A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: January 2015

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ACIM T-10.V The Denial of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 27, 2015

Heaven is our true home. Heaven is the dwelling place created by the One for all the children of the One. And there is no other place. We may not see Heaven around us, but that is only because we have chosen not to see the reality of where we are. We have chosen to see separation and division rather than unity and Oneness. The veil of the idea of separation has clouded our vision and thus obstructed our awareness of Heaven. We have spent a lifetime building and reinforcing our belief in the temporal world we think we see. We have invested in it and we have given it value in our minds. Yet, the world we perceive is temporal. It will not last. It will wear down, it will collapse, and it will eventually decay. It is anything but eternal. Heaven is eternal. All that is real is eternal. And nothing can threaten anything that is eternal.

We, at home in Heaven – which we are – are eternal. The One created us eternal. Our home is eternal. Our Oneness is eternal. We are One with each other in this eternalness. Nothing can break us apart. Yet we have chosen to see ourselves broken apart from each other. We have chosen to perceive ourselves in separate worlds and gather as much around us as we can and thus keep it from each other. How do we perceive ourselves and each other? If we see ourselves or another as sinful, in pain and suffering, or less than joyful, we have chosen to see something other than reality, other than truth, and other than Heaven. We have chosen to deny ourselves and the reality of who we are. We have chosen to deny our divine nature. Yet we cannot remove ourselves or another from our divine nature. We can only block our awareness of our true nature. And it takes effort to maintain that denial.

Are we not ready to release ourselves from the self-imposed bonds of denial? Are we all not ready for the freedom of joy that is our natural state? We are created to be One. We are created to soar free and unlimited. We are created to love. We are created to create like ourselves and like the One, for we are created like the One. In Heaven we are all we are created to be. We can be nothing less. And though we have perceived ourselves and each other far less than we really are, we can just as easily change the way we perceive ourselves and each other. Instead of looking outward to nothing, look within to the Spirit within us that is always there. Spirit holds the truth about who we are out to us, inviting us to reconnect with our true Identity and see that It has never left us. As we allow the awareness of who we really are to rise within us, we feel peace and calm and joy well up within our minds. We look around us in love and see the beauty of all Creation around us. We are still in this temporal world, but it transforms before our very mind into Heaven.

This is the miracle of healing. This is the healing of the mind. This is where separation and division transform into Oneness and Love. This is what we have been seeking through our efforts to be separate and divided. We have been in the midst of what we were seeking all along, yet couldn’t see it because we were so busy denying our true and real selves. Let go of your denial now. Begin to allow Spirit to rise up in your mind and guide you to seemingly new levels of awareness. And find Heaven, your real home, unfolding all around you. Accept only what is timeless as real and you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours.

ACIM T-10.V The Denial of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 20, 2015

The One, our Source, created us wholly without sin, wholly without pain, and wholly without suffering of any kind. If we experience sin, pain, or suffering, we have denied the One, we have denied our Creator, and we have denied our Self. Denial is simply believing that we are separate from the One and thus our One Self. It is impossible to actually be separate, but it is possible to believe an erroneous belief. Because the One created us like the Creator, we can create our own world. If that world is unlike us, it cannot be real, for anything we create that is unlike us is an illusion and therefore not real.   Separation appears to be real merely because we have chosen to believe it is real. Yet separation fades into nothing when we choose to see ourselves as we really are, One with our Creator and each other. So the sin, pain and suffering we appear to be experiencing fade into nothingness as we let go of our belief that sin, pain and suffering are even possible.

Our true essence is Love. We are created as Love and are an extension of the Creator’s essence, Love. We can be nothing other than what we truly are. Anything else we may appear to be is simply a mistaken belief that we can be anything other than Love. The One has never denied us and has never retaliated against us. The One never punishes us. But the One calls to us to remember, to return to the awareness of who we really are. When we think the One has not answered our call, we have not answered the call of the One. The One calls to us from every one of our brothers and sisters, without exception, for everyone is One with the One. Are our ears tuned to the Voice for the One, or are we tuned to the gods of separation and sickness we made? This is our choice. We cannot hear both voices at once. The voices of the gods of separation we made call loudly, for they have nothing real to offer us except their distraction. Yet, as we listen beyond the din of their voices, the calm clear Voice for the One will be gently and patiently calling to us reminding us of the ancient song we stopped hearing long ago as we chose to hear a different voice. There is no harm to fear. The One has been watching over us, knowing nothing can harm us until we finally turn our hearts, eyes, and ears back to the One who is our Source who has always sustained us. We always are and always will be the Love in which we are Created. We are nothing more, nothing less. We are all that is.

We do not realize how much we have denied ourselves and how much the One would have it not be so. Yet the One would never interfere with our choice for that would be to deny our freedom. To interfere with our choices would be to attack us and thus attack the One. That would be insanity! So is our denial of our Oneness insanity. But our insanity is undoable. The One holds our sanity in the Mind of the One, knowing we have never left it except in dreams. From the Course:

The One will never cease to love Us, and We will never cease to love the One. That was the condition of Our creation, fixed forever in the One Mind. To know that is sanity. To deny it is insanity. The One gave Itself to us in our creation, and the One’s gifts are eternal. Would you deny yourself to the One? ACIM T-10.V.6-11

We are fixed forever in the One Mind. This is sanity. We are wholly Divine in Oneness and will never be anything less. Join in Oneness and be who you really are, and be filled with peace, love and joy.

ACIM T-10.V The Denial of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 13, 2015

To deny the One (God) is to give our allegiance to the gods of sickness and separation we made. The result is isolation, a kind of depression, for we have denied ourselves joy by believing we are separate. What we really do by denying the One is to deny who we really are. We deny our own Identity! How insane is this? The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. The Course clarifies this statement. Since sin is merely the misperception that we are not who we really are, denial of our true Identity is the denial of life itself and so we perceive life’s opposite. In all forms of denial we replace what is with what is not. Thus we deny who we really are.

Once we have denied the One, the inevitable result is projection. We believe that others have caused this to happen to us. We believe others have taken away our joy and made us unhappy. So we blame others and then we look for others to make us happy. We may believe that we judge each other by the message they give us, but we are judging them by the message we give them. Our mistaken and separated mind believes that the message we give another is actually originating from that other. Once we believe this, we block our awareness of the ethereal spark in them that would bring us joy and the awareness of who we really are in our joining. When we see another without the spark, we deny the One in us and our true Identity.

Our return to the awareness of our Identity and knowing ourselves is inevitable. The One created us like Itself. We are created in Oneness, whole and inseparable, perfect and limitless, and full of love, joy and peace. This is who we really are. The Course tells us that of yourself you can do nothing, but you are not of yourself. If we were, what we made would be true and inescapable. Our gods of sickness and separation are nothing for they were made up and are not like Us. We cannot make creations that are not like ourselves, for the One creates like the One and created us like the One. Creation is sharing and it cannot create unlike itself. Thus we cannot create unlike ourselves. All that is real and holy is shared and nothing is real that cannot be shared.

No matter where we are at this moment or what we have thought and believed, Spirit is waiting to guide us back to the awareness of our true Identity. Love is the only thing that is real and true. It is in this love that the One provides for our return to the awareness of who we really are. Our denial quickly fades away as we turn our mind back to and join with the One Mind we share with the One who created us. Accept your denial’s undoing now as you respond to Spirit’s call.

T-10.V.6. “Child of the One, you have not sinned, but you have been much mistaken. 2 Yet this can be corrected and the One will help you, knowing that you could not sin against the One. 3 You denied the One because you loved the One, knowing that if you recognized your love for the One, you could not deny the One. 4 Your denial of the One therefore means that you love the One, and that you know the One loves you. 5 Remember that what you deny you must have once known. 6 And if you accept denial, you can accept its undoing.”

ACIM T-10.IV The End of Sickness

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 6, 2015

The One created us perfect, and so we are perfect. We have always been perfect and always will be perfect. In this perfectness, we are given freedom, for we are free. The One has given us free will. In that free will we are free to deny our freedom, but we cannot give up our freedom. It is an inseparable part of our being given us in our creation. When we deny our freedom, we align our minds with the gods of sickness and separation. These mistaken gods do not actually bring us chaos. We endow them with chaos, and accept it of these made up gods of sickness and separation. They have no power over us other than the power we give them through our allegiance. This is our choice, even though it is mistaken and our freedom allows us to deny ourselves the awareness of our own freedom and power. The laws of the One, of Realty maintain that this misperception cannot be real. However, Reality cannot break through the obstructions we interpose in our awareness, but Reality will envelop us when we let go of our allegiance to those obstructions.

The miracle of healing is the act of a Child of the One – us – who lays aside all allegiance to the made up gods of sickness and separation and calls on another to do the same. This is an act of faith for in our healing we recognize that another can do this. This call is not to the mind that sees itself as separate, but to the Spirit in their mind, their true Self we recognize in our healing. Because we have heard the One’s Voice through our faith in who we really are, we strengthen that Voice in another through our joining. We weaken another’s belief in separation by not sharing that belief. The light of one mind shines into another mind because we are all the Light that was lit by the same spark that is everywhere and eternal. We are truly the Light of the World.

No matter what ideas or made-up gods we have chosen to obstruct our awareness of who we are, the spark of our wholeness remains in our mind for it cannot be extinguished. The full awareness of the Great Light we are may be temporarily obscured, but it cannot be completely forgotten or extinguished. Turn to that spark within. Perceiving that spark within begins the healing of the mind. As we allow our minds to perceive the spark, we ascend from the littleness we have believed ourselves to be and step into the ever brightening awareness of who we are and the Light we are. We join together as we relinquish our belief in separation and return to the Oneness of our Creation. As we let go of the gods of sickness and separation, the Great Rays wash over us. In this awakening are we returned to the awareness of who we really are and Reality.