A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-30.III Beyond All Idols

abstract background withe sea sunriseFebruary 7, 2012

It is Our Will to be complete. It is Our Will to be whole. And, it is God’s Will to be complete and whole. Our Will and God’s Will are one and the same. To be aware of our completeness, our wholeness is to be who we really are. It is our function, our purpose, to be who we really are, complete and whole. We have no need of anything outside ourselves to be who we really are, complete and whole, One with God and all creation. Completeness and wholeness are formless. They are limitless, and cannot be contained or made separate. And yet we continually try to find our function and purpose in form.

The moment we look outside ourselves for our purpose and our function, we have begun to limit ourselves. We begin to look to some form of an idea we think is outside ourselves that we think will make us complete. We have unwittingly made ourselves seem separate, unconnected, 8ncomplete, or not whole. This form takes on a form we give it and thus becomes limited. It becomes an idol, some idea or thing we think will make us whole. But something not whole cannot contain everything. God has everything there is and ever was. And God has shared it wholly with us as we are created One with God. Look away from the limited idea or form, the idol we think will make us whole. Look within to the vast abundance of God and Spirit. We are there smack in the middle of that wealth of love, peace, and joy. We are right there in the midst of everything we have ever really wanted, ad yet don’t recognize it.

As we accept the completeness of who we already are we begin to let that wholeness permeate all of our life in this world we call our existence. We call on Spirit to guide our decisions, realizing that we have no conflict with the Will of Spirit which is our true Will. The Grace of Spirit shines its light on all the world and, for awhile, we live in the realm of Heaven on earth. The peace, love, and joy of Spirit wells up from deep within us and spill forth to every corner of our being. Let go of those limited thoughts ad ideas. Recognize them for the limited idols they are. Sink luxuriously into the awareness of who we really are and be the Light of the world. Let your light shine with the peace, love, and joy that is our true being.

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