A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: October 2019

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ACIM T.25.VII The Rock of Salvation

October 29, 2019

The Course asks us again and again what we believe about who we are. The Course also asks us if we are happy with the world we are living in. What if we could make a choice that would change our world dramatically for the better? Would this be a form of salvation? Most of us feel like we have few choices, that we are limited by the world we think we see. We have resigned ourselves to do the best with what we’ve been dealt. It doesn’t even occur to us we may have another choice. We have become so accustomed to accepting the idea that we must conform to the world we see that we’ve given up any hope of something better in thus world. How could it be that we are created to live in a world that seems so insane and can batter us about with its trials? We end up in such a dilemma about what is real and what is not real.

Let us go back to what we said before, and think of it more carefully. It must be so that either God is mad, or is this world a place of madness. Not one Thought of God’s makes any sense at all within this world. And nothing that the world believes as true has any meaning in God’s Mind at all. What makes no sense and has no meaning is insanity. And what is madness cannot be the truth. If one belief so deeply valued here were true, then every Thought God ever had is an illusion. And if but one Thought of God’s is true, then all beliefs the world gives any meaning to are false, and make no sense at all. This is the choice you make. Do not attempt to see it differently, nor twist it into something it is not.  For only this decision can you make. The rest is up to God, and not to you.   T-25.VII.3:1-12

Perhaps what we seek is some salvation from this dilemma. Yet we haven’t a clue where to begin. There is a way. God has not left us alone to work this out. We made a choice to believe something about ourselves and the world. So, we can make another choice. And we need not do it alone. God has provided us with an inner Spirit to guide us, Perhaps we may not have realized we even had a Higher Holy Spirit within us in our creation. This inner guide remains connected with the holy no matter what we may have believed or thought we believed. This Spirit within holds in loving memory the knowing we may have disregarded waiting for us to realize we want to reconnect with something better. This inner Spirit is ready and willing to guide us from a world of madness to a world of holiness, peace and love.

The Holy Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world you see to something else; a basis not insane, on which a sane perception can be based, another world perceived. And one in which nothing is contradicted that would lead the One Child of God to sanity and joy. Nothing attests to death and cruelty; to separation and to differences. For here is everything perceived as one, and no one loses that each one may gain.   T-25.VII.5:1-4

How do we evaluate the world we see? It seems so daunting. Yet, continuing believing the world is the way we have perceived it is also daunting. Contained in the paragraph above is the test. We can put everything we think is true to this test. Can this be perceived as one, joined together? Does no one lose but rather everyone gain? Apply these questions to what you believe and if it passes this test, it is real and true. If not, it is mistaken. If it is mistaken, let it go rather than trying to correct it. Allow the Higher Spirit Self within you to guide your mind in the changing of your belief. As we learn to value Oneness, sharing and loving, freeing and uplifting one another, we find the love and peace we all share in Oneness. As we reconnect with Oneness, we find the world is transformed. We begin to see the world with a different understanding. The real world is the rock of our salvation. It is changeless. It is a world that can be relied on. We find our awareness of it by seeking the guidance of Spirit within.

ACIM T.25.VI The Special Function

October 22, 2019

We have become accustomed to darkness. We have become so accustomed to darkness that our eyes cannot bear the brilliant light of day. Perhaps we have found ourselves avoiding light because it is so brilliant and seems to cause us pain. In a like manner have we become afraid of truth and afraid of who we really are. So we turn away from the light and the clarity it brings to all we look upon. We are simply afraid of this light. We are simply afraid of the beautiful truth it reveals about who we really are. We believe we are unworthy of this gentle truth, even in the face of the peace and joy it brings us. Perhaps we can be willing to look differently at the world and begin to see there is no darkness but only light.

The grace of God rests gently on forgiving eyes, and everything they look on speaks of God to the beholder. The  beholder can see no evil; nothing in the world to fear, and no one who is different from the beholder. And as the beholder loves them, so the beholder looks upon themselves with love and gentleness. They would no more condemn themselves for their mistakes than damn another. They are not an arbiter of vengeance, nor a punisher of sin. The kindness of their sight rests on themselves with all the tenderness it offers others. For they would only heal and only bless. And being in accord with what God wills, they have the power to heal and bless all those they look on with the grace of God upon their sight.   T-25.VI.1:1-8

We really want to see clearly, no matter how much we deny it. Our wish to see calls down the grace of God on our eyes, and brings the gift of light that makes sight possible. How do we perceive each other? God is glad to have us look on each other. We are to recognize this one who is our savior as we fulfill the function we have been given. Do not let them be lonely any longer, for the lonely ones are those who see no function in the world for them to fill; no place where they are needed, and no aim which only they can perfectly fulfill. It is time to leave the darkness behind and step into the light, bringing those we have been given us with us.

Here the Holy Spirit’s kind perception of specialness is revealed to us; Spirit’s use of the specialness we made, to heal instead of harm. Spirit gave each of us a special function in salvation we alone can fill; a part specifically for each of us. Our plan is not complete until we find our special function and fulfill the part assigned to us, to make ourselves complete within a world where incompletion rules.

Salvation is no more than a reminder this world is not your home. Its laws are not imposed on you, its values are not yours. And nothing that you think you see in it is really there at all. This is seen and understood as each one takes their part in its undoing, as they did in making it. They have the means for either, as they always did. The specialness they chose to hurt themselves did God appoint to be the means for their salvation, from the very instant that the choice was made. Their special sin was made their special grace. Their special hate became their special love.   T-25.VI.6:1-8

Thus is our mistaken “specialness” transformed into our special function. Every encounter, every situation, whether or not seen as holy, is an opportunity to heal the situation or the relationship. It is an opportunity to transform what is mistaken to holiness. All that is real in this world is holy. And all that is seen as unholy is merely a distorted perception waiting to be healed and corrected. This is the holy purpose of the world we see. Let it be a catalyst for healing in your life. Spirit walks every step with you and will guide you as you allow. Let this be so and see your world transformed. It truly is Heaven on earth.

ACIM T.25.V The State of Sinlessness

October 15, 2019

We can learn a lot about ourselves and where we are by looking at our state of mind. Be honest with yourself about this. The beliefs we hold about ourselves have a great affect on our state of mind. It has everything to do with our state of mind. We are created whole. We are created sinless. We are created holy and incorruptible. Do any of us really believe any of this about ourselves? We have convinced ourselves we are at the mercy of a world we don’t understand, circumstances and others who would attack us and deprive us. And we are offended when anyone says we might be mistaken.

The state of sinlessness is merely this: The whole desire to attack is gone, and so there is no reason to perceive the One Child of God as other than they are. The need for guilt is gone because it has no purpose, and is meaningless without the goal of sin. Attack and sin are bound as one illusion, each the cause and aim and justifier of the other. Each is meaningless alone, but seems to draw a meaning from the other. Each depends upon the other for whatever sense it seems to have. And no one could believe in one unless the other were the truth, for each attests the other must be true.   T-25.V.1:1-6

 We tend to dwell on our shortcomings and imperfections. And then we compare our own with another’s. Most often we form the opinion and belief that  ours are less momentous than another’s. How convenient for us! Yet, we still experience dissatisfaction, disappointment and unhappiness. Somehow it’s just not enough, so we attack instead. Perhaps we attack another or perhaps ourselves. It becomes a never-ending circle of guilt and blame. Dare we think there could be another way? If we asked ourselves and really listened for an answer, there just might be a better way.

The Course proposes another way. The Course tells us we already know the way but have blocked our awareness of it. This way is already within us and we find it by looking beyond the appearance of the world to a reality beyond. We have made assumptions about what is real and what is not throughout our lives. Our state of mind is the indicator of the health of our beliefs – the health of our state of mind. This is what the Course means by the healing of the mind. No one need do anything for healing except change their own mind.

The One Holy Child asks only one thing of us; that we return to them what is their due, that we may share in it with them. Neither of us has this alone. It remains useless to each of us alone. Together, it will give to each an equal strength to save the other, and save themselves alike. Forgiven by you, your savior offers you salvation. Condemned by you, they offer condemnation to you. In everyone we see the reflection of what we choose to have them be to us. We find what we are looking for walking side by side with each other.

It is no sacrifice that they be saved, for by their freedom will you gain your own. To let their function be fulfilled is but the means to let yours be. And so you walk toward Heaven or toward hell, but not alone. How beautiful their sinlessness will be when you perceive it! And how great will be your joy, when they are free to offer you the gift of sight the One gave to them for you! They have no need but this; that you allow them freedom to complete the task the One gave to them. Remembering but this; that what they do you do, along with them. And as you see them, so do you define the function they will have for you, until you see them differently and let them be what the One appointed that they be to you.   T-25.V.5:1-8

Turn to the one next to you and allow Spirit to show you a new way of seeing them. They are your savior in this moment as you are their savior. There is nothing for us to lose except dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Would it not be worth a change of mind to realize the joy of Heaven that lies within every one of us? Be willing to take the step, and then actually take it. We do not take this step alone, ever, for we truly ate all One.

ACIM T.25.IV The Light You Bring

October 8, 2019

What do we think will ultimately make us happy and joyful? We have devised a way of thinking that tells us happiness and joy are outside of us and we must find it. We will do almost anything to find that which we seek outside ourselves. Yet, we still haven’t found a lasting source for the happiness and joy we are seeking. Perhaps we are looking for something that appears different than we think it should. Or, perhaps we are looking in the wrong place. We are stubborn enough to keep looking in all the wrong places when we’ve decided where we thing it is.

Minds that are joined and recognize they are, can feel no guilt. For they cannot attack, and they rejoice that this is so, seeing their safety in this happy fact. Their joy is in the innocence they see. And thus they seek for it, because it is their purpose to behold it and rejoice. Everyone seeks for what will bring them joy as they define it. It is not the aim, as such, that varies. Yet it is the way in which the aim is seen that makes the choice of means inevitable, and beyond the hope of change unless the aim is changed. And then the means are chosen once again, as what will bring rejoicing is defined another way and sought for differently.   T-25.IV.1:1-8

The Course tells us many times to try seeing differently. We often are looking for less than we have, missing the beauty and fullness of what is already within us. Since we are created whole, unlimited and divine, we have the abundance of Heaven within us for our choosing. It is merely a matter of opening our eyes to what our Creator has provided for us and set for our use. But we must be willing to allow our minds to awaken to what is within us and how to access it. While on this journey we have perception to help us find the way to what we are seeking. Perception’s basic law could be said, “You will rejoice at what you see because you see it to rejoice.” We need to learn how to see to see we already have what we are looking for!

We have another world where rest and peace rule. It is ours for the choosing. And once we choose it, we can bring it to all those who are tired of the world they have grown weary of but refuse to let go of. Let the light of the holy world within you shine brightly as a beacon to others. We need do nothing more than accept it and let it be. The ones we travel with will eventually see its light and then find it within themselves, for it is a shared world of holiness that we find in the realization of our Oneness with all Creation. We bring it with us to all the weary eyes and tired hearts that seem to have been seeking endlessly for peace, happiness and joy. In this light we stand in quiet, in innocence and wholly unafraid. The rest we find will extend from us so our peace can never fall away and leave us homeless again. We who offer peace to everyone have found a home in Heaven the world cannot destroy. For it is large enough to hold the world within its peace.

In you is all of Heaven. Every leaf that falls is given life in you. Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you. And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you. What aim can supersede the Will of the One and of Us, that Heaven be restored to them for whom it was created as their only home? Nothing before and nothing after it. No other place; no other state nor time. Nothing beyond nor nearer. Nothing else. In any form. This can you bring to all the world, and all the thoughts that entered it and were mistaken for a little while. How better could your own mistakes be brought to truth than by your willingness to bring the light of Heaven with you, as you walk beyond the world of darkness into light?   T-25.IV.5:1-12

The Course teaches us we are the light of the world. At first this idea may seem daunting. But look within yourself. Look beyond the inadequacy you may feel and allow Spirit within to reveal the truth to you. This truth is already yours. It always has been. Let go of the idea of littleness you have so identified with all this time. Let Oneness reveal the Grandeur of all that is true within you. Return to the awareness of who you really are and find yourself home in Heaven even as you are still a little while in thus world.

ACIM T.25.III Perception and Choice

October 1, 2019

It doesn’t matter where we are, what we may have done or what we have thought. We always have another choice. We have the freedom to choose and the freedom to choose differently. There is no judgment. We simply made a mistake. When we find ourselves in a place we don’t like, we can realize that the choice we made was perhaps the wrong choice for us and choose again. There is no need to blame ourselves or beat ourselves up over any past choice, even when we seem to find ourselves in darkness. Perhaps we realize it did not have the extension of love as its purpose and then ask Spirit for guidance in making a more loving choice.

Everyone here has entered darkness, yet no one has entered it alone. Nor need they stay more than an instant. For they have come with Heaven’s Help within them, ready to lead them out of darkness into light at any time. The time they choose can be any time, for help is there, awaiting but their choice. And when they choose to avail themselves of what is given them, then will they see each situation that they thought before was means to justify their anger turned to an event which justifies their love. They will hear plainly that the calls to war they heard before are really calls to peace. They will perceive that where they gave attack is but another altar where they can, with equal ease and far more happiness, bestow forgiveness. And they will reinterpret all temptation as just another chance to bring them joy.   T-25.III.6:1-8

A misperception cannot be a sin. Let all another’s errors be nothing to us except a chance for us to see the workings of the Helper given us so we see the real world instead of the temporal world we made. What is justified? What do we want? These two questions are the same. When we see them as the same, our choice is made. Seeing them as one brings release from the belief there are two ways to see. This world has much to offer to our peace, and many chances to extend our own forgiveness. Its purpose is, to those of us who want to see peace and forgiveness descend on them, to extend peace, love and forgiveness and offer them the light.

Look to the world of gentleness, for the Maker of this gentle world has the power to offset the world of violence and hate we believe stands between us and the gentle world. This gentle world is there in another’s forgiving eyes and so is also in our own forgiving eyes. And when we can’t see it with our body’s eyes, look to Spirit and welcome Spirit’s vision into our perception. This is the chance to change mistaken perception into truth.

The One Child of God could never sin, but they can wish for what would hurt them. And they have the power to think they can be hurt. What could this be except a misperception of themselves? Is this a sin or a mistake, forgivable or not? Do they need help or condemnation? Is it your purpose that they be saved or damned? Forgetting not that what they are to you will make this choice your future? For you make it now, the instant when all time becomes a means to reach a goal. Make, then, your choice. But recognize that in this choice the purpose of the world you see is chosen, and will be justified.   T-25.III.9:1-10

What is your choice? Make the choice to perceive the gentle world our Maker is showing us. Open your Spirit eyes and let the world of gentleness come into your perception. It is right there beyond the world of violence and hate you think you see. Allow Spirit within you to show you this world of gentleness as you look into another’s eyes and see clearly their holiness and the reflection of your own holiness in their eyes. Make your choice today.