A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.194 I place the future in the Hands of God.

July 13, 2021

Lesson 194 –

I place the future in the Hands of God.

One of the things our egoic thought system does is obsess about our past and project it into the future. It tells us how our future will be as bad as, worse than, or incompatible with our past. All it’s interested in doing is make us worry about our future. Well, as with all things, there is another choice. The past is over, he past is gone. The past need not determine our future. Our natural state of being is living in peace and joy from the wealth of love within us. We can change our mind, make another choice, and redirect our thoughts to that abundant love within us.

Today’s idea takes another step toward quick salvation, and a giant stride it is indeed! So great the distance is that it encompasses, it sets you down just short of Heaven, with the goal in sight and obstacles behind. Your foot has reached the lawns that welcome you to Heaven’s gate; the quiet place of peace, where you await with certainty the final step of God. How far are we progressing now from earth! How close are we approaching to our goal! How short the journey still to be pursued!   W-pI.194.1:1-6

When we finally accept today’s idea, we end all anxiety and darkness in our mind. We find the light within us that shines so bright with peace, joy and love that we share with all Creation. We may find ourselves going about our day with a smile on our face and a gentle demeanor in all we do. The act of seeking Spirit’s guidance frees our mind from the worries of our attachment to the past that has so limited us. Here is our freedom. Here is the recognition of who we really are in Oneness.

Release the future. For the past is gone, and what is present, freed from its bequest of grief and misery, of pain and loss, becomes the instant in which time escapes the bondage of illusions where it runs its pitiless, inevitable course. Then is each instant which was slave to time transformed into a holy instant, when the light that was kept hidden in The One’s Child is freed to bless the world. Now are we free, and all our glory shines upon a world made free with us, to share our holiness.   W-pI.194.5:1-4

Here is the key to a transformed life here in this world. The holy instant brings us the awareness of reality and the real world. Here we find a new perception of the world through the lens of forgiveness into holiness. Peace, love, and joy well up from deep within us, dropping the veil from our Vision that hid the real world from our mind. We recognize the truth about who we really are; complete, whole, holy, and free.

Now are we saved indeed. For in The One’s Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us. If we forget, we will be gently reassured. If we accept an unforgiving thought, it will be soon replaced by love’s reflection. And if we are tempted to attack, we will appeal to The One Who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind. No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend.   W-pI.194.9:1-6 Here is our truth.

Here is our peace. Rest in this present moment with your thoughts in the One Mind. All this is simply a choice away. The choice to release the future along with the past and turn our mind to follow the guidance of Spirit within us. Spirit will not let us down. And when we stray, it takes only a simple choice to return.

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