A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-8.VII The Body As A Means of Communication

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 5, 2014

We have been discussing the one appropriate function of the body as a means of communication. Guided by the egoic thought system, the body is ruled by chaos. But guided by the Holy Spirit, the body is not ruled by chaos. The body becomes a means by which the part of the mind we tried to separate from spirit can reach beyond its distortions and chaos and return to spirit from hence it came. Our mind, guided by Spirit, looks beyond the appearance of separation the body represents to the reality that we are One Mind, forever joined in the Oneness of Spirit. Guided by Spirit we look beyond the appearance of a separate body to the reality of who we really are, One Mind, while we are communicating that reality through our temporary bodies. What a blessing we experience when we begin to perceive this reality.

Healing comes to our minds as a result of using the body solely for the purpose of communicating the reality of who we are with each other. This appropriate communication happens for the most part at the level of mind and perception rather than in words. The reality of who we really are simply cannot be adequately put into words, for words are totally inadequate. What words we use merely point us in the right direction. Communicating a healing thought, the thought that recognizes the truth of who and what we really are, happens at the thought level, the level where true communication occurs. The thought recognizing a brother or sister is whole, perfect, and complete just as they are is truly recognized at the mind, allowing the minds of another and ourselves to reawaken to their joined Oneness. To recognize that another and I are completely One restores the awareness of our wholeness to both of our minds. What blessing and joy comes in that recognition. All mistakes and misperceptions fade away as we join in this mutual recognition.

As our minds are guided by Spirit we reach out, extending our minds beyond our bodies, to rejoin our awareness that we are all One Mind. We all carry the Mind of our Creator in our own being. Our own being is complete as our Creator’s is, for we are an extension of our Creator, never having really separated from our Creator at all. This reawakening to the awareness of our natural joined state of being is the return of our true nature to our awareness. Happiness, joy, and love fill our being with an incredible sense of peace. We find ourselves at rest in our true nature. All effort ceases, for our true nature is right for us. We relax into the communion with all creation that we so long for as we seek it in separation outside of ourselves. It has always been within us, simply blocked from our awareness by our egoic thought system. Awaken to the fact that the bocks we think are in our way are nothing. They become transparent and insubstantial and fade into nothingness as we allow our minds to be guided by Spirit.

Take a moment. Step back, observe your mind and allow Spirit to guide your mind to its natural state of Oneness. See, then, the reality of the Oneness of all creation in its wholeness and perfection and unity. We truly are the One Child of God. There are many facets and many appearances in this chaotic world, but in reality we are truly One blessed One. Allow yourself to awaken to this reality and see it in all creation in One holy instant. Let it be so.

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