The power to work miracles belongs to each and every one of us. There is no question about this ability. But we do need to be ready and willing to work miracles. Spirit will provide the opportunities, but we must be willing to step up and do our part. We may be unsure at first and lack the conviction that we are able. Doing miracles will bring about the conviction that comes from accomplishment and practice. The ability is our potential. The achievement is its expression. And the Atonement, which is our natural profession, is our purpose. This is what our journey is all about, returning to the awareness of who we really are.
Performing miracles may sound daunting, but it’s really not. We have grown to believe that miracles are huge magical feats that defy all we know. We start by recognizing that we are one of God’s creations. It’s such a simple start. God’s creations are wholly lovable and wholly loving, so this is how we must begin t think of ourselves in our hearts because that is who and what we are. Just being willing to entertain this though brings us so far on our journey. This shift in our idea about who we are is forgiveness. As we realize we are Spirit we extend that same idea (forgiveness) to others in return. We are releasing ourselves and each other from the prisons of our thoughts and beliefs. Miracles are the way minds that serve Spirit unite with each other and all creation. We begin to see that we are all One in the realm of God.
As we place ourselves in the hands of Spirit, ever listening for Spirit’s guidance in all we do, we will find we need not spend needless effort to work miracles for we are in constant communication with Spirit. We don’t need to worry about results or whether we’ve done it right, for we are not alone in our guided actions. We may or may not see any results immediately or over time. Spirit directs the miracles we do and orchestrates their perfect outcome. We are released from all the worry about “doing” and results. We just do and release the outcome. We are blessed with spirit, for that is who we are.
It is our responsibility to let our perception change as Spirit guides it. We live in a world of perception for the time being on this journey. As we allow Spirit to change our perception step by step we awaken to the truth about who we really are. Our experience alters realizing more and more peace, love, and joy no matter what situation we are in at any given moment. We learn that we are love, we are experiencing love, and we are extending love to ourselves and to each other. Here in this mind-set of miracle mindedness we find the Heaven we have so sought after. And we find we have always been there and not realized we were where we were journeying to. Heaven on earth is right here in this true state of mind. Let it be so.
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