A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: April 2010

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ACIM T-23.IV Above the Battleground

April 27, 2010

Purpose is what unifies, brings together.  The purpose we unify in tells us where we are placing our trust and our awareness.  The purpose of God and our purpose are shared, they unite, and they are One.  They cannot be separated.  Yet, we strive so hard to join a purpose other than God’s that we block our awareness of our shared purpose with God.  Since the purpose we share with God is the only true purpose, all other purposes must be illusion, unreal.  They go nowhere and serve no real function.  They serve only to block our awareness of our true purpose and the awareness of the Heaven God created for us.

When we know our purpose and know that it is one with God’s, there is no sorrow; it is inconceivable.  The light of love is in our awareness, and nothing can block it.  And love fills our whole being.  Nothing can diminish it.  All that is of any purpose other than God’s fades away.  It disappears into nothingness.  In this state of mind we rise above the battlefield of our mind.  Whether we think the battle is raging or that there is a lull in the battle, we see that the battlefield is all about the thoughts in our mind about what is happening in the world around us.

We allow ourselves to be lifted to a place where we can see.  We see through all the mistaken ideas we have clung to.  We see that they have given us a false perception of everything.  We see the holiness of ourselves, each other, and all of creation as we let Spirit show us our Vision.  Vision sees through the false purposes and lets them fall away.  It shows us the true purpose we share with God.  We rejoice at the peace and happiness that fills us as we join in Holy purpose.  All is forgiven, let go of.  We float, we soar, and we love unconditionally.  Heaven is upon us.  It welcomes us to our awareness of its presence then, now, and to come.  For Heaven, unlike any other state of mind is timeless.  It never changes. It is always welcoming us with open loving arms.

When will we let ourselves see it?  With the strength of God in our awareness, we can never even think of the battlefield.  All the attack and defensiveness of that state of mind is unthinkable.  We realize there is nothing to fear.  We have transcended into the awareness of who we really are, the One Child of God, inseparable from God and each other.  Our relationships transform into loving holy relationships.  We are joined, never to be lost again.  Say yes, let go, and soar!

ACIM T-23.IV Above the Battleground

April 20, 2010

We often feel like we are in the middle of a battlefield.  Sometimes the battle is raging around us, and sometimes the battlefield is quiet around us.  Even in its seeming peacefulness, we are waiting for the next attack, remaining alert for that attack, being ever-vigilant in watching for the next inevitable attack.  That’s certainly not peaceful.  In fact, it is usually quite disturbing.  Our mind is tuned in to attack.  Since attack and peace are not the same, we cannot experience peace when we choose to experience attack.

Heaven is the mindset God created for us to live in while we see ourselves as separated.  Heaven is a state of being, a state of consciousness, a state of awareness.  Heaven is truth, it is reality.  Nothing untrue can exist in Heaven.  No illusion can exist in Heaven.  Attack cannot exist in Heaven.  So if we are experiencing attack, or anything else untrue or unreal, we are not aware of the Heaven we are in.  It is a paradox that we can be somewhere such as Heaven and not be aware of it.  But that is exactly what we are doing.  We have chosen to believe in attack and so do not see the peace of Heaven within and surrounding us.  We have chosen to be aware of the battlefield within our mind.  We are totally into the attack thoughts, the unloving thoughts in our mind.

Spirit asks us to allow ourselves to be lifted above the battlefield of our mind.  From that vantage point our perspective is different.  We become the observer of our thoughts and our mind.  We see through the many forms we have given the idea of attack.  We can see they are all untrue, unreal.  We see the seeming devastation they seem to bring, but as we look, the battlefield is transformed into the loving consciousness of Heaven.  As we allow our relationships with each other to be lifted above the battlefield, we see their true loving nature deep within.  In the transcendence of our relationships above their seeming form, they are healed.  They find forgiveness.  They become what they have always been though weren’t aware of, unconditional love.

What a beautiful gift this is.  What a beautiful way to see clearly.  God always provides for us what is right, good, true, and abundant.  Are we ready and willing to allow ourselves to be lifted above the battlefield of our mind, change our perspective and see the state of Heaven God has placed us in?  Allow all God has to come into your awareness.  Whatever is not of God will fade away.  Let go and let it be.

ACIM T-23.III Salvation Without Compromise

April 13, 2010

Our gift to each other must be genuine.  If it is not, it is nothing.  No matter how beautifully it is wrapped or how graciously it is presented, if it isn’t genuine, it is nothing, just an empty box.  Such is the gift of forgiveness.  Is the forgiveness we offer each other genuine?  Is it sincere?  If we withhold any forgiveness from each other our gift becomes an empty shell.  It becomes ingenuine.  And what we offer each other we receive ourselves.

Our purpose in this world is to offer each other Salvation.  We recognize in each other the holy One that is God’s creation.  And we release all other thoughts about who we are.  There is no compromise in salvation.  We either see each other as we really are or we do not.  It doesn’t matter how we wrap our thoughts.  It doesn’t matter how gentle and loving we present our thoughts.  If they are not in line with the Sight of God they are compromised and therefore not truth.  They could even be called an attack since they see another as less than or unequal.  An attack is always an attack no matter how beautifully it is wrapped or presented.

We allow ourselves to move to the place of no compromise when we let go of all we have thought.  We needn’t judge our thoughts and figure out which are holy and which aren’t.  When we turn them all over to Spirit, what is holy remains and what is not fades away.  Salvation is complete when we recognize each other as who we really are.  We see God in each other.  We see the love and light of God radiating from within each One we encounter.  We know without a doubt that God dwells within each One without exception.  What a blessing this is.  What a relief this is.  Once we are willing to really let go and let Spirit guide our thoughts, we experience a freedom we have longed for.  We recognize it as what we wanted, but had never seen within us for we were looking outside ourselves.

Love without compromise.  Live in peace without compromise.  Let the light of God shine from within you without compromise.  Let go of all you ever thought without compromise.  This is God’s will for us.  It is the freedom of living the spirit filled life within that shines its offer to all we encounter.  Give it freely and you will discover it in abundance within.

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

April 6, 2010

All life exists in the awareness of Heaven.  What God created and creates is; and there is nothing else.  But as we wind our way on the journey of our so called life, this certainly doesn’t seem to be true.  What we experience on our journey seems to be real to us.  In fact, it is very real to us.  We can’t see anywhere except where we are at!  We want the peace and joy of Heaven, but we certainly don’t see that Heaven is all there is.

We have developed such a strong belief in the “laws” of chaos that we really believe they govern the world and the universe.  We even believe they govern God!  We believe we see clearly, so it all we see must be true.  We’ve spent a lifetime cultivating all we believe.  We’ve worked so hard to rationalize everything we have experienced and have fit it into our little order of things.  It doesn’t matter that no one else has the same order of things.  They must be wrong more or less to some degree because we are right.  Or more cooectly, “I am right.”  Yet how many times have we found we made a mistake, the wrong assumption, and so had to change our version of the way things are?

And God smile on us all, seeing us in the paradise of Heaven, knowing we are safe and cared for.  Knowing that we have all of Heaven at our disposal.  All the little things that seem to go wrong are nothing.  They are illusions, made by our mind’s best effort at the time.  We didn’t get the big picture then.  At the time we didn’t understand who and what God is.  We didn’t even understand who we are.  So we made the mistaken ideas we made up “true.”  We believed them to be the way it is.  We believed it was God’s plan for us, even though we made it up.

Are we ready to let go of the mistaken ideas we made up?  We don’t even need to figure out which ones are made up or come from God.  If we let go of them all the Holy Spirit will show us which are of Truth and all the others will fade into nothingness.  Nothing unreal exists in the Heaven on earth God created.  Everything unreal gently slips away and disappears.  We are left with all that God provides for us.  Life outside of Heaven is not life at all, it’s impossible.  God gives us life, so we might as well live where it is and where we are, in the Realm of Heaven. Are you ready?  Then surrender all your thoughts to Spirit and let Spirit show you where you already are; Heaven.