A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

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ACIM W.pI.145 My mind holds only what I think with God.

May 25, 2021

Lesson 145 –

My mind holds only what I think with God.
Review of Lessons 129 and 130

We begin our review of these two thoughts framed in a recognition that we hold only those thoughts we think with God. These that we share with God are the only real thoughts we have. All other thoughts are misperceptions and need no longer occupy our minds. The best way to look at this is to relax and release our obsession with any thoughts we are having and rest in the peace that rises within us in this space. The two review lessons are as follows:

(129) Beyond this world there is a world I want.   W-pI.145.1:1
(130) It is impossible to see two worlds.   W-pI.145.2:1

These two lessons refer to the Course’s teachings about the two worlds and which one we choose to see. The world of illusion is what most of us are used to seeing. It is a world that appears to be full of good and evil, contradictions, attack, blame, and wrongdoing. It is a world seen through the lens of our judgement about our past. It seems to be a hard world that we may see as “out to get us.” And none of us see it the same. We even argue about anything and everything we see in this world and what itmeans. Most of the time we see it as unfair, especially to ourselves and those close to us.

There is another world the Course teaches about. This world is referred to as the real world. One might wonder where this “real world” is. It is a world perceived through the lens of a healed mind. It is a world seen through the eyes of holy vision having released the past and looked upon the world with new eyes and new Vision. It is a world perceived through the guidance of Spirit. This “real world” is still a perceived world, a temporal world, but a world perceived correctly. We see and understand this world with love and peace in our mind. It no longer causes us upset, but calls to us for the extension of love and compassion. We see differently when we see through the holy eyes of love. This is what we are shifting to when we practice the Workbook lesson that says  we can choose to see this differently.

It is true that we cannot see both these worlds at the same time. We choose to perceive one or the other. The contrast is too great to hold both visions at one time. It would be too insane and contradictory for us to handle. The question is, do we want the world we think we see? Is this what we really want? I know thus is not the world I want to see. I want to see a better world. I want to see  peace instead of this.

The Course often asks us to look beyond the appearance of things to the truth and reality beyond. It asks us to rise above the battleground of the egoic thought system to be able to see more clearly. This world beyond the one we think we see is the one we really want. It is a world seen through our spirit eyes – through Holy Vision. As we allow ourselves to look with healed vision, we see a new world, a real world, where there is no attack or doubt. There are no blocks to love and peace. There is a deep joy that wells up within us that buoys our spirits in the remembrance of who we really are. No more do we want for anything for we have all we need and all there is. Let go of any lack and limitation you may feel weighed down by. You now see you are whole, complete, and holy. This is your natural being. This is who you really are. And when you forget, remind yourself to look beyond the appearance of less to the sureness of the all beyond. This is home. This is the real world. This is Heaven on earth. Look beyond the appearance of the world you think you see to the real world beyond.

ACIM W.pI.138 Heaven is the decision I must make.

May 18, 2021

Lesson 138 –

Heaven is the decision I must make.

We always have a choice. Every choice we make affects our life in some way. The question is, “What information do we use to make our choices?” It is always wise to make choices that are informed. But are our choices well informed? Our information may be wise or it may be based on incorrect perceptions. And how do we tell the difference? In this lesson, the Course talks about Heaven as a choice. This choice is about the world we see now, not after our bodies die. The Course teaches that Heaven is the real world – the world we see when we look at the world with Holy Vision, free of egoic perception. Heaven is the correct perception of the world seen through forgiving eyes that see the reality of the abundant unconditional love that is the reality of our Identity. It is seen through the eyes of Oneness and Unity.

In this world Heaven is a choice, because here we believe there are alternatives to choose between. We think that all things have an opposite, and what we want we choose. If Heaven exists there must be hell as well, for contradiction is the way we make what we perceive, and what we think is real.   W-pI.138.1:1-3

Sometimes all the choices that appear to be available are overwhelming. There seems to be thousands of choices to choose from. We ask ourselves how we can make a choice when there are so many options. There seems to be so many opposites to choose from. How could there be so many opposites? It is helpful, when this confusion confronts us, to take a step away for a moment and take a deep breath or two. There are not so many real choices as it may seem. Once we step away, we can rest in the stillness of the moment and ask for guidance from Spirit. Spirit is our inner guide that is waiting for us to simply ask and let go of the chaos around our egoic thinking. The right choice, the choice that we really want, is Heaven. It is the choice that will bring us peace and joy. The choice is the acceptance of the recognition that Heaven is the only real choice and it is the choice we realty want.

In this insanely complicated world, Heaven appears to take the form of choice, rather than merely being what it is. Of all the choices you have tried to make this is the simplest, most definitive and prototype of all the rest, the one which settles all decisions. If you could decide the rest, this one remains unsolved. But when you solve this one, the others are resolved with it, for all decisions but conceal this one by taking different forms. Here is the final and the only choice in which is truth accepted or denied.   W-pI.138.6:1-5

We are ready, more than ready to set aside all other choices and consider the choice of Heaven. In making the choice for Heaven, all other problems are resolved. The choice for Heaven aligns our minds with Spirit which aligns with the One Mind of God. The realization that all other choices merely keep us rooted in a world of opposites and confusion, brings us to the realization that Heaven is the only choice that makes any sense and returns us to sanity and a sane world. The choice for Heaven returns us to our right mind and correct perception. The conscious choice of Heaven is as sure as is the ending of the fear of hell, when it is raised from its protective shield of unawareness, and is brought to light. We decide between the clearly seen and the unrecognized.

Make the choice for Heaven now. Don’t change your mind. Because, it is the only choice we ever want.

ACIM W.pI.131 No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.

May 11, 2021

Lesson 131 –

No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.

We cannot fail to find truth if we seek truth. Have we succeeded? If not, what are we seeking? Perhaps what we are actively seeking is not truth and so we fail to find truth. Something to think about. Or, perhaps we are looking in all the wrong places. Perhaps we are looking outside ourselves. Nothing real is outside ourselves. Have we tried looking within? The Course tells us time and time again that what we seek is already within us. We already have it. We may be inadvertently searching for the impermanent when we really want the permanent. Even if we believe the impermanent to be permanent, it is not and will never be permanent. I think all of us really want permanence. We want the truth. We want what is eternal. We want what we already are but don’t realize it yet. What we want is nearer than we realize. We are still free to choose a goal that lies beyond the world and every worldly thought, and one that comes to us from an idea relinquished yet remembered, old yet new; an echo of a heritage forgotten, yet holding everything we really want.

No one remains in hell, for no one can abandon their Creator, nor affect their Creator’s perfect, timeless and unchanging Love. You will find Heaven. Everything you seek but this will fall away. Yet not because it has been taken from you. It will go because you do not want it. You will reach the goal you really want as certainly as the One created you in sinlessness.   W-pI.131.5:1-6

Why wait? What we seek is here today. Heaven remains our one alternative to this strange world we made; its shifting patterns and uncertain goals, its painful pleasures and its tragic joys. Heaven is waiting for us to accept its existence. It is always there in our mind waiting for us to remove the blocks to our awareness of it and allow its peace and joy to rise up in us. This is the Truth we seek. It is ours for the asking. It is waiting for nothing more than our acceptance and willingness. Look for that door, right in front of you. Spirit is ready to show it to us. Be ready.

Put out your hand, and see how easily the door swings open with your one intent to go beyond it. Angels light the way, so that all darkness vanishes, and you are standing in a light so bright and clear that you can understand all things you see. A tiny moment of surprise, perhaps, will make you pause before you realize the world you see before you in the light reflects the truth you knew, and did not quite forget in wandering away in dreams.   W-pI.131.13:1-3

We cannot fail. This is our choice which has been offered us by the One. This is the choice made in light, revealed by Spirit and offering us Truth. Everything we need and want is here. It reveals our holiness, our completeness, our wholeness. We want for nothing here in Heaven, our home on earth. Ask and trust. We are worthy. All this is our inheritance for it is created with us and can never be taken away. Relax. Take a step of faith into the truth you seek. It is wholly yours shared in Oneness with the Creator and all Creation. Say yes, open the door and walk through it into the light of truth.

ACIM W.pI.124 Let me remember I am one with God.

May 4, 2021

Lesson 124 –

Let me remember I am one with God.

Our journey in this world is to remember who we really are and live from that knowledge. Remembering we are One with God, Source, Creator or Oneness, however we each choose to label It, brings a fresh perspective to our mind. Doing so brings a certain calmness to our being. It allows us to rest and allow the love, peace, and joy of Oneness to rise in us. As we allow this awakening, the appearance of the world around us transforms. It may still be unchanged, yet our perception of it is transformed. We look upon it with compassion and love, and in that light, it is somehow different. It is we who have changed. We can give thanks for our Identity in Oneness. We are home, safe, protection guaranteed in all we do, power and strength available to us in our journey. Everything we touch takes on a shining light that blesses and heals. We go our way rejoicing, with the thought that Oneness goes everywhere with us.

How holy are our minds! And everything we see reflects the holiness within the mind at one with God and with itself. How easily do errors disappear, and death give place to everlasting life. Our shining footprints point the way to truth, for God is our Companion as we walk the world a little while. And those who come to follow us will recognize the way because the light we carry stays behind, yet still remains with us as we walk on.   W-pI.124.2:1-5

Our acceptance of Oneness – the acceptance of who we really are – is our gift to all. The light within us shines brightly to all who are seeking the light within themselves. Our light reflects their inner light so they can see the truth of their own holiness. We also reflect the peace, love, and joy within them, so it is revealed to them when they are ready to see. And the limitless love in which we are created smiles on us and offers us the happiness we give. As we allow our acceptance of being One with our Creator to rise within our mind, we see our awareness of ourselves transformed. We begin to see our wholeness. We begin to see our completeness. We begin to see our limitlessness. We begin to see our holiness. As we see all this within ourselves, we also begin to see the same in each other, recognizing that we are all One with our Creator; that we are all in Oneness.

No miracle can ever be denied to those who know that they are one with God. No thought of theirs but has the power to heal all forms of suffering in anyone, in times gone by and times as yet to come, as easily as in the ones who walk beside them now. Their thoughts are timeless, and apart from distance as apart from time.   W-pI.124.6:1-3

We join in this awareness as we say that we are one with our Creator. In these words we say as well that we are safe and healed; that we can make safe and heal. We have accepted, and we now give. Let the awareness of this peace rise in you today. It brings comfort and understanding. It transforms the appearance of the world. We begin to see the holiness of each other and recognize we are truly joined in Oneness. Remembering our Oneness we find our Home here in Heaven on earth. And whenever this fades, remind ourselves that we are indeed One with God, for Oneness is reality.