A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: November 2016

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ACIM T-15.X The Time of Rebirth

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 29, 2016

Reality, and eternity, is a perfect union of us and our Source – God – the One.  This perfect union is our natural state. It is who we really are.  This perfect union is communication, constant and unencumbered.  Separation is not possible in this perfect union for all is open and unlimited.  This is not a one-sided union as we may have been taught where one gives all and the other receives all.  In this perfect union, all is shared wholly.  Giving and receiving are one and the same and are limitless in the abundance of eternity.  The only thing that keeps us from the awareness of this limitlessness is our belief that we need to be separate and carve out a piece of this limitlessness as our identity separate from everything.  If we really look at this idea, we will realize that we are settling for something much less than what is already ours.

It is in your power, in time, to delay the perfect union of the Creator and the One Child.  For in this world, the attraction of guilt does stand between them.  Neither time nor season means anything in eternity.  But here it is the Holy Spirit’s function to use them both, though not as the ego uses them.  This is the season when you would celebrate my birth into the world.  Yet you know not how to do it.  Let the Holy Spirit teach you, and let me celebrate your birth through the Holy Spirit.  The only gift I can accept of you is the gift I gave to you.  Release me as I choose your own release.  The time of Christ we celebrate together, for it has no meaning if we are apart.   T-15.X.1:1-10

We are entering the season of Christmas.  It is a time when Christianity celebrates the birth of Jesus into the world.  We believed that we were hopelessly sinful and that it would take a grand sacrifice to make us acceptable in the sight of God.  What we really needed was a change of perception to make God acceptable and equal to us.  This means raising our perception of ourselves to the level of God as we are created and always have been rather than bringing God down to the level of our mistaken perception.  The purpose of Jesus’ birth into this world was to show us that we are whole, complete, holy and limitless, and to teach us how to change the way we perceive ourselves and each other to reach that perception and accept it for who we really are.

One Christmas season, our pastor set up the Christmas scene so people would pass the manger where Jesus lay on their way to receive communion.  As each one walked past and gazed into the manger, they saw, looking back at them, their own reflection in a mirror placed there.  The message?  We are each the Christ in this world.  When we release our attachment to separation and are willing to rejoin in Oneness, we are the savior of each other as we see each other and ourselves as we truly are – sinless, whole, complete, holy and limitless.  We are One with each other and our Source in Oneness.  What gift could be better?

We who are One cannot give separately.  When we are willing to accept our relationship as real, saparation will hold no attraction for us.  For in our union we will accept all our sisters and brothers.  The gift of union is the only gift that Jesus was born to give.

It is in your power to make this season holy, for it is in your power to make the time of Christ be now.  It is possible to do this all at once because there is but one shift in perception that is necessary, for you made but one mistake.  It seems like many, but it is all the same.  For though the ego takes many forms, it is always the same idea.  What is not love is always fear, and nothing else.   T-15.X.4:1-5

Let your mind join in Oneness as Spirit guides you to the awareness of who you really are.  Let this be a season of rebirth in the knowledge of your wholeness, completeness, holiness and abundance.  Let the holy instant be reborn in your mind and let it carry you into eternity.  This is in your power now!

ACIM T-15.IX The Holy Instant and he Attraction of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 22, 2016

The Course teaches us in lesson 61 in the Workbook that I am the light of the world.  Is there anything limiting about this?  We are all unlimited.  Yet we continue to see ourselves as bodies.  We continue to see each other as bodies, limited by our own belief.  And we fail to notice the Great Rays shining from each One we encounter, so unlimited they reach all of creation and all the universe.  There is nothing that is not touched by the Great Rays that shine from each of our brothers and sisters, unlimited in their wholeness, their completeness, their holiness and love.  It is our own stubborn belief that we are bodies that keep our minds blocked from the grandeur of our true essence.  Spirit is waiting for our willingness to release our minds from the prison of our belief in separation, wailing to flood our awareness with the Great Rays of Oneness that we have blocked form our perception.  Are you willing to release the beliefs you hold to so tightly in this world?

The holy instant is a brief moment, given to us by Spirit, when we release all our perceptions of separation and experience communication in Oneness for just an instant.  It is a glimpse pf our true Self, free of limitations, full of love and peace.  It may scare us so that we immediately revert to the perception of dividedness we know so well and are accustomed to. We fear forgiveness for it exposes us to the freedom of Oneness.  Yet we cherish the peace and love of the holy instant.  It reminds us of who we really are even though we don’t recognize ourselves in it.  Spirit is calling to us to trust in Its purpose to bring forgiveness to our minds and reawaken to the Great Rays of light we all are.  What a beautiful awakening that is if we are willing to release our attachment to the belief we are bodies, the symbols of our belief in separation and division.

Our task is but to continue, as fast as possible, the necessary process of looking straight at all the interference and seeing it exactly as it is.  For it is impossible to recognize as wholly without gratification what you think you want.  The body is the symbol of the ego, as the ego is the symbol of the separation.  And both are nothing more than attempts to limit communication, and thereby to make it impossible.  For communication must be unlimited in order to have meaning, and deprived of meaning, it will not satisfy you completely.  Yet it remains the only means by which you can establish real relationships, which have no limits, having been established by God.    T-15.IX.2:1-6

We cannot perceive ourselves divided and be whole.  It is impossible to see two opposing ideas at one time.  We are One with God and all creation.  There is nothing in this world that can separate us from the Oneness we are.  And everything, yes everything, in this world, including the bodies we see, has a purpose as a learning tool if we will allow Spirit to guide our minds in Its teaching.  As we allow each holy instant to come to us and rest in the peace it shows us, we can begin to allow forgiveness to well up within us and show the true essence of each of our brothers and sister, revealing the Great Rays that shine from deep within all of us, infusing our minds with the unlimited peace and love that reveal eternity within us.

We cannot divide our strength between Heaven and hell, God and the egoic though system, and experience the fullness of our creative power.  When we attempt to divide our power, it cannot resonate in Oneness for to divide it is to limit it.  Our Oneness surges in the holy instant as we allow our true essence to arise in us.  Allow that instant to extend as we allow Spirit to guide the healing of our minds and welcome the Great Rays of Oneness that extend from our brothers and sisters and, yes, us as we join in the awareness of the One within all of us and extend the love and peace of eternity to all.  Be the light of the world you are.

ACIM T-15.VIII The Only Real Relationship

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 15, 2016

Many of us have felt some degree of upset during the past week.  We have allowed ourselves to forget that we are all One.  We have allowed ourselves to revert to our egoic belief in separation and the walls we believe separate us from each other.  It can be challenging, but nothing need block us from the awareness of our peace of mind unless we lose sight of our Oneness.  The Couse teaches us that everything in the world has a purpose in guiding us back to the awareness of who we really are if we will allow Spirit to guide our minds.  Relationships may have become challenging in the wake of our upset because we allowed our egoic thought system to govern our thoughts and feelings.  This happens without thinking as we wallow in the upset we feel.  Love and compassion go out the window as we sink into the upset.  Yet, there is no harm that can come to our true nature.  No one or thing can destroy the true essence of who we really are, whole complete, limitless and free in the love we truly are.  We have simply forgotten to be the love we are.  We are divine because we are One.  Listen to Jennifer Hadley’s prayer, Because we are One, posted on Sunday.

Everything in this world has a holy purpose for us in our release.  Many things may appear to make our life difficult in this world, yet Spirit can use each and every thing to teach us our release from the bonds that seem to bind us.  Our belief that we are victims of the circumstances of the world around us limits our awareness of who we really are and the freedom of our Divine nature.  The Course describes Spirit’s role in the healing of our minds and the holy instant.

The holy instant does not replace the need for learning, for the Holy Spirit must not leave you as your Teacher until the holy instant has extended far beyond time.  For a teaching assignment such as this, Spirit must use everything in this world for your release.  Spirit must side with every sign or token of your willingness to learn of Spirit what the truth must be.  Spirit is swift to utilize whatever you offer on behalf of this.  Spirit’s concern and care for you are limitless.  In the face of your fear of forgiveness, which Spirit perceives as clearly as Spirit knows forgiveness is release, Spirit will teach you to remember that forgiveness is not loss, but your salvation.  And that in complete forgiveness, in which you recognize that there is nothing to forgive, you are absolved completely.   T-15.VIII.1:1-7

As long as we remain in this temporal world, we are in learning and teaching mode.  Every encounter, every experience, every relationship is an opportunity to choose to be the love we are and extend that love to each other.  As we allow the healing of our thoughts we allow the healing of our relationships into the only real relationship we can have – holy relationships.  This is the only real relationship.  Any other is imbued with the conditions our egoic thought system has placed on it.  The relationship them becomes “special” or unhealed.  Spirit within us will guide us in releasing all limitations we have bound it with and bring its healing in our Oneness.

Spirit is our teacher in this healing.  Spirit dwells within us.  Spirit is not outside of us, so look within to the light within you that is your Spirit and welcome the truth that dwells there.

In the Holy Spirit alone lies the awareness of what God cannot know, and what you do not understand.  It is Spirit’s holy function to accept them both, and by removing every element of disagreement, to join them into one.  Spirit will do this because it is Its function.  Leave, then, what seems to you to be impossible, to the One Who knows it must be possible because it is the Will of God.  And let the One Whose teaching is only of God teach you the only meaning of relationships.  For God created the only relationship that has meaning, and that is God’s relationship with you.   T-15.VIII.6:1-6

We are all One with God in Oneness.  Every relationship we have in this world is meant to be a reflection of that One Holy Relationship.  If any relationship appears not to be so, we need simply ask Spirit to enter and transform that relationship.  If we are willing, we will see it in a different light that transcends its appearance in this temporal world.  The holy instant is just the beginning of the awareness of our One Real Relationship that joins all that is real into Oneness.  Allow Spirit to rise in your mind and guide you in the transcendence of all your relationships into the One Real Relationship – Oneness.

ACIM T-15.VII The Needless Sacrifice

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 8, 2016

One of the things we try to combat in this world is loneliness.  Most of the time we do not want to feel lonely.  So, we try to resolve loneliness by being with other people.  This may make sense in the temporal world, but it often disappoints us.  Those we have chosen to make us feel not lonely, often let us down or disappoint us.  Then we blame them for the loneliness we experience.  The Course explains that what we are doing is trying to avoid loneliness by joining bodies while trying to keep separate minds and hiding thoughts from each other.  We are looking for communication while we are hiding part of ourselves from each other, even those we think we want to join with.

The Course teaches us we are One in the Mind of God, the One.  Our true nature is divine as we are One with the Divine.  The Course also teaches we are not bodies, but thoughts of God.  Because we are of the One Mind, we are in constant communication with our Source and each other through the One Mind we all share.  Because we are One, we are inseparable and cannot sever communication.  Yet, we have believed the mistaken idea that we are separate and have blocked our awareness of our Oneness and our communication in the One Mind.  So, we try to reestablish communication through the body and a separate identity we made.  We also try to protect ourselves from each other by hiding some of our thoughts we feel would jeopardize the temporal connections with others we have established on the lower or physical level.  Thus, have we “sacrificed” what is real – Oneness – for something less – special relationships.  The basis of this mistake is the fear of loneliness.  We also believe that we must keep our minds private or we will lose them.

As we remain attached to the idea that we are all bodies, we keep each other imprisoned in the idea that we are bodies and separate.  We keep each other imprisoned in the idea that communication happens at the temporal or lower physical level and keep our awareness of true communication and our true nature blocked.  Forgiveness – the healing of the mind – cannot happen at the temporal level, for it transcends the lower level and heals at the spiritual level.  As long as we remain attached to the physical identity we made, we will remain unaware of our true identity and our divine nature.  Forgiveness is the shift in awareness from seeing each other as separate to realizing we are all One and that all that is real is shared.  We are whole, complete, limitless and divine.  Love and peace dwell within us and we will realize that fact when we allow Spirit to guide our thoughts.  This may seem impossible now, but it is realized in the holy instant.

It is through the holy instant that what seems impossible is accomplished, making it evident that it is not impossible.  In the holy instant guilt holds no attraction, since communication has been restored.  And guilt, whose only purpose is to disrupt communication, has no function here.  Here there is no concealment, and no private thoughts.  The willingness to communicate attracts communication to it, and overcomes loneliness completely.  There is complete forgiveness here, for there is no desire to exclude anyone from your completion, in sudden recognition of the value of their part in it.  In the protection of your wholeness, all are invited and made welcome.  And you understand that your completion is God’s, Whose only need is to have you be complete.  For your completion makes you God’s in your awareness.  And here it is that you experience yourself as you were created, and as you are.   T-15.VII.14:1-10

Allow the desire for true communication to rise in your mind.  Allow Spirit to guide you in forgiveness and heal your mind into the awareness of the Oneness you are.  Experience the love and peace that well up within you as you release all from the imprisonment of your belief in separation.  We are all One, and all is well in the awareness of Oneness.

ACIM T-15.VII The Needless Sacrifice

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 1, 2016

How many times have we “sacrificed” something for another or for the greater good?  Do we sacrifice anything real and eternal?  If we look with different eyes on what we “sacrifice” we might see that it is something that is not real at all, but temporary and physical.  Our ego, which we see as our identity and believe to be who we are, relies on the idea that sacrifice is necessary.  The Course tells us this about ego, sacrifice and relationships:

In one way or another, every relationship the ego makes is based on the idea that by sacrificing itself, it becomes bigger.  The “sacrifice,” which it regards as purification, is actually the root of its bitter resentment.  For it would prefer to attack directly, and avoid delaying what it really wants.  Yet the ego acknowledges “reality” as it sees it, and recognizes that no one could interpret direct attack as love.  Yet to make guilty is direct attack, although it does not seem to be.  For the guilty expect attack, and having asked for it they are attracted to it.   T-15.VII.6L1-6

One of the mistakes we often make is to think the ego is independent from each of us.  The ego is an idea we made and convinced ourselves is not of our making and thus is beyond our control.  We each gave and continuously give our egoic thought system the control we think it has over our thinking and believe it is out of our control.  The idea of sacrifice is clearly imbued with the belief in lack and scarcity, though we are unwilling to see this obvious condition.  Our relationships in this world are where we get to demonstrate what we believe about ourselves and each other.  If we believe sacrifice is necessary, we will sacrifice to seek love.

In such insane relationships, the attraction of what we do not want seems to be much stronger than the attraction of what we do want.  For each one thinks that they have sacrificed something to the other, and hates them for it.  Yet this is what we think we want.  We are not in love with the other at all.  We merely believe we are in love with sacrifice.  Thus, we can blame each other for the sacrifice we have made for the other in our search for what we want when we don’t find it there.

Whenever you are angry, you can be sure that you have formed a special relationship which the ego has “blessed,” for anger is its blessing.  Anger takes many forms, but it cannot long deceive those who will learn that love brings no guilt at all, and what brings guilt cannot be love and must be anger.  All anger is nothing more than an attempt to make someone feel guilty, and this attempt is the only basis the ego accepts for special relationships.  Guilt is the only need the ego has, and as long as you identify with it, guilt will remain attractive to you.  Yet remember this; to be with a body is not communication.  And if you think it is, you will feel guilty about communication and will be afraid to hear the Holy Spirit, recognizing in Its Voice your own need to communicate.   T-15.VII.10:1-6

What blessing do we really want?  Do we want the ego’s blessing – anger, or do we want Spirit’s blessing – love?  Sunday’s ACIM Weekly Thought was:

“Miracles are thoughts. Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual.”   (T-1.I.12:1-3)

Will we align our relationships with the lower or physical level or the higher or spiritual level?  Our experience will tell us which we choose.  It is our choice to release the lower or physical level and give up sacrifice and choose the higher or spiritual level.  It is the difference between “special” and holy relationships.  Release your need to sacrifice and offer the miracle of a healed relationship free of attack, guilt and sacrifice.  Real love will become apparent in that release.