February 9, 2021
Lesson 40 –
I am blessed as a Child of God.
As ones who have chosen to see and believe ourselves as separate and undeserving, we begin the process of learning to see ourselves differently – as we really are. We begin to open our minds to the idea that we are holy, that we are complete, that we are whole. This may seem very foreign to what we believe about ourselves. We can start by beginning to see ourselves as blessed. This is a place to begin. If we narrow our perception to just the present moment, we may begin to find a release, a freedom we may not have been aware of midst the chaos of the world. Right now, in this present moment, we have all we need. In this moment we are OK. In this instant we are perhaps willing to open just a little to new possibilities.
Why wouldn’t we be blessed? We are created by our Creator in that Creator’s image. Whatever name we use for our Creator – God, Oneness, Spirit – we are created in that image. Could our Creator be something we don’t want to be like? Perhaps we have made an image that is less than holy and loving. Where did that image develop? We can take a new look and be open to having been mistaken. I remember years ago when I was struggling with the idea of a judgmental God and feeling like I was unworthy. One day amidst the backcountry of the Sierra Nevada I came to the realization that God could not be so unloving as to condemn God’s Creation. It just didn’t make any sense to me. From that moment on I felt a weight lifted from me. I began to open to all the blessings that flowed in my life. Kirtana, a singer/songwriter I love, wrote a song titled “Sweet Streams” that spoke to me. The message is that blessings are continuously coming our way and that only our denial and unwillingness to receive them keeps them away from us.
So, we begin to open ourselves to a few blessings. This lesson will start that process. We probably won’t be completely convinced this minute, but we need to start somewhere and begin to open to the change this attitude will bring. Today’s lesson begins thus:
Today we will begin to assert some of the happy things to which you are entitled, being what you are. W-pI.40.1:1
The lesson tells us to think this idea often, very often. We welcome such happy thoughts and a bounty of blessings coming our way. Some may appear to be material, but the blessings that never stop giving are the formless ones. They bring love and peace, comfort and release. They put our minds at ease and allow us to rest. Take the time today to visit this idea often. The lesson says every 10 minutes, but as often as it occurs to us is sufficient.
I am blessed as a Child of God. I am blessed as a Child of Oneness. I am blessed as a spiritual being. I am blessed period!
Let this idea seep into your mind and find yourself abundantly blessed beyond all imagination. This is the awakening of our consciousness. This is reconnection with the Oneness we are. Let it be so – right now.
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