A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Category Archives: Acim Ch. 01 – The Meaning Of Miracles

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

August 2, 2005

It is refreshing to remind ourselves what miracles really are. We seem to focus on how the miracle is manifested in the world of form. Yet there is a deeper reality of miracles. A miracle happens on a spiritual level that transcends the world of form. It may manifest in form, but not necessae6rily in the narrow way we may expect it to manifest. We also have come to expect a miracle to be big or “miraculous”. Miracles can be “small”, too. Often a kind word or a smile creates a miracle. We may never even know that a miracle has happened to someone else. The Course says there is no order of difficulty to miracles. No miracle is greater or lesser that another. The miracle itself is a change in our awareness, a shift of our thoughts toward awareness of who we really are, the One Child of God. That change in thought can set up the conditions that then manifest in a change in the world of form. It may be instantaneous or take some time. Miracles are happening around us every day in our lives. When we open our awareness we will begin to recognize them. Let’s learn how.