A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.IV Specialness Versus Sinlessness

July 2, 2019

The section we look at this week is titled “Specialness Versus Sinlessness.” It equates specialness with sinfulness. The Course taches us that we are sinless, so what does this imply? It certainly implies that specialness is illusion – that it is not real. It seems the Course keeps coming back to some form of specialness. It talks about special relationships often. It talks about specialness. In all cases the word special and its various forms implies differences and not-the-sameness. The Course teaches us we are all One – with God – the One – and each other. The Course teaches us we all share in everything equally. This doesn’t mean equal parts divided among us, it means we all have everything and share the entirety of everything. Everything seems so finite in this world of form where everything appears to have boundaries. This is a function of perception led by the idea that separation is real. Separation and specialness are concepts we are loathe to let go of as they are so engrained in our egoic thinking.

Our attachment to differences as defining who we are becomes a form of attack. Either we attack each other by believing they are less than us or we attack ourselves by believing we are less than them. What a crazy way to think. We may even try to destroy anything we think keeps us down or less than.

We have transferred purpose to the physical to reinforce our idea of separation. However, purpose is of the mind. When the mind delegates purpose to the body, it is denying its responsibility for the world we see. Purpose is of the mind. And minds can change as they desire. What minds and all their attributes are, they cannot change. But what they hold as purpose can be changed, and body states must shift accordingly. Of itself the body can do nothing. See the body as means to hurt, and it is hurt. See the body as means to heal, and it is healed. It is the mind that gives the body its purpose. Miracles are merely change of purpose from hurt to healing. This shift in purpose does “endanger” specialness, but only in the sense that all illusions are “threatened” by the truth. Illusions will not stand before Truth. Know there is no comfort in illusions. Give your allegiance to Oneness and the universe is yours. Offered to illusions, no gifts can be returned. What you have given specialness leaves you with nothing.

Do not defend this senseless dream, in which Oneness is bereft of what It loves, and you remain beyond salvation. Only this is certain in this shifting world that has no meaning in reality: When peace is not with you entirely, and when you suffer pain of any kind, you have beheld some sin within another, and have rejoiced at what you thought was there. Your specialness seemed safe because of it. And thus you saved what you appointed to be your savior, and crucified the one whom Oneness has given you instead. So are you bound with them, for you are one. And so is specialness their “enemy,” and yours as well.   T-24.IV.5:1-6

Our attachment to the belief in specialness blocks our awareness of peace within us. How do we see each other? Do they appear to suffer because of our belief in specialness? Our belief in specialness and separation always blocks our awareness of who we really are. We have not lost our peace of mind – we have not lost the love within us. We have merely blocked our awareness of all we have and are. Let go of the blocks to love and peace and step into the awareness of Heaven right here on this earth right now. What we want, what we desire is right here now. Let it be so.

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