while. It blesses us throughout the day, and watches through the night as silent guardian of our holy sleep. It protects the light in us, in which it sees its own.

What would you see? The choice is given you. But learn and do not let your mind forget this law of seeing: You will look upon that which you feel within. If hatred finds a place within your heart, you will perceive a fearful world, held cruelly in death’s sharp-pointed, bony fingers. If you feel the Love of Oneness within you, you will look out on a world of mercy and of love.   W-pI.189.5:1-5

The choice is ours. We are not to make the path. We ae to allow Love to guide our minds to the light and love within us. And with this choice we rest. In our quiet hearts and open minds, Love will blaze its pathway of itself. What has not been denied is surely there, for it is true and can be surely reached. Love knows Us, and knows the way to us. Through every opened door Love shines outward from its home within, and lightens up the world in innocence. This beautiful promise, full of peace and joy, is ours for the accepting. The love, peace and joy within us is waiting to be released so it can transform the world. When you are ready, ask the prayer the Course suggests. If “Creator” does not work for you, replace it with Love or Oneness or any other word that resounds with you.

Creator, we do not know the way to You. But we have called, and You have answered us. We will not interfere. Salvation’s ways are not our own, for they belong to You. And it is unto You we look for them. Our hands are open to receive Your gifts. We have no thoughts we think apart from You, and cherish no beliefs of what we are, or Who created us. Yours is the way that we would find and follow. And we ask but that Your Will, which is our own as well, be done in us and in the world, that it become a part of Heaven now. 10 Amen. W-pI.189.10:1-10

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