A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-3.V Beyond Perception

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 12, 2013

The text we are discussing this week addresses prayer.  Most of us have grown up with some idea of what prayer is.  The Course describes prayer as asking for something.  That’s not so different from the idea we grew up with.  But, asking for something implies that we lack something, and the Course has taught us we lack nothing at all.  Prayer is a part of perception.  And it has a use for us in our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  Prayer is also the medium of miracles.  One caviat is that there is only one meaningful prayer and that is for forgiveness, because those who accept forgiveness have everything.

Being in a mind-set of separation requires perception.  Perception involves evaluation as we make judgments to decide what we will or will not believe.  Left to our habitual way of thinking, we will always evaluate the way we perceive anything based on separation.   Allowing Spirit to guide our evaluating as we perceive will shift our perception closer and closer to Truth and Knowledge.  Step by step Spirit, as we allow, guides our perception and moves us in shifts of perception we can manage.  We are moveing from a perception that we lack anything we need to the knowedge that we already have everything and lack nothing.  Once we realize we have and always have had all there really is, we have accepted forgiveness and no longer have any need to ask.

As long as perception is a part of the way we think, there is a need for prayer.  There is a need to seee differently.  There is nothing wrong or bad about perception.  It happens to be what we do in a state of separation.  And it has a purpose.  It can be used by Spirit to help us correct our perception, change the way we see in this world.  As our perception iscorrected we see the world we live in differently and we understand it in a more loving way.  We begin to see the peace, love, and joy of God that is always present in each and every one.  Our true reality is that we are the holy Thoughts of God, we are the Light of God.  That Light shines from within us.  We can never estinguish that light, but we can ignore or hide it.  Use the tool of prayer and perception to allow Sprit to guide you each and every moment.  It takes vigilance at first.  But after awhile it will become a part of your way of doing things and become a new healthier habit.  allow Spirit to work in you and experience the fullness of Spirit’s peace, love, and joy as it radiates from the light within you.

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