A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: July 2017

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ACIM T-18.I The Substitute Reality

July 25, 2017

We have substituted a “reality” for reality.  “What?” you may say, “That makes no sense.”  And you are right, it makes no sense whatsoever.  We are all One, all joined in Oneness, and so there is only one relationship in reality.  Yet we are constantly substituting one brother or sister for another in our relationships when we are not satisfied with someone.  When one lets us down, we immediately try to fix them to what we think they should be or how they should act.  Then when that doesn’t work we replace them with another that we think will do or act as we wish.  We judge them on how they fulfill our unreasonable expectations of them.  In choosing one above another we are renouncing one in favor of another.  This is separation personified.  And we don’t even recognize we are doing this.  As we repeat this error time and time again, we fragment our perception repeatedly until there’s no semblance of the Oneness of reality left in our awareness.

Spirit, within us, sees this, yet It continues to see us whole and united as One even in the face of our total immersion in the idea of separation.  The egoic thought system sees replacement and substitution where Spirit sees all joined and indivisible.  One would unite; the other separate.  However, nothing can come between what the One has joined and what Spirit sees as one.  But everything seems to come between the fragmented relationships the ego sponsors to destroy.

Substitution is impossible in the presence of love.  Yet, fear involves substitution by definition, for it is love’s replacement.  Fear is both a fragmented and fragmenting emotion.  It seems to take many forms, and each one seems to require a different form of acting out for satisfaction.  The awareness of wholeness and completion are impossible in the mindset of fear.  Fragmentation and fear are the blocks we have placed to the awareness of our divine nature; our wholeness and completeness.

You who believe that God is fear made but one substitution.  It has taken many forms, because it was the substitution of illusion for truth; of fragmentation for wholeness.  It has become so splintered and subdivided and divided again, over and over, that it is now almost impossible to perceive it once was one, and still is what it was.  That one error, which brought truth to illusion, infinity to time, and life to death, was all you ever made.  Your whole world rests upon it.  Everything you see reflects it, and every special relationship that you have ever made is part of it.   T-18.I.4:1-6

The world we seem to see appears mad.  It appears insane.  It is a fragmented world, rooted in the belief in separation that we project on the world.  And so, it appears to be in conflict and conflicted, no two parts of it making sense with another.  The world appears fearful, and rightly so, for fear is what we project on the world.  Do not invest in this mad world, for there is no value in its madness.  Above all, do not be afraid of this twisted world.  It is not real, for it is not what it appears.  It is a substitute for the real world, reality.  Let’s undo the substitution and embrace love.

ACIM T-17.VIII The Conditions of Peace

July 18, 2017

The holy instant is an example of what every relationship is supposed to be.  Our relationships are meant to be loving, unconditional, peaceful and free from any conditions that are impossible in our divine state of being.  When we experience any feeling such as anger, guilt, blame, attack or defensiveness, we have slipped into alignment with our egoic thought system and made our relationships “special” or unholy.  We have blocked our awareness of the holy purpose of our relationships and replaced it with separation.  The holy purpose of our relationships is joining in Oneness, recognizing that we are one with each other and the universe, inseparable under any circumstance.  The condition of our relationships indicates our faithlessness or our faithfulness.  The holy instant is the shining example, the clear and unequivocal demonstration of the meaning of every relationship and every situation, seen as a whole.  Faith has accepted every aspect of the situation, and faithlessness has not forced any exclusion on it.  It is a situation of perfect peace, simply because we have let it be what it is.

This simple courtesy is all the Holy Spirit asks of you.  Let truth be what it is.  Do not intrude upon it, do not attack it, do not interrupt its coming.  Let it encompass every situation and bring you peace.  Not even faith is asked of you, for truth asks nothing.  Let it enter, and it will call forth and secure for you the faith you need for peace.  But rise you not against it, for against your opposition it cannot come.   T-17.VIII.2:1-7

There is great freedom and a release of effort when we answer Spirit’s call for faith in truth.  The apparent strain of not responding to Sprit’s Call seems to be greater than before.  Yet, this is not so.  The strain was there, but we attributed it to something else, believing that the “something else” produced the strain.  This was never true, for what the “something else” produced was sorrow, depression, sickness, pain, darkness and dim imaginings of terror, fantasies of fear and dreams of hell.  All that misery was nothing more than the intolerable strain of refusing to give faith to truth, and see its evident reality.  As we release ourselves from the egoic thought system, we find a great release will come.  Be patient.  Have faith that Spirit within will guide us to the freedom we seek.  The holy instant will come to remind us of this promise.  Time, in its holy purpose, serves the function to guide us there in the way Spirit knows is best for each of us.  Take a step back and let it all be as you focus on Spirit’s specific call to you.

When you accepted truth as the goal for your relationship, you became a giver of peace as surely as your Creator gave peace to you.  For the goal of peace cannot be accepted apart from its conditions, and you had faith in it for no one accepts what he does not believe is real.  Your purpose has not changed, and will not change, for you accepted what can never change.  And nothing that it needs to be forever changeless can you now withhold from it.  Your release is certain.  Give as you have received.  And demonstrate that you have risen far beyond any situation that could hold you back, and keep you separate from the One Whose Call you answered.   T-17.VIII.6:1-7

Become the receiver and giver of peace you are.  The call is within you.  Accept that call and allow it to rise from within you.  This divine peace will weave itself through your relationships, transforming them as you allow the barriers to peace, you have erected, to fall.  Your relationships will find their holy footing as they are transformed to their divine purpose, joining in one eternal holy relationship.  Allow yourself to accept the conditions of peace and bring the peace that has always been within you into your awareness.

ACIM T-17.VII The Call For Faith

July 11, 2017

What do you believe about your relationships?  What do you value them for?  How do you honor those who you have a relationship with?  Do you see the real goal of your relationships clearly?  There are a lot of ideas we have about our relationships.  Do we see those ideas clearly and do they honor the purpose and goal of relationships?  Maybe it’s time we really look at our relationships with the guidance of Spirit by looking deep into our thoughts and goals for our relationships.

We begin relationships for a wide variety of reasons.  Some are expected of us, such as familial relationships; parents, siblings, etc.  Others we begin for other reasons.  We are looking for someone to make us feel wanted, loved, happy, valued, important, secure, safe and/or loved. All of these reasons are goals we project on our relationships.  And when we don’t feel they provide us with all these reasons, we blame them for failing to fulfil our goals for these relationships.  Have we stopped and really thought about what we really want from our relationships?  The Course teaches us to set the goals or reasons for our relationships with the guidance of Spirit.  Spirit and guidance are always found within us when we allow our minds to be quiet and listen for that guidance.  Our relationships are the vehicles for learning the lessons we need to learn about who we really are and what our purpose is in this world of form.

Every situation in which we find ourselves – every situation is a relationship – is an opportunity for us to step into a healing of our mind.  We have misinterpreted this world and everything in it as we reinforced our belief that we are separate. We really believe we are separate from, not only the One, but each other.  We have lost sight of the fact that we are all One in Oneness and eternity because we believe the opposite.  We cannot believe we are One and separate at the same time.  We have brought everyone we have a relationship into our lives for a purpose.  Not one of them is accidental.  They will either support our belief that we are separate or support our belief in the Oneness of all creation.  We have created every one of our relationships and situations in our lives and what we see as their purpose or goal.  Where do we place our faith in each of our situations and relationships?  Do we place our faith in truth or illusion?

Enter each situation with the faith you give another, or you are faithless to your own relationship.  Your faith will call the others to share your purpose, as the same purpose called forth the faith in you.  And you will see the means you once employed to lead you to illusions transformed to means for truth.  Truth calls for faith, and faith makes room for truth.  When the Holy Spirit changed the purpose of your relationship by exchanging yours for Spirit’s, the goal Spirit placed there was extended to every situation in which you enter, or will ever enter.  And every situation was thus made free of the past, which would have made it purposeless.   T-17.VII.9:1-6

Call for faith in the wholeness of every situation and relationship because of the One who walks with us always.  We are no longer wholly insane, nor alone.  Loneliness is impossible when we walk in Oneness.  We whose relationship shares Spirit’s goal are set apart from loneliness because the truth has come.  Its call for faith is strong and calls us to peace.  Have faith that every situation and relationship we enter in is, at its core, divine.  Set the purpose of every relationship to reflect its divine purpose.  Let the truth of its divine peace and love shine from within your divine being as Spirit guides our minds in their healing.  Have just a little faith that this is so and see where Spirit takes your mind.  This allows the presence of Heaven to rise within you.