A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: August 2016

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ACIM T-15.III Littleness Versus Magnitude

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 30, 2016

Every decision we make is reflective of what we think about ourselves. Every decision we make brings either joy or sorrow. Every decision we make is for Heaven or hell and brings us the awareness of what we decided for. Every decision we make is for separation or Oneness. The decision takes many different forms yet the essence of our decision is to live in the awareness of who we really are or to deny who we really are. Would we rather be hostage to our egoic thought system or host to the One, our Source? It is always our choice, whether we recognize it or not. Our true wish is to be in the awareness of the Oneness we truly are. This is Heaven. This is the One’s Will for us. This is Spirit’s purpose for us; to guide our decisions whenever we choose. It doesn’t matter how trivial the decision may seem. Spirit will guide us to the best choice for us in any given time or place or situation.

Spirit holds our Magnitude in perfect safety in our mind for us even as we decide mistakenly. No littleness can affect our magnitude no matter how dedicated we are to our belief in our littleness. We are created One with the One and thus are host to the One in this world. Nothing can change this. We can choose to deny this and thus separate ourselves from the awareness of our peace within us, but we cannot change it. Our holiness continues under the surface of our mind waiting for us to choose to recognize it again. Spirit calls gently to us to awaken to our true nature. There is no price to pay, no punishment to endure other than the loss of hell and misery. The choice is there in every decision and choice that comes our way.

We are the bringers of holiness into our world. It’s not a difficult task and we do not do it alone. Holiness is found in joining, not in separation. Holiness is in seeing that we are all One and that we are One with our Source, the One. The awareness of our holiness is remembered in the release from attachment and separation in our choices. Here is true happiness found. Here we recognize the peace and love that are at the core of our being. Here we remember who we really are. Believe and know there is no sacrifice in this decision.

The Course tells us this:

Is it a sacrifice to leave littleness behind, and wander not in vain? It is not sacrifice to wake to glory. But it is sacrifice to accept anything less than glory. Learn that you must be worthy of the Prince of Peace, born in you in honor of the One Whose host you are. You know not what love means because you have sought to purchase it with little gifts, thus valuing it too little to understand its magnitude. Love is not little and love dwells in you, for you are host to the One. Before the greatness that lives in you, your poor appreciation of yourself and all the little offerings you give slip into nothingness.  T-15.III.8.1-7

Choose now to step into the awareness of your greatness. Be content no longer with littleness and the little world it shows you. Step into reality. Step into the awareness of eternity. Step into Oneness and be aware of the true magnitude of who you truly are. Choose now and choose for eternity.

ACIM T-15.III Littleness Versus Magnitude

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 23, 2016

Are you happy with what you believe you are in this world? Are you content with what separation gives you? We may resign ourselves to littleness and lack, but it is not characteristic of our true nature. We are One with God, our Source. Would we call Source or God “little”? The Course asks us to be not content with littleness. When we strive for anything in this world in the belief that it will bring us peace, we are belittling ourselves and blinding ourselves to glory. That would be the glory within our Oneness. Each time we choose to believe ourselves little, lacking, less than whole, we deny who we really are. We deny our wholeness, our limitlessness and our holiness. We deny who we really are and block our awareness of peace and love which dwell within us. Every time we choose to deny who we really are we make an evaluation of ourselves. And so if we evaluate ourselves lacking and little, we see ourselves lacking and little. The world around us thus reflects the choice we have made.

It is essential that we accept the fact gladly, that there is no form of littleness that can ever content us. We are free to try as many forms of littleness as we wish, but all we will be doing is to delay our homecoming. For we will be content only in magnitude, which is our home. And peace and love are in that home. The choice is our responsibility. We cannot be forced to be aware of who we really are, for we are created with free will, even to deny the awareness of who we really are.

There is a deep responsibility you owe yourself, and one you must learn to remember all the time. The lesson may seem hard at first, but you will learn to love it when you realize that it is true and is but a tribute to your power. You who have sought and found littleness, remember this: Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself. Believe the little can content you, and by limiting yourself you will not be satisfied. For your function is not little, and it is only by finding your function and fulfilling it that you can escape from littleness.   T-15.III.3.1-5

There is no doubt about what our function is for Spirit within us knows. And there is no doubt about the magnitude of our function for it reaches us through Spirit from Magnitude itself. There is no question of who we really are if we will look within ad allow Spirit to bring it to our awareness. We need not strive for it for we already have it. We already are who we really are. But we need to be vigilant for the thoughts of littleness that creep into our minds. To hold our magnitude in perfect awareness in a world of littleness is a task the little cannot undertake. Yet it is asked of us, in tribute to our magnitude and not our littleness. Nor is it asked of us alone. The power of the One will support every effort we make on behalf of our true Self in Oneness.

Be vigilant for the thoughts of littleness that creep unbidden into your mind. Reach to the Spirit within for guidance to the awareness of the magnitude of who you really are in Oneness. This is where we realize the peace, love and joy that are already ours. Let go all your doubts and move into the awareness of who you really are and always have been. Be who you really are.

ACIM T-15.I The End of Doubt

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 16, 2016

Our freedom is found in the awareness of our Oneness. It is an all-encompassing Oneness. At any moment we can choose freedom for the one we are with and thus free ourselves in that moment. It wells up within us as we release another from our misperceptions about them. We are filled with doubt thoughts about ourselves but more so about each other. Doubting our holiness, whether our own or another’s, is a way our egoic thought system keeps us distracted from the awareness of who we really are and the peace of the holy instant. Our home is in the holy instant. Our true Self is in the holy instant. Can we release our iron will of separation for just an instant and allow Spirit, God’s Teacher, to lift us into the freedom of that instant? That’s all it takes, just one moment to fly free of the bonds of separation if we are willing.

The Course gives us this instruction:

Start now to practice your little part in separating out the holy instant. You will receive very specific instructions as you go along. To learn to separate out this single second, and to experience it as timeless, is to begin to experience yourself as not separate. Fear not that you will not be given help in this. God’s Teacher and the lesson will support your strength. It is only your weakness that will depart from you in this practice, for it is the practice of the power of God in you. Use it but for one instant, and you will never deny it again. Who can deny the Presence of what the universe bows to, in appreciation and gladness? Before the recognition of the universe that witnesses to It, your doubts must disappear.   T-15.II.6.1-9

Take a moment and try it. Rest your mind for just an instant and allow Spirit to guide you. You will see your brother or sister as they truly are, whole, complete, and holy, and thus recognize your holy Self in them. Take this moment and rest an instant. There is nothing to lose but your doubt and thus your uncertainty. Release all to Spirit and let yourself soar on the wings of love and peace.

ACIM T-15.II The Two Uses of Time

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 9, 2016

Transformation in the form of the holy instant is the experience of Heaven, yet it cannot be forced on our mind. We must learn to be willing to allow our mind to be open. Time is used by Spirit to help us learn to be willing to allow Spirit to guide us. Spirit gives us the holy instant as we release ourselves and each other from the limits we have placed on ourselves and each other. In reality we are One, so we must be willing to allow our minds to accept that we are One or at least to open to the idea that we may be One. There are times we have each experienced connection with others that go beyond the physical. We have each experienced times when all seems aligned and in perfect order where all feels right and good for that moment. We are not strangers to these instants but have not recognized them as holy. They occur naturally as the result of miracles that occur naturally.

You will never give this holy instant to the Holy Spirit on behalf of your release while you are unwilling to give it to all others on behalf of theirs. For the instant of holiness is shared, and cannot be yours alone. Remember, then, when you are tempted to attack another, that their instant of release is yours. Miracles are the instants of release you offer, and will receive. They attest to your willingness to be released, and to offer time to the Holy Spirit for Spirit’s use of it.   T-15.I.12.1-5

Release is the lesson we need learn. Letting go of our attachment to our beliefs is where we start. Trust Spirit to guide you in this release. Spirit is within us. Spirit has our awareness of our peace as Its goal. There is nothing to be afraid of except losing our fear and misery.

How long does this take? Don’t worry about that. Practice giving this blessed instant of freedom to all who are enslaved by time, and thus make time their friend. Spirit gives their blessed instant to you through your giving it to them. As you give it, Spirit offers it to you. Be willing to give what you would receive, for you join with Spirit in giving. Your instantaneous freedom is in the crystal cleanness of the release you give. You are holy as you offer holiness.

How long is an instant? As long as it takes to re-establish perfect sanity, perfect peace and perfect love for everyone, for Source and for yourself. As long as it takes to remember immortality, and your immortal creations who share it with you. As long as it takes to exchange hell for Heaven. Long enough to transcend all of the ego’s making, and ascend unto your Creator.  T-15.I.14.1-5

The correct use of time is our friend as we allow Spirit to use it for us. Spirit Who transcends time for us understands what time is for. Holiness lies in eternity, not in time. There never was an instant in which we could lose our purity. Our changeless state is beyond time, for our purity remains forever beyond attack and without variability. Give the eternal instant, that eternity may be remembered for you, in that shining instant of perfect release. Offer the miracle of the holy instant through Spirit, and leave the giving it to you to Spirit. Allow the correct use of time and receive the holy instant for eternity.

ACIM T-15.I The Two Uses of Time

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 2, 2016

Spirit – God’s Teacher – uses time for one prose, to teach us happiness and peace. What more could we want? Happiness and peace are at their purest in the present moment. The egoic thought system uses time for teaching, but for a much different teaching. Peace is inconsistent with the ego’s existence. So it teaches anything but peace. Fear is one of its primary lessons. There are also guilt, attack, lack and a myriad of other lessons it wants us to buy into. Hell is the idea the ego teaches us to believe to reinforce fear in our minds. The egoic thought system teaches us to perceive the world through the lens of fear, teaching us the world is a precursor of hell. It teaches us we are destined to relive our miserable past over and over again into the future until we finally die and end up in hell for eternity. The only way in which the ego allows the fear of hell to be experienced is to bring hell here, into the present, but always as a foretaste of the future. Where is happiness and peace in this scenario?

However, God has something else in mind for us.

The Holy Spirit teaches thus: There is no hell. Hell is only what the ego has made of the present. The belief in hell is what prevents you from understanding the present, because you are afraid of it. The Holy Spirit leads as steadily to Heaven as the ego drives to hell. For the Holy Spirit, Who knows only the present, uses it to undo the fear by which the ego would make the present useless. There is no escape from fear in the ego’s use of time. For time, according to its teaching, is nothing but a teaching device for compounding guilt until it becomes all-encompassing, demanding vengeance forever.   T-15.I.7.1-7

Fear seems compelling. Nothing appears to threaten happiness and peace like fear, and particularly the fear of hell. Yet Spirit assures us that all that is not happiness and peace is illusion – not real. It is our belief in the lessons of the egoic thought system that keep us attached to the idea that we have anything to fear. Alone – in separation – it is very difficult to unlearn this fear, for we have given up the awareness of our divine nature to learn fear. But when we allow Spirit to guide us in joining in Oneness, we realize our true divine identity and fear fades away into nothing. It seems difficult, yet in unity with the divine it is effortless.

 The Holy Spirit would undo all of this now. Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist. There is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past, without its shadow reaching out into the future. Each instant is a clean, untarnished birth, in which the One Child of God emerges from the past into the present. And the present extends forever. It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there. No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are now.   T-15.I.8.1-7

Right now, just in this present moment, as we look within to our divine identity, all is well. We have all we need in this moment. We can sense the calm within us. We can be content. We can feel love within us. The past has no place in this instant and so has no effect on our wellbeing. Be in this moment. Feel the holiness that wells up from within you. Feel the connection to all creation and to the Source of your being in this moment. This is the Oneness we are. This is the recognition of who we really are that is unchangeable. This is Heaven on earth. Rest in this holy instant. Let it be just for now. In this instant time has collapsed. There is no past or future to fear in this instant. In this instant we are complete, whole, limitless, loved, loving and at peace. From this holy instant wherein holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear, and with no sense of change with time. Be the peace you are.