A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-6.II The Alternative to Projection

November 12, 2013

abstract background withe sea sunriseThe Holy Spirit is within us.  No matter what we think or how we feel at any given moment, Spirit is with us, within us, and inseparable from us.  Sprit is our connection to the Mind of God, even when we have lost sight of it.  Spirit is our higher Holy Spirit Self.  When we have lost our awareness of who we really are, Spirit holds that knowledge for us.  Spirit carries our wholeness with us when we have chosen to perceive ourselves and each other incorrectly.  We may perceive that we have left the Mind of God, Oneness, but Spirit holds reality for us.  As Spirit holds that reality of Oneness for us, It quietly calls us back to the awareness of who we really are.  It systematically uses all we encounter and experience to teach us correct perception and return us to the Oneness, the Mind of God, we never left.


We have a choice.  We can make it easy or difficult to return to the awareness of who we really are.  We may, in wrong-mindedness, realize we are separated from the Mind of God.  The split mind can accept that idea.  But, the split mind finds it very difficult to accept the idea that returning to the awareness of our One-mindedness is simple.  It prefers to believe it is very difficult if not impossible.  Spirit walks with us continually reminding us of the truth about ourselves, and calling us to simply shift our perception to that which Spirit holds for us in our minds.  We simply shift our focus from our lower mind to Spirit who will guide us to the awareness of the Mind of God within us.  This is who we really are, One with God, each other, and all creation.  We see ourselves and each other through the eyes of Spirit causing us to see and perceive correctly.  Our perception of the world will shift.  Rather than seeing a world of division and separation, we see the Realm of Heaven.  We have a new understanding and a new way of thinking.  We will find peace, love and joy at the center of our being and see all through that lens.


We are the light of the world.  And where light abides, no darkness can enter.  It is impossible for darkness to exist wherever light is present.  We are whole, no matter what miss-thought we have believed.  Once we let go of our attachment to the ideas that block our light from shining outward, we extend that light to all so that they may also see there is no darkness.  Our awareness of our light within shines away another’s blocks to the light we all share.  As light shines forth from us, it also shines forth from another.  We share that light with all of creation.  Only what is real can be shared.  As we share the light and love of God with each other, we extend it to all of creation.  As this light and love extends, it expands.  There is no lack of light and love, for it is real and therefore limitless.  We have and are all we need.  Allow Spirit to show us that.  We are already where we are seeking to go.  We simply need to realize we are already in the Realm of God, Heaven on Earth.  Spirit is the gift given us to guide us to the awareness that the separation never occurred.  Let that awareness be so.

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