Salvation is really very simple. But to us it seems very complicated and full of treacherous paths just waiting to trip us up and deny us the freedom of salvation. Salvation is really safety or freedom. It is safety from the pitfall s of the world we made up, or all the learning we thought we needed to learn. It is freedom from all the ideas we have learned and taught ourselves that are mistaken, simple mistakes of learning. It is freedom from the split mind that has forgotten the One Mind of God, of which we are all wholly of.
We have spent our lies learning how to navigate this world we think we see. Much has been taught by our parents, teacher, ministers, friends, and others we have encountered on our path. The rest has been deduced, or thought up by rationalizing what we feel and experience with what we have been previously taught and what we have thought about what we have preciously experienced We have spent our lives rationalizing life’s experiences into thoughts and ideas made up in isolation, alone. We have sometimes sought guidance, but from another journeying through life in isolation and split-mindedness. We have not sought the guidance that is within us, so wise and knowing, rooted in peace and love and joy.
Are we ready to let go of our made-up learned thoughts and ideas? Are we willing to trust, just a little that God has a plan for us, a plan of salvation that plunks us right back in the awareness of our freedom where we belong? Allowing ourselves to shift our consciousness to right-mindedness allows the peace, love, and joy of our Source t well up within us from that deep well within us. Spirit has held the awareness of that well within us for us, waiting until we are willing to glimpse it and then acknowledge it is within us. In this acceptance we begin to recognize our true state of Being and thus begin to see and understand with the eyes and mind of Sprit, of God.
The result is that we free ourselves from the bonds and chains of the thoughts and ideas we have so senselessly made up ad believed were true. We saw and understood with a split off mind that had split itself from its Source, God, Oneness, Universe. As we allow ourselves to be carried into this new, yet remembered ancient knowing, we see not only our true Self, but each other’s Self, for they are really one and the same. We realize we are all connected; we are all One, our true nature and state of Being. We, with God, with Source are all One, changeless in the Divinity of Creation. The learning Spirit would teach is simple. It is easy. It has none of the complications of the world we made up on our own. Let this new world, seen through the eyes of Spirit draw near and step into its happiness, its peace, its love, and its joy and be the freedom it is.
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