A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-2.V The Function of the Miracle Worker

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 4, 2012

This section begins with the statement – none of our errors are meaningful because the miscreations of the mind do not really exist.  If none of our errors or miscreations really exists, there is nothing to fear.  If there is nothing to fear, we are no longer held captive by our fears, mistakes, errors, or miscreations.  We are free.  We are unlimited.  We are in the midst of God’s love, peace, joy, and abundance.  We are “protected” by the recognition that we cannot be harmed.  This is correction at the level of our confusion.  Any correction we need comes at the thought level, no other level.  This is the correction that prepares us for our function in this world.


Our function in this world of form is to be miracle workers.  Yes, that’s right, miracle workers.  Sound daunting?  Probably, but that’s our function.  However, we don not perform miracles on our own.  We are never asked to do anything “on our own”.  The Course tells us miracles are expressions of miracle mindedness, and miracle mindedness is right-mindedness!  The miracle is the shift in thought that moves us from wrong-mindedness to right-mindedness.  It is the movement from the idea that we are separate to the idea that we are One, that we are joined, that we are in unity.  This is the Atonement – At-One-ment.  The recognition of our Oneness is our healing.  This realization of our Oneness transforms how we see ad perceive the world, ourselves, and each other.


This shift in awareness dissolves all fear, releases all guilt, and frees all restraints that we may have been limiting us in our thoughts.  The light of Spirit that is within us comes rushing up to shine brightly from the Divine Presence within us.  Nothing unreal can remain in that divine light.  Any error in perception simply fades away in the light of Truth.  To share our function as a miracle worker simply requires that we accept the Atonement for ourselves.  Simply release all the mistaken thoughts we carry with us to the light of Spirit within us.  Jesus said, “My load is easy and my burden is light.”  We’re carrying much more than Jesus ever intended.  The Course asks us to release the burden of our misperceived ideas and carry with all of Creation the light already within us and let it shine forth.


From this awareness the miracle is expressed through our soft eyes of Spirit, through the soothing voice of Spirit, and through the warm touch of unconditional love.  Accept the Atonement for yourself.  And let your true function express the perfect miracle to another.  Spirit will guide you every step of the way.  And you will walk together into the light that shines from within both of you.  Let it be so.

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