Redemption is simply the remembrance of who we really are, the remembrance that we are whole, complete, limitless and divine. It is a remembrance because we never stopped being who we really are. We mistakenly blocked our awareness of our true Self. Redemption does take some effort on our part, but simply the effort to be willing to trust our higher holy spirit Self to emerge from behind the blockade we built to hide it from ourselves. There’s no sane answer to why we blocked our awareness of our true self and all that we are, but we did, so we must allow ourselves to be led back to the awareness of our Divine nature.
From the Course:
Beneath all the grandiosity we hold so dear is our real call for help. For we call for love to our Higher Holy Self as our Higher Holy Self calls us to Oneness. In that place which we have hidden, we will only to unite with the Higher Holy Self in loving remembrance of our Oneness. We will find this place of truth as we see it in each other, for though they may deceive themselves, like we do, they long for the grandeur that is in them. And perceiving it ourselves will welcome it, and it will be ours. For grandeur is the right of the One Child – Us – and no illusions can satisfy us or save us from what we are. Only our love is real, and we will be content only with our reality. T-13.III.8.1-7
We think of ourselves as separate and carry an air of grandiosity about who we think we are. But since we have lost touch with who we really are we have nothing to compare that with. Our comparisons are made with judgments we made up of others. The truth about who we are is far more than what we could possibly imagine in isolation. The Course calls the truth about us “Grandeur.” This Grandeur is vast, expansive, full of grace and completely peaceful yet filled with unimaginable joy. There is a calm unassuming dignity that hums beneath all that we are when we begin to realize that we are all One in this Creation.
Our redemption is the remembering of this truth about us. Every experience, every One we encounter, every feeling we feel is an opportunity to turn our thoughts to our Higher Holy Self and listen for the call to return our minds home to the One Mind. Our resistance to this call is the only thing that keeps us from the awareness of the peace and joy within our Divine being. Our brothers and sisters we are journeying with in this world are there for a divine purpose. They are the ones we are to offer redemption by changing our minds about them and seeing beyond the appearances we project on them to the Higher Holy Self they really are in Oneness with Us. The transformation is divine. Look then beyond to that which is within and allow the Higher Holy One Self to arise and reunite us all in Oneness. This is the Grandeur of redemption. Let it rise in your mind and be reminded of who you really are.
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