A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-11.IV The Inheritance of God’s Child

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 10, 2015

Our peace lies in its limitlessness. There is more than enough to go around. In fact there is no end to our peace. Our function is to share it with each other. Since we are all One, it is our function to share our peace with all. This may sound at first like a daunting, if not impossible, task, but nothing could be further from the truth. When we rest in the awareness of our true Identity, our true Self, it is easy and natural for we are in alignment with our One Mind. We have let go of the perception that we are something other than what we really are and bask in the knowledge that we are whole and complete, One with our Creator and all Creation, as we are created. But when we limit the peace we share, for whatever reason, we raise a block in our minds that blocks the full awareness of who we really are and the limitlessness of our peace. It’s a simple principle; when we perceive our peace as limited, we hold back in our willingness to share it. Once we embark on this thought system that believes peace is limited, we can’t see that we are all One and that we all share limitless peace because we try to divide up what cannot be divided.

Peace is real and thus cannot be divided up or separated into portions. This is the beginning of the egoic thought system. This is the origin of the mistaken idea we are separate from our Source and each other. The result is that in our minds we cut off our brothers and sisters from the divine light and peace that is ours. Would we really do this if we were thinking correctly? We would not do this if we realize that we darken only our own mind and block ourselves from the awareness of our own peace and light. Yet, as we bring another back into peace and light by sharing it, so do we return to the awareness of our divine light and peace. This is the law of the One for the protection of our wholeness and divine Identity. Our wholeness is always with us whether or not we are aware of it, unchangeable and unable to be damaged. No matter how far we have wandered on our journey of separation, our wholeness and divine nature are always with us, even when we have blocked them from our awareness.

The Course teaches us:

Only you can deprive yourself of anything. Do not oppose this realization, for it is truly the beginning of the dawn of light. Remember also that the denial of this simple fact takes many forms, and these you must learn to recognize and to oppose steadfastly, without exception. This is a crucial step in the reawakening. The beginning phases of this reversal are often quite painful, for as blame is withdrawn from without, there is a strong tendency to harbor it within. It is difficult at first to realize that this is exactly the same thing, for there is no distinction between within and without. ACIM T-11.IV.4.1-6

The responsibility of this mistake in perception is ours. No one else can be responsible no matter how it may appear, for our perception is ours and is perceived in our own mind we believe to be separate. In a like way, when we blame another for our deprivation, we are blaming ourselves, and we cannot blame ourselves without blaming them. It’s a vicious circle we get caught up in. Though we are responsible for our misperception, the wages of misperception are not death, they are simply the appearance of misery and loneliness in our world.

Our purpose then is to shift our perception, seeing ourselves and each other as we really are, whole and complete and divine as we are created. We accomplish this by sharing miracles with another. The miracle of sharing limitless light and peace with another brings the awareness that we also are that limitless light and peace that we share in Oneness and Unity. The blocks to our awareness of who we are begin to drop away and fade into nothingness. This is the journey without distance on which the Course takes us. Spirit is within us to guide us every step of the way. Ask and it is given you. Be patient. Keep your eyes on the Light within you. It is the same light you see in another. Join with them in Spirit and feel it shine away all misery and loneliness. Step into the Realm of Heaven on earth. This is your real Home.

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