A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: February 2019

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ACIM T-22.VI The Light of the Holy Relationship

February 26, 2019

We always are free to choose. We are also free to choose again if what we chose does not work for us. Do we want freedom of the body or of the mind? We cannot have both. Which do we value? Which is our goal? One we see as means; the other, we see as end. Also, of body and mind, one must serve the other and lead to its predominance, increasing its importance by diminishing the importance of the other. Means always serve the end, and as the end is reached the value of the means decreases, eclipsed entirely when they are recognized as having no function. We all yearn for freedom and try to find it. We will seek for it where we believe it is and can be found. We will believe it possible of mind or body, and we will make the other serve our choice as means to find it. Our ultimate choice is between the body – separation – and the mind – Oneness. Our choice indicates what we value – at least for the moment.

When we choose freedom of the body – or separation – we relegate the mind to serving and supporting the belief in separation. One might also call this serving the belief in sin. This is a situation so contradictory and so impossible that anyone who chooses this has no idea of what is valuable. It is utter insanity since it supports a belief in unreality. But even in the face of utter insanity, Spirit patiently and gently waits, sure we will eventually make the only real choice. For Spirit knows this mad decision was made by one as dear to Oneness as love is to itself. Spirit’s vigilance on our behalf never waivers, even as our own vigilance waivers.

Spirit easily changes the roles of means and end once we dicide to allow Spirit to guide our mind, making the freedom of our mind the end and using the body as a means to that end. To serve this end, the body must be perceived as sinless, because the goal is sinlessness. The lack of contradiction makes the soft transition from means to end as easy as is the shift from hate to gratitude before forgiving eyes. In this transition our relationship with another becomes holy, serving to heal both our minds in the reawakening of the awareness of our Oneness.

This holy relationship, lovely in its innocence, mighty in strength, and blazing with a light far brighter than the sun that lights the sky you see, is chosen of your Creator as a means for Your Creator’s Own plan. Be thankful that it serves yours not at all. Nothing entrusted to it can be misused, and nothing given it but will be used. This holy relationship has the power to heal all pain, regardless of its form. Neither you nor your friend alone can serve at all. Only in your joint will does healing lie. For here your healing is, and here will you accept At-One-ment. And in your healing is Oneness healed because your will and your friend’s are joined.   T-22.VI.4:1-8

The return to the awareness that our relationship with another is holy and always has been brings the return of the awareness of the light within all of us to our minds. The ancient song of Peace echoes in our minds as it always has, but went unheard for a time while we denied it. We now rest again in Oneness as peace of mind wells up again in our consciousness.

Before a holy relationship there is no sin. The form of error is no longer seen, and reason, joined with love, looks quietly on all confusion, observing merely, “This was a mistake.” And then the same At-One-ment you accepted in your relationship corrects the error, and lays a part of Heaven in its place. How blessed are you who let this gift be given! Each part of Heaven that you bring is given you. And every empty place in Heaven that you fill again with the eternal light you bring, shines now on you. The means of sinlessness can know no fear because they carry only love with them.   T-22.VI.5:1-7

As we allow Spirit to gently guide the redefining of means and end to our mind, open your mind’s eye to the light within each One and see them and yourself sinless once again. Look beyond the appearance of sinfulness to the reality of sinlessness. See that you are surrounded by the peace and love of Heaven. Bask in It’s healing love and rest in your return to the awareness of who you really are. We are Peace unlimited.

ACIM T-22.V Weakness and Defensiveness

February 19, 2019

Have you ever heard someone say, “Thou protesteth too loudly?” It’s usually in response to a very vigorous defense of something one does not want to admit may not be true or real. When we have given our allegiance to our own egoic thought system, we want to vigorously defend any questioning of whatever thought we have aligned with. We don’t really care whether our thought is wrong or right, we just want to insist it’s right no matter what. We’ve invested our worth in it being right. We are reluctant to consider any questioning of our thought at all. This is the way we persist in the world of separation. We have become invested in the world of separation and are reluctant to even entertain the thought that this may not be real – that it may be an illusion. We are afraid that questioning this illusory thought may weaken us. And so, we see ourselves as being weak.

In this seeming weakness our egoic thought system wants defenses to justify what goes against the truth, flies in the face of reason and makes no sense. This is an invitation to insanity, to save us from the truth. We would thus be saved from what we fear – truth. Our egoic thought system’s belief in separation needs great defense, and at enormous cost. All that Spirit offers must be defended against and sacrificed. The idea of separation is carved into a block out of our own peace and laid between us and the return of peace.

Yet how can peace be so fragmented? It is still whole, and nothing has been taken from it. See how the means and the material of evil dreams are nothing. In truth you and your another stand together, with nothing in between. Oneness holds your hands, and what can separate whom Oneness has joined as one with Oneness? It is your Source Whom you would defend against. Yet it remains impossible to keep love out. Source rests with you in quiet, undefended and wholly undefending, for in this quiet state alone is strength and power. Here can no weakness enter, for here is no attack and therefore no illusions. Love rests in certainty. Only uncertainty can be defensive. And all uncertainty is doubt about yourself.   T-22.V.3:1-12

Fear is weak – little and meaningless. Fear is insignificant before the quiet strength of those whom love has joined! Fear is our “enemy,” – a frightened mouse that would attack the universe. How could it succeed? Its feeble squeaks boast of its omnipotence and would drown out the hymn of praise to its Source that every heart throughout the universe sings as one forever. Which is stronger? We and our friend are not joined together by this mouse, but by Oneness. Can a mouse betray those Oneness has joined?

If you but recognized how little stands between you and your awareness of your union with each other! Be not deceived by the illusions it presents of size and thickness, weight, solidity and firmness of foundation. Yes, to the body’s eyes it looks like an enormous solid body, immovable as is a mountain. Yet within you is a Force that no illusions can resist. This body only seems to be immovable; this Force is irresistible in truth. What, then, must happen when they come together? Can the illusion of immovability be long defended from what is quietly passed through and gone beyond?   T-22.V.5:1-7

Set aside your belief in separation. Look beyond what appears to be a huge blockade to the freedom of love and peace beyond. The blockade is not real, it is an illusion made from our belief in separation. As we look beyond that illusion, the blockade fades to nothingness. We see our companions as they truly are – One with us and each other. Joy rises in our hearts as we hear the ancient hymn of peace and love that wells up within our minds reminding us of who we really are. Only our unwillingness to overlook what seems immovable and impenetrable and forgive each other our misperceptions that hinder our awareness of the peace, love and joy of the Oneness we really are. Be willing and realize the truth about yourself and all the universe where all is well.

ACIM T-22.IV The Branching of the Road

February 12, 2019

We may wonder how many branches in the road we must encounter on our journey. And how many times we must make that decision about which road to take. Perhaps we are coming again and again to the same branching in the road. Perhaps we have made the same choice time and again to take the road of separation and come back to the same branching, even though it may seem to be a different branching. The whole purpose of coming this far is to decide which branching we will take now. The way we came no longer matters, for it can no longer serve us. When we reach this far, we can no longer make the wrong decision, although we can delay. There is no part of our journey that seems more hopeless and futile than standing where the road branches, and not deciding on which way to go.

The first few steps along the correct way we chose may seem hard. And we may think we can still go back and make the other choice. This is not so. A choice made with the power of Heaven to uphold it cannot be undone. Our way is decided. There will be no part of Heaven and Truth withheld from us if we acknowledge this.

We stand with each other, here in this holy place, before the veil of separation that hangs between us and Truth. Let the veil be lifted! Raise it together, for it is nothing but a veil that stands between us. One of us alone will see it as a solid block, and not realize how thin the veil is that separates us. It is almost over in our awareness, and peace has reached us even here, before the veil. Think what will happen after the veil is lifted. The Love of Truth will light our faces, and shine into a darkened world that needs the light. And from this holy place Truth will return with us.  We will become Truth’s messenger, returning Truth to Itself.

Think of the loveliness that you will see, who walk with Truth! And think how beautiful will you and another look to the other! How happy you will be to be together, after such a long and lonely journey where you walked alone. The gates of Heaven, open now for you, will you now open to the sorrowful. And none who looks upon the Truth in you but will rejoice. How beautiful the sight you saw beyond the veil, which you will bring to light the tired eyes of those as weary now as once you were. How thankful will they be to see you come among them, offering Christ’s forgiveness to dispel their faith in sin.   T-22.IV.4:1-7

As we journey together, we will each gently see each other’s mistakes corrected for each other. For in another’s sight our loveliness is their salvation, which they would protect from harm. We will be each other’s strong protector from everything that seems to rise between us. We shall walk the world with Truth, whose message has not yet been given everyone. We are here to let this message be received. The offer is still open and it waits acceptance. It is received from those who have accepted it. Into our joined hands is it safely given, for those of us who share it are its willing guardian and protector. The awareness of Grace is given all of us who share this Love. We realize it is ours forever. All barriers, obstacles and veils that seem to block our awareness of Truth and Love fade in the sharing of this Love. We need simply to let it shine from within us for it to make its message of hope, freedom and release from suffering apparent to everyone who needs this miracle to free them.

How easy is it to offer this miracle to everyone! No one who has received it for themselves could find it difficult. For by receiving it, they learned it was not given them alone. Such is the function of a holy relationship; to receive together and give as you received. Standing before the veil, it still seems difficult. But hold out your hand, joined with another’s, and touch this heavy-seeming block, and you will learn how easily your fingers slip through its nothingness. It is no solid wall. And only an illusion stands between you and another, and the holy Self you share together.   T-22.IV.7:1-8

Look within to your relationships and accept their holiness, offering the miracle of freedom and hope to all the world. Take the hand of another and step on the correct road to the awareness of your wholeness in Light and Love.

ACIM T-22.III Reason and the Forms of Error

February 5, 2019

We are called to examine the basis of our relationships. Not just the relationships we like and are comfortable in, but we must examine the relationships that we see as problematic or challenging. Yes, we can get the pleasant relationships wrong, but the challenging relationships are calling us to really look at them and see them beyond the form they seem to take. Our relationships with everyone are holy in their true nature when we see them clearly by looking beyond their form to the truth that lies beyond their form. We are all One, joined, unified in our real nature. We are pure love and peace in our real nature. When we seem to see anything less in our relationships, we have chosen to separate ourselves from truth and the true nature of each other and even our Self. We have chosen to project the misperceptions we believe about ourselves onto another rather than admitting we believe those same misperceptions about ourselves.

It is time to offer healing from those misperceptions to each other and thus to ourselves. Healing is letting go of those misperceptions. Healing is looking beyond the appearance of each other’s perceived wrongdoing to the wholeness they really are. Healing is being willing to see clearly with our holy vision rather than the appearance we see with the body’s eyes. The Course teaches us that we can see differently. It teaches us we can see peace instead of this – whatever form this tales. Reason, remaining within us and held holy by Spirit within us, guides us to the holy vision we need to look beyond the appearance – form – of anything and see the true nature of all that is real beyond. All we need is a little willingness to begin this shift in our perception. It is simply a return to the awareness of our true nature that we have blocked from our awareness. Let go of the misplaced judgment and let forgiveness change your mind.

Let not the form of another’s mistakes keep you from them whose holiness is yours. Let not the vision of their holiness, the sight of which would show you your forgiveness, be kept from you by what the body’s eyes can see. Let your awareness of your friend not be blocked by your perception of their sins and of their body. What is there in them that you would attack except what you associate with their body, which you believe can sin? Beyond their errors is their holiness and your salvation. You gave them not their holiness, but tried to see your sins in them to save yourself. And yet, their holiness is your forgiveness. Can you be saved by making sinful the one whose holiness is your salvation?   T-22.III.8:1-8

Do not look on the form of anything and believe that its form is real. Use your Vision and look beyond the form of everything to the truth and reality that lies there waiting for your acceptance. Truth will never fail you. Reality will never deceive you. Truth and reality will always speak with gentleness, with love and with peace and joy. It will always contain a deep resonance that cannot be thwarted. It will always ring with the peals of truth and glow with the radiance of the Great Rays of light within all of us. Do not deny yourself of the truth of who you and your friend are any longer. Open your eyes to the truth of your divine nature and suffer no longer.

Remember; your holy relationship – no matter how newly born – must value holiness above all else. Yet reason sees each holy relationship as what it is; a common state of mind, where both give errors gladly to correction, that both may happily be healed as one. Let your relationships be transformed to their natural state of holiness and step into the awareness of Oneness. We are now all home.