A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-7.VIII The Unbelievable Belief

April 29, 2014abstract background withe sea sunrise

The unbelievable belief is the belief that we are something we are not and cannot be.  Does this sound just a bit insane?  The idea that we could possibly believe something untrue about us is a form of insanity.  Yet we have all believed this insane thought in its various forms and manifestations to some degree.  How many of us truly believe we are completely whole, completely divine, and completely One with Source 100% of the time?  At some point we entertained the idea that we were separate from Source and gave the idea our belief and thus gave that belief our power.    Our journey in this life is to undo or relinquish our belief that we are separate from Source and each other.  We have many tools given to us to accomplish this belief correction and infinite assistance in doing so.  The assistance is found in Spirit, in each other, and in every experience and encounter that faces us in our human lives as we move on this journey.  The help is unique to each of us and is infinite.  It’s all embodied in the miracle of Atonement guided by Spirit.  It’s God’s Plan for Salvation, GPS.


We are all created whole, complete, limitless, and divine by Source.  This is an irrefutable fact.  Our belief that we are separate and thus less than our creation is a result of our own disbelief in who we really are and has no more substance than a mistaken thought.  However, because we so strongly believe it, we have given the belief the power to block our awareness of who we really are.  Each of us has embarked on our own journey.  Our journeys appear to be random and perhaps at the mercy of others and outside circumstances.  I believe we have each made choices in our lives that brought us to the place we are right now.  Since we are all really One, the web of all our decisions and choices weave together in the fabric of human life.  The Course tells us this web of life is an illusion.  That’s a challenging idea for anyone believing they are being carried along by the web of life.  I have come to see that the illusion the Course refers to is not so much the events, experiences and relationships of our lives.  I see the illusion as our thoughts and perceptions about all these events, experiences and relationships, all built on our belief that we are separate and therefore limited and flawed in some way.


The Course tells us that nothing unreal exists and that anything real is eternal.  I totally get that.  So I understand that the world of form is temporary.  It changes, it dies, it can be attacked, and therefore is not real.  Yet, there is such beauty in the world of form interwoven with all the events, experiences and relationships that seem to be so hurtful.  But haven’t we used our creative power to make up this world?  Sometimes I was thinking with my higher mind, the Mind of Source, and sometimes I was thinking with my lower or egoic mind.  It’s no wonder I feel confused at times.  The Course also tells us that Spirit can use anything we made or perceived, retaining the holy and releasing the mistaken from it, transforming our perception for us if we will allow the transformation.  All the events, experiences and relationships we encounter are used by Spirit as learning opportunities to teach us.  This means to me that they, including the body, are neutral, neither good nor bad.  They just are.  It is our perception, our beliefs about ourselves and who we believe we are that determine our thoughts about anything in our lives.


At any moment of any hour of any day, it is our choice what we believe about ourselves and who we are.  What is past is past.  What’s to come is not yet cast.  The present moment is where we are right now.  We can chose to believe the unbelievable belief that we are separate from Source and all Creation.  Or, we can choose to allow Spirit to guide us in changing our belief about ourselves.  We can choose to be willing to believe we are the One whole, complete, limitless and divine Child of God as we are created.  The awareness of this truth will arise in our mind as we allow Spirit to guide us in learning this very believable belief that has always been and always will be true.  This transformation of our belief about who we really are is the journey we have taken.  Embrace all of it, for it is Our Plan for Salvation, too.


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