A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-3.VI Judgment and the Authority Problem

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 19, 2013

Judgment is a form of perception.  When we are using judgment we believe in a world of duality or separation.  We make each one’s degree of holiness or un-holiness real in our minds.  The truth is we are all equally holy as we are created by God.  There is no exception in reality.  But we who insist on holding on to judgment and perception as real will continue to be separated from all that Gad gives us.  Total peace, total joy, and total love come from total forgiveness, the change in our perception of ourselves and each other.  The miracle of total forgiveness is a shift in what we think about ourselves and each other.  Total forgiveness is recognizing that we are all as we are created by God, perfect, whole, and peaceful.


Our choice is between judging and knowing.  Judging results in a loss of our awareness of the peace within us.  Peace is still within us, but we don’t see it because we choose to judge ourselves and each other and find us all lacking.  We find ourselves lacking even though God has provided and given us all that is real.  Allowing Spirit to help guide our perception and judgment will shift our minds closer and closer to the thoughts of the Mind of God which our minds are a part of.  As we shift our thinking closer and closer to the Mind of God, we will experience a deeper and deeper sense of peace flowing from within us.  We will find a deeper understanding and know with ever more surety we are One with God.


It doesn’t matter whether we are judging right or wrong, good or bad.  If we are judging, we are perceiving from a state of separation and not from Sprit’s guidance.  Yes, we will still use some form of perception, but our proper use of perception is to let it be guided more and more by Spirit, bringing our minds further and further out of misperception and closer to reality and truth.  Meeting ourselves and each other totally without judgment brings a tremendous release and deep peace to our minds.  The suspension of judgment results in knowing.  This is the process that replaces perception with recognizing what we already know.


Since we have chosen to control our thoughts based on our own judgment, we have thus lost control over our awareness of who we are.  In seeming to take control of our lives over from Spirit, we have essentially given control of our mind and therefore our lives to forces separate from who we are, and thus not real.  We have seemingly usurped the natural order of reality and placed something else in it a place that is not true.  The result is misery of varying degrees.  Some don’t seem so bad, but others are worse.  None, though can come up to the standards of Spirits guidance which holds the recognition of who we really are out to us for us to reclaim.  When we wholeheartedly join with Spirit in the knowledge of who we really are we find the joy, peace and love that is and always has been ours.  Let Spirit guide us to this knowing today and rejoice that we finally recognize our holiness.

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