A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: December 2009

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ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 29, 2009

I extend to you a Christmas wish, a wish of the season, if you will.  I extend to you a will that this moment, we will all take a moment to be still, and let the spirit of Oneness, the Christ Spirit well up within us and spill forth, bringing us the awareness of our true Self.  We experience the knowing, in this quiet moment that we are One with God and that we are One with each other.  There is no separation.  This moment is irrefutable evidence that this is true.  In this moment there is no doubt.

So we enjoy this moment for a time, and return to our usual way of thinking about things.  What if we changed this way of thinking.  What if we kept our awareness we have allowed ourselves to be in this now moment and carry it with us into our daily living?  What if we approached all our interactions and relationships with the knowledge of our Oneness in our thoughts?  Might we see everything differently?  Might we learn valuable lessons from each other?  Might we be at peace with whatever comes our way?

What a great light shines in this way of being.  All we see will be bathed in the radiant light of God’s presence.  We will see holiness shine from all we encounter if only we let ourselves see with the vision of the Christ Spirit.  This vision is given us by God to light our way and all we encounter.  The trying relationships become less trying and so loving in this moment of light.  We are willing to see and this present moment is the time to see what we are willing to see.

Let the Will we share with God be in our mind today.  Beyond the body that we interpose between ourselves and each other, and shining in the golden light that reaches us from the bright, endless circle that extends forever, is our holy relationship, beloved of God.  How still we rest, in time and yet beyond, immortal yet in our human experience.  How great the power that lies in our choice.  Time waits upon our will, and our experience will be as our will would have it be.  Choose the Will we share with God this very moment.  For it is already ours.  Only the time we choose it is our choice.

ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 22, 2009

I wish or you a joyous Christmas season filled with wonder and an awakening of the Christ Spirit, God within you.  Christmas can be a time of new discovery.  We honor the birth of the Christ Child into the world.  But we also allow who we really are to birth again in our awareness about ourselves and each other.  All of us are inextricably and beautifully connected at the core of our being, being One in God’s eye.  We are never apart, we are never separated, even when we make the mistake of thinking we are alone and separate.

Allow the spirit of Christmas to bring peace to you and all you come in contact with.  Allow joy to well up within you and spill over in its abundance.  Allow the boundless love that dwells deep within you to extend to all you encounter as you go about you holiday activities.  That warm smile, that “hello” or “Merry Christmas” will make someone’s day.  It may even make your day.

To borrow a phrase that you have most probably heard:  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Allow the awareness of your wholeness to rise up from within and let it shine so others you encounter will see their wholeness reflected back to them in your eyes, you words, and your actions. Our wholeness is unchangeable.  Our unawareness of it is changeable.  Let spirit rise up within you and see the wondrous love that you already are.  Feel the peace you already are.  And share the joy you can’t possible contain as you celebrate who you really are, the One Child of God, rediscovered this season.  Merry Christmas to all of you!  God’s blessing is yours.

ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 15, 2009

We are in the season of Advent.  This is a time of preparation for the coming of the Christ.  What a perfect time for the preparation of the awakening of the One Christ Spirit within us all.  It is time for the separation of ourselves and the ego.  We make way for the awakening of what already is within us.

In this world we find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season.  We probably even find ourselves overwhelmed with all that we think we must do.  We find ourselves burdened and a bit on edge.  Advent is supposed to be about hope, joy, love, and peace.  Where is it all?  Who has time for any of that?  Yet, all of what the season is supposed to be about is within us.  The Christ spirit dwelling deep within us at the core of our being is there, forgotten by us, but poised and waiting for us to give it a chance to well up within us and calmly sooth our fears.

Just take a moment.  Take a deep breath, and remember who we really are.  Allow what is deep within us to come to our awareness.  Bask in the peace love, and joy Spirit brings to our mind.  We may still have just as much to get dome, but we can approach all of it with a sense of peace that will certainly lighten the load.  So take a moment, ask Spirit to wash over us and enjoy the blessing it brings.  When the season has passed, as it always does, we will know ourselves and know each other as the peaceful, loving, and joyful One Child of God we really are.  Let it be so.

ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 8, 2009

We are at a very important juncture on our spiritual journey back to the awareness of the Realm of God within us.  Our experience will tell us much about where we are at.  Are we experiencing joy?  Or are we still experiencing misery?  Perhaps we have made changes in our lives and how we think about things and others.  We may have experienced happiness when we made those changes.  But did that happiness remain or did it sink again into misery after a time?  These are our indicators.  What we experience tells us so much about the path we are on and the choices we have made.

God’s Will for us is joy.  God wills nothing else but joy for each and every one of us.  When we are present with the Realm of God within us, we will experience joy.  And it is a joy that does not fade.  It is a joy that we feel with every fiber of our being and know that it is from God and embodied in Truth.  Whether or not we experience joy is determined by what we place our faith and belief in; Truth or illusion.

Illusion, no matter what form it takes or what form we give it will always bring us misery in one way or another.  One may seem less worse that another, but lasting joy will never be its experience.  Letting go of our attempts to “figure it out ourselves” and staying still, listening to the Voice for God within us will begin to allow the Realm of God to well up within us.  That Voice will guide us in recognizing Truth and letting illusion fall away. We begin to see things in a more God-like way, understanding the difference between Truth and illusion.

As we begin to shift our belief and faith to Truth, we begin to see and understand our own divinity within, the true nature that God created.  We see our true Self, connected with each and every one and one with God, too.  In our act of faith that we are who God tells us we are, is a peace and joy that cannot be matched.  We recognize our sinlessness and we recognize the sinlessness of each other.  This act of recognition is salvation.  It is the salvation from the life of misery we experience when we believe in an illusion about ourselves and each other that we made up or believed because someone else told us it was so.  Allow God to show you the Realm of God within you.  It’s already there and just waiting to be recognized.

ACIM T-22.I Salvation and the Holy Relationship

December 1, 2009

Our journey may seem uncertain. All we encounter may seem unstable and inconsistent.  But one thing is always certain in this world.  The end of our journey is certain.  It is certain that we will reach the end of it and arrive at the goal.  It is guaranteed that it is so by God.  God wills us to succeed.  And because God guarantees it, it cannot fail.  We will reach the end.  We will return to the awareness of who we really are.  We will remember ourselves One with God and all of creation.

What a wonderful promise this is that God gives us.  We cannot fail.  We do, however, choose what we place our belief and awareness in.  We choose whether to Be in the Realm of God or to be oblivious to our presence there.  We continually cycle between forgetting our true essence and remembering who we really are.  And so we move back and forth from one to the other in an ever changing insane world that appears so uncertain.

Yet God has given us so much to help us along the way.  God’s goal for us is a successful return as soon as we are willing to return.  But it’s our choice and ours alone.  The world we choose to see and believe in is the one we will live in whether reality or illusion.  Our brothers and sisters are here at every step of the way, waiting for us to recognize them as who they really are.  Waiting for each of us to set all of us free.  And we set all of us free by recognizing who we really are; by remembering that we are the One Child of God, One with God and all of creation.  However, we don’t even recognize them for who they are because we are so caught up in our own illusion of our thought.

Now we rise above our habitual thought.  We transcend to the One Thought of God, present in the One Mind of God we all share.  What a peace and joy comes over us!  We wonder how we could have ever thought differently.  But that doesn’t even matter now, because it fades to nothingness in the presence of our true nature.  It fades away in the knowledge of what is true and real.  And when we again forget it, we remember again and more willingly let go of all else and return to the awareness of who we really are, One.  Let it be so.