A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: February 2010

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ACIM T-23.I The Irreconcilable Beliefs

February 23, 2010

Over the years we have developed many beliefs about ourselves, others, and God.  How many of these beliefs are true?  And how many of these beliefs are colored by our perception of all of our past experiences?  More than likely, most of our beliefs are based on our perception of our experiences and not rooted in Truth.  And so many of our beliefs don’t work together, or are even irreconcilable with each other.  Our first tendency is to try to reconcile our beliefs with each other and then, when that doesn’t work, we ignore the inconsistencies and slog on through the mire, avoiding the differences we cannot reconcile.

So we go through life embroiled in a war against ourselves.  Each mistaken belief we have is fighting for its rightness.  If any belief is not rooted in truth it will never be reconciled with any other mistaken belief.  And so the war with ourselves goes on and on in our minds.  Any belief based on illusion is a belief in nothing, for illusion is just illusion.  And when illusion fights with illusion, there is nothing that can be reconciled. We end up spinning in circles and going nowhere.  There is no winning or losing in illusion, just ongoing confusion and conflict.

Truth is our true nature.  It always dwells deep within us.  There is nothing that can threaten it, for there is nothing else.  All else is illusion.  Truth has no need to fight our illusory beliefs because they are no more than illusion.  Why would anyone fight nothing?  We would call that madness.  And so God sees that there is nothing to fight.

As we allow ourselves to see that we are One with God, we can begin to let go of our beliefs that we have become so attached to.  We may need to let go of those beliefs many times as we learn to trust the awareness of our Oneness with God.  As we learn to trust what we already know, we will experience the peace of God, and the assurance that we are who we really are will grow within us.  We will find ourselves allowing the love, peace, and joy of God to radiate from us which will return to us from all those we encounter.  Let the war with yourself be over and be the peace of God in this world.

ACIM T-23.Introduction

February 9, 2010

God’s promise to us is; we who walk in peace travel sinlessly along the way love shows us.  For love walks with us there, protecting us from fear.  And we will see only the sinless, which cannot attack.  How beautiful and wonderful!  But do we feel that way?  More times than not the answer is no.  We often feel like we are at war with ourselves and hopelessly caught up in that war.

Innocence and sinlessness are strength.  They cannot be attacked or changed at all.  And Oneness cannot be divided.  But we have gotten some mistaken notion that we are weak and therefore need defense.  We think we must attack that which we think is separate from us.  We think we must attack it because we believe whatever it is will hurt or destroy us.  But we are as we always are, whole, innocent and One with God and all of creation.  So we are attacking and defending ourselves against the illusions we made up.  No wonder we feel like we are at war with ourselves.

Our belief in enemies is our belief in our own weakness and that belief is what separates us from the awareness of who we really are and the Will of God, our own will.  As we let go of our beliefs about ourselves and others and our attachment to those beliefs, we allow the real Self within us to come forth, and recognize the Divine presence that dwells within us.  It is a presence that fills us with peace, love, and joy.  It is a presence that rejoices at all that God offers us.  We celebrate the reuniting of the awareness of the realm of God that was never actually divided.

God gives us a world of freedom.  Let not your little interfering thoughts pull you back to littleness.  We are not little.  We are the grand creation of God and so we are One with all that is.  Nothing can change this.  Nothing can take this away from us.  Only our little thoughts attempt to distract us from the awareness of what is real, what is God.  In the realm of God nothing can separate us from the divinity that dwells within us.  Let it well up, spill over, and shine with all the brilliant light of God’s glory.  This is who we are.  Be at war with yourself no more

ACIM T-22.V The Light of the Holy Relationship

February 2, 2010

The holy relationship is the means for God’s plan.  Our relationships with each other are the place where we either accept or deny God’s plan as our own.  They are the place we demonstrate our willingness to see the divine in each one we encounter in this world.  Whatever our walk, whatever mistakes we have made, whatever misguided thoughts we have believed, we have the opportunity each moment of each day to see each other as God sees us; lovely in our innocence, mighty in our strength, and blazing with light far brighter than the sun that lights the sky.

Think how each of our relationships are transformed when we look for the good in each other.  We see each other in a new light, often realizing something totally new and marvelous that we never allowed ourselves to see before.  This is where we meet the God that we all are so one with.  The divine presence of God is within each and every one of us.  And that presence which we can never be apart from is the presence that makes us One.

And don’t be surprised to find these holy relationships in the most unusual of places, and in the most seemingly insignificant of encounters.  In God, where we are all One, there are no insignificant relationships.  Every relationship is as holy as the next.  It is our choice whether to recognize the holiness of each encounter or not.  And when we choose not to recognize its holiness and the divineness of each one, we do no more than separate ourselves from the awareness of who we really are for that moment.  For in the next moment we will have another opportunity to make that encounter a holy relationship. But why wait?  For this encounter in this moment may be your opportunity to show this one who they really are.  It may be the first time they are shown their divineness.  Go ahead.  Let yourself see with divine vision.  Let the loveliness of innocence, the mightiness of strength, and the blazing light that shines brighter than the sun light up the face and soul of each one you meet.  For they will, in turn, return it to you.  Let each encounter be the holiest of relationships, and let it be so with abandon.