A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pII.254 – My Self is ruler of the universe.

September 8, 2020

Lesson 256 –

My Self is ruler of the universe.

This lesson is in a section of the Workbook for Students titled “What Is Sin?” One might ask what sin has to do with being ruler of the universe. Sin is nothing more than a mistaken idea or belief. Belief in sin is an illusion that blocks our mind from the awareness of our holiness – the awareness of who we really are. Sin can do no harm in the real world, for sin is not real. However, it can do harm to our peace of mind while we believe it. The Course puts it this way:

The way to Oneness is through forgiveness here. There is no other way. If sin had not been cherished by the mind, what need would there have been to find the way to where you are? Who would still be uncertain? Who could be unsure of who they are? And who would yet remain asleep, in heavy clouds of doubt about the holiness of those whom Oneness created sinless? Here we can but dream. But we can dream we have forgiven those in whom all sin remains impossible, and it is this we choose to dream today. Oneness is our goal; forgiveness is the means by which our minds return to Oneness at last.   W-pII.256.1:1-9

The return to the awareness of our Oneness with all Creation is our purpose. The world is our classroom and our learning device to realize our return. We can’t harm our real Self, but we all really want to step into the awareness of our real Self and the world that awareness brings to our holy sight and mind. As we begin to forgive ourselves and others, we begin to see the world differently. We recognize the hurt we and others feel due to our belief in sin and pain. And thus see beyond pain to the holiness, peace and love that has always been within us.

In this way is our true Self ruler of the universe. Ruler of the universe does not mean controlling others, but controlling our awareness of who we really are and thus how we see the world. Is it really this simple? Yes, but our desire to continue to believe we are “sinful” has the power to block our awareness of what is and always has been real. In the story of the Garden of Eden, eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – the tree of illusion or duality – changed and blocked our awareness of who we really are. All attempts to rule or control the universe from that perspective are doomed to failure. We are trying to rule with lies. I think we all know how that turns out. The joy of this method is that no one need change anything except their own perception. I am responsible for my mind’s alignment and you are responsible for your mind’s alignment. The result is peace of mind. So, here is the prayer the Course gives us to help us see the way:

And so, our Creator, would we come to You in Your appointed way. We have no goal except to hear Your Voice, and find the way Your sacred Word has pointed out to us   W-pII.256.2:1-2

Even in this world of chaos, we can stand with our mind firmly planted in Heaven surrounded and filled with peace and love. It  really is our choice. We need only to let go of our belief in and attachment to the illusion of sin. We then realize our true role as ruler of the universe.

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