A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.V The Christ in You

July 9, 2019

What have we aligned our minds with? What thought within us have we pledged allegiance with? The Christ in us is very still. The Christ in us looks on what the Christ in us loves and knows it as our True Self. And thus, does the Christ in us rejoice at what the Christ in us sees, because the Christ in us knows that it is one with the Christ in us and with our Creator. Specialness also takes joy in what it sees, even though it is not true. Yet what we seek for is a source of joy as we conceive it. When we seek joy in specialness, we block our awareness of the Christ in us and the stillness that brings to our minds. Aligning with specialness brings us anything except peace. Which do we seek?

There is no dream of specialness, however much it delicately offers the hope of peace and the escape from pain, in which we do not suffer our condemnation. Effect and cause are interchanged in the dream of specialness. The maker of the dream believes that what they made is happening to them. They do not realize they picked a thread from here, a scrap from there, and wove a picture out of nothing. In other words, we made up the dream of specialness, believed it and aligned our minds with it and, thus, blocked our awareness of the peace and joy already within and around us.

Where could your peace arise but from forgiveness? The Christ in you looks only on the truth, and sees no condemnation that could need forgiveness. The Christ in you is at peace because The Christ in you sees no sin. Identify with the Christ in you, and what has the Christ in you that you have not? The Christ in you is your eyes, your ears, your hands, your feet. How gentle are the sights the Christ in you sees, the sounds the Christ in you hears. How beautiful the Hand that holds your friend’s, and how lovingly the Christ in you walks beside them, showing them what can be seen and heard, and where they will see nothing and there is no sound to hear.   T-24.V.3:1-7

Do not be deceived that specialness will treat you kindly. Its purpose is to keep you off balance. Its purpose is to deny you peace of mind and joy. It may offer you dribs and drabs of peace and joy to keep your allegiance, but they will always be fleeting glimpses that do not stay the course. We need not settle for the dribbles and glimpses of peace and joy. We can be resting in the fullness of complete unadulterated peace and joy. The choice is ours if we are willing to make it, or even allow it.

Rejoice you have no eyes with which to see; no ears to listen, and no hands to hold nor feet to guide. Be glad that only Christ can lend you Christ’s, while you have need of them. They are illusions, too, as much as yours. And yet because they serve a different purpose, the strength their purpose holds is given them. And what they see and hear and hold and lead is given light, that you may lead as you were led.   T-24.V.5:1-5

Remember that this world of form is an illusion – it is temporal. Yet, everything we perceive in this world can be used for separation or for joining. The purpose of joining us in Oneness is the world’s holy purpose. Let’s align our minds with each holy purpose in this world as we begin to transcend the specialness of the world to the holiness of all Creation. This is where Heaven on earth truly is.

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