A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.II The Guiltless Child (Son) of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 15, 2015

Our destiny is happiness and peace. This is the One’s will for us. This is our true nature that we always have been and always will be. This is who we really are. Any idea, belief or conviction that we are anything else is simply mistaken. Yet we fear this truth about ourselves. What is this all about? Why are we afraid to step into the awareness of our own Divine nature? The One created us whole, complete and limitless. We are afraid of this truth about us because we believe ourselves limited. We have so bought into our egoic thought system’s idea of separation and inadequacy that we cannot see or believe anything else about ourselves even if it is true. And even when Spirit holds our true nature up for us to see we refuse to recognize it as who we are.

The Course tells s this:

This course has explicitly stated that its goal for you is happiness and peace. Yet you are afraid of it. You have been told again and again that it will set you free, yet you sometimes react as if it is trying to imprison you. You often dismiss it more readily than you dismiss the ego’s thought system. To some extent, then, you must believe that by not learning the course you are protecting yourself. And you do not realize that it is only your guiltlessness that can protect you.   ACIM T-13.II.7.1-6

Somehow we believe that we are protecting ourselves by believing we are something we are not. In other words we are denying who we really are. We thus make ourselves miserable by denying our Divine nature, our completeness and our wholeness. What an insane thought! Yet, we continue to believe it and hold on to it very tightly.

The Atonement – At-One-ment – is our release from this prison of thought. Realizing we are free, complete, whole and limitless is the healing we desire. It is a simple act of letting go of our attachment to the mistaken and limiting ideas about ourselves and others we hold fast in our minds and allowing Spirit to flood our minds with the truth about us. This truth is freeing. It releases us from the bonds we have chosen for ourselves and brings to our minds the reality of who we are. The darkness we have grown so familiar with recedes and vanishes. The world we see transforms before us. We find ourselves basking in the light of Heaven on this earth and feeling the love that radiates from all creation.

Our “guilty secret” of separation is nothing at all. When we bring it to the light, the light dispels it and no dark cloud will remain between us and the remembrance of who we really are. In this understanding lies our remembering, for it is the recognition of joy without fear. There is great joy in our homecoming, for this joy is ours. Come hone prodigal child, for your place has always been yours. Let yourself be in that place as you celebrate the return of your awareness of who you really are. You are the Love in which you are created. Be hat Love and let it shine.

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