A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: November 2014

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ACIM T-10.in Introduction

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 25, 2014

As I read this introduction again, my heart swells so as my mind becomes immediately in tune with my true Self. Nothing beyond us can make us anything other than who we really are. Fear and love cannot come from outside of us because there is no “outside of us.” Fear and love are both within our mind, and because they conflict, we cannot experience both at once. We choose what we experience. Time and eternity are similarly conflicting. They will continue to conflict until we realize the sole purpose of time as a means to regain eternity. We cannot make this realization as long as we believe that things happening to us are caused by factors outside of us. We must learn that time is solely at our disposal to use for its designated purpose, and nothing in this world can take this responsibility away from us. We are responsible for the world we perceive.

The One created nothing but us and nothing but us exists, for we are part of the One. Nothing beyond the One can happen because nothing beyond the One exists. Our creations add to the One as we do, but nothing is added that is outside the One because everything has always been and is always One. The One created us eternal, so time is meaningless to our true creation. Our holy mind establishes everything that happens to us. Every response we make to everything we perceive is up to us, because our mind determines our perception of it. We are responsible for our perception. The One is certain of who we are and is certain we are whole and as the One created us. Nothing from outside the One can reach us because being in the One, we encompass everything. If any perception threatens our peace of mind ask, “Has the One changed Its mind about me?” Accept the decision of the One is changeless, for deciding against us would be the One deciding against Itself.

At times we may feel banished from peace and love, even from our home. The One is our home. We are actually at home in the One dreaming of exile, but perfectly capable of awakening to reality. What prevents us from awakening to reality? We understand from our own experience that what we see in our dreams seems very real while we are asleep. Yet the instant we wake up we realize everything that seemed to happen in the dream didn’t happen at all. It may even have appeared to have an effect on our body. Perhaps it is possible we have shifted from one dream to another without really waking. We don’t bother reconciling what happened in conflicting dreams, so why do we insist on reconciling the waking dream with reality? There is no reconciliation for the waking dream is not real. Listen, then, for the Voice of Spirit, holding the memory of our true essence. What we have been is so now. And so when we remember, we will know that what we remember is eternal and therefore is now. We are wholly responsible for our perception and choosing to remember. Return to the remembrance of the awareness of the eternity of being the One and step into the Heaven we never left. We are at home in the One.

ACIM T-9.VIII Grandeur versus Grandiosity

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 18, 2014

Grandeur is love which can be and is returned. Grandiosity is pride which is never returned as it is self-serving. Grandeur and grandiosity are denials of each other. As Grandeur is Truth, it is always true and does not vacillate. When Grandeur slips from our awareness, we have allowed our minds to replace it with something else we have made up and chosen to believe about ourselves. We have chosen to believe some form of littleness about who we are and thus devalued ourselves in our own minds. Grandiosity becomes a posturing that our egoic thought system uses to evaluate ourselves as less than we really are. It involves comparison and posturing. It involves mistaken judgments. Our egoic thought system deceives us into believing less of ourselves than we really are. Illusions are deceptions regardless of what they are. And deceptions never tell the truth nor come anywhere close to Grandeur. They merely keep us distracted from the reality of the Grandeur we truly are.

We may then be deceived by the egoic thought that recognizing our Grandeur is arrogant. Can accepting God’s evaluation of us be arrogant? Can accepting what is true be in any way arrogant? Surely believing that any valuation of ourselves we have made is truer than God’s valuation of us must be arrogance. Do we know better than God that we are less than God’s valuation of us? This idea must certainly be insanity! And so it is. The grandiose idea that we know better than our Source and Creator is grandiosity. Grandiosity is delusional because the egoic thought system we have aligned our minds with uses it to replace our Grandeur although what God creates cannot be replaced. God’s Grandeur is total and we cannot be missing from it.

We are altogether irreplaceable in the Mind of God. No thought or thought system can alter this truth no matter how much value we have placed in that mistaken idea. No one else can fill our part of the Mind of God. While we ae unaware of our place in the Mind of God, Spirit holds our place there, holds our extensions and creations there and waits for our return to the awareness of who we really are. The Voice for God reminds us continually of our true place in the Mind of God and the Grandeur of our true nature. We cannot in any way replace our Grandeur as we cannot replace ourselves in the Mind of God. The One who knows our value would not have it any other way. Listen to the Voice for God, Spirit, and no longer question its message. Its valuation of us is indisputable. We are who it tells us we are, the One holy Child of God, One with God our Source. Let this valuation rest in you and allow your mind to be raised to its undeniable place in the Mind of God. Let go of the littleness you have believed in for so long and be free to soar in the Realm of Heaven, our One home. Accept now the truth about your Grandeur.

ACIM T-9.VIII Grandeur versus Grandiosity

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 11, 2014

Grandeur versus grandiosity. Are they similar or are they different? Let’s look at Grandeur first. Grandeur is of God. It is a creation of God and is therefore real. The word itself brings a sense of comfort and reassurance to my mind. Because Grandeur is of God, it is also within us. Grandeur is an integral part of our Divine nature. It is impossible to separate it from us and so it is of us all. I was very fortunate in my college years to work my summers in the back country of Yosemite National Park. It was a dream job for me, and I have always cherished my time there and the people I worked with and served. The mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, trees, and wildlife are so magnificent that words fail me to describe it all. All of it is so compelling and beautiful. All of it is imbued with power, life, peacefulness, completeness and abundance. It is a system that works together to form a complete life system – an ecosystem. And I felt that I was also an integral part of that system, so inseparable from the system that I remained connected to it when I returned to school in the fall. I experienced a love that had no bounds through this incredible environment. It has always remained with me to this day. This is Grandeur.

What about grandiosity? What is it as the Course defines it? The first word that comes to my mind is grandstanding. Grandiosity is an empty inflated sense of importance that lacks any sense of genuineness or permanence. Grandiosity is definitely of the egoic thought system. It is the ego’s answer to the Grandeur that is in us. Grandiosity is imbued with competitiveness. It puts up a false front and just when we buy into it, it deflates, it crumbles, and it leaves us feeling little and betrayed. It has no lasting power beneath it. Any completeness and peacefulness it may bring is fleeting as it fades into a sense of lack ad littleness. This is its goal and so keeps our minds distracted from our true essence and the awareness of who we really are. Just when we begin to feel comfortable with grandiosity’s essence, the rug is pulled out from under the security we felt and we fall into a state of uneasiness and loneliness. Perhaps even depression. We may feel the question, “What’s it all for?” This is exactly where the egoic thought system wants us; to block our awareness of who we really are.

Are we willing to settle for grandiosity? Are we willing to settle for that empty feeling of something that is supposed to be grand but somehow never quite feels adequate? I think if we were honest with ourselves we would realize that grandiosity feels quite empty and unfulfilling. While the egoic thought system’s answer to Grandeur is grandiosity, it is really only a distraction. The Grandeur within us is God’s answer to the ego’s grandiosity and it is the only true answer. Grandiosity cannot remain in the light of Grandeur. Like the mountains of Yosemite, all else fades away in the presence of Grandeur. I am so grateful for the four summers I spent in Yosemite experiencing the incredible Grandeur of God’s creation. At that time I was questioning who I was and who God was, too. Being in the midst of that Grandeur of God’s presence was a deep spiritual experience for me. I may not have understood much about the spiritual nature of humanity at that time, but I felt that deep spiritual connection with all of creation through my time in that place. I truly felt One with all creation there and I certainly felt the love of Spirit in that place. And then I carried it with me wherever I went after. The sense of that Grandeur never left me and later I would understand what I experienced through the lessons of the Course. Little did I know that the Course was just coming into the world during that time.

Put aside the feelings of grandiosity that keep you from the awareness of the Grandeur within you. What you seek you already are. Let the presence of Spirit within you rise up and remind you of the whole complete and limitless One we all are. We have never lost the Grandeur of who we all are in Oneness. Spirit is within us waiting for us to allow it to point us in the right direction where we will find our true divine nature and share it with all creation. Let it well up in you, overflowing as you share it with the world. We are truly the Divine Grandeur of creation.

ACIM T-9.VII The Two Evaluations

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 4, 2014

The purpose of the Course is to guide us to the reawakening of the awareness of who we really are. We have forgotten who we really are and have developed a perception of ourselves based on the idea that we are separate from each other and God. Our perception of ourselves is much more complicated than the reality of who we are. In our belief in separation we have made up a much more complicated yet limited idea of who we are. And we choose to believe this misperception of ourselves. We have the divine ability to create within us, yet we choose to create less than who we are. Because we create like ourselves, what we create from a belief that we are “less than”, we create “less than.” If we create from a belief than we are One with God, whole, complete and limitless, we will create like God; whole, complete and limitless.

Our divine nature is love. We are love as God is love. And so when we create from a belief that we are love, we will create and extend like ourselves. We will create or extend love. What a world we can imagine if there was nothing but love in it. Yet, the world is a world of love for that is all there really is. We believe that the absence of love is possible, so we think we see its absence. However, since anything other than love is impossible, anything unloving we think we see is a mistaken perception. It merely reflects our belief that what s unloving exists. So much of our thinking is generated by our egoic thought system, which is based in our belief that we are separate that we see a world that seems to be lacking in love. What if we were to let go of our attachment to our belief in the lack of loving and approach it from a belief that there is an abundance of love in this world?

God is love. And so we are love. The divine truth about us is that we are the limitless abundance of love. And while we are existing in this world of perception, the world of form, we are charged with sharing that limitless love with all we encounter. This is where we experience the truth about ourselves and reawaken our awareness of who we really are. Every relationship, every encounter, every experience is an opportunity to see ourselves and each other as love; who we really are. If we believe we are love, we will attract love. If we believe we are unloving, we will attract unlovingness to ourselves. Our divine nature remains strong within us, waiting for us to reawaken to the awareness that that is who we are. It never goes away. It never becomes damaged. Our divine nature simply waits for us to be ready to invite its awareness back into our minds.

How do we do this? How do we make this shift in thinking? Such as shift appears to be difficult if not impossible when we approach it with our egoic mind that believes we are separate and therefor “less.” There is another force within us that is there solely for the purpose of guiding our minds back to the awareness of who we really are. The Holy Spirit dwells within each and every one of us. Spirit recognizes and knows who we really are. Spirit holds that divine nature within us, calling to us to remember. Spirit’s voice is familiar. Spirit’s message is familiar. The ancient song of truth about who we are is calling from within us, reminding us of who we really are. As we let go of the insistent din of the voice of our egoic thought system and turn our attraction to Spirit, the Voice for God, we are reminded of our One divine nature. We feel love well up within us like a never ending stream. Love and peace bubble up within us as we recognize who we really are. We also recognize this same sense of love and peace within each other. What more could we want than to share this joy with one another? Remember, it’s the simple willingness to allow Spirit to guide us in remembering who we really are that brings us back to the experience of the limitless love we really are. Remember then that whenever we question our value to say, “My idea of God and who I am is incomplete without including me and all others in the idea of God and me.” Ask today and the abundance of limitless love shines from within the depths of your being and know who you and all your brothers and sisters really are.