A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: May 2020

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ACIM W.pI.154 – I a among the ministers of God

June 2, 2020

Lesson 154 –

I am among the ministers of God.   ACIM W.p1.154

What an amazing idea, being among – or perhaps surrounded by – the ministers of God. I often replace the word “God” with Source or Oneness. As I have grown on my spiritual journey, I have come to understand the idea of God less as a personality out there and more as the joined minds and spirits of all of creation. This is my current view and is likely to change and grow. I also support your understanding of God. We are free to make our own choices on our journey. The diversity of our ideas and growth is such a blessing as I learn from each and every one I come in contact with. Safely, of course. The One Mind – of which we are entirely – is an amazing concept and gift. I resolve to see each and every one of us in the light of our shard holiness and love in Oneness.

We have a function in this world. We share that function with all of creation. Yet, our function appears unique and custom tailored to suit how we and others perceive this world at this moment. May we accept our role, whatever form it takes. Our function’s form is perfectly suited to us and to another. May we be open to Spirit’s guiding – the guidance that is planted deep inside our being at our creation. It is there imbued with our own holiness.

Let us today be neither arrogant nor falsely humble. We have gone beyond such foolishness. We cannot judge ourselves, nor need we do so. These are but attempts to hold decision off, and to delay commitment to our function. It is not our part to judge our worth, nor can we know what role is best for us; what we can do within a larger plan we cannot see in its entirety. Our part is cast in Heaven, not in hell. And what we think is weakness can be strength; what we believe to be our strength is often arrogance.   W-pI.154.1:1-7

May we allow ourselves to learn this lesson for today. We will not recognize what we receive until we give it. We have heard this said a hundred ways, a hundred times, and yet we still don’t believe it. But this is sure; until we believe it, we will receive a thousand miracles and then receive a thousand more. Yet we will not recognize that all we are given we already have. For not the tiniest of blessings has been denied us. What can this mean to us until we have identified with our Source and who we really are in Oneness?

Our lesson for today is stated thus:

I am among the ministers of God, and I am grateful that I have the means by which to recognize that I am free.   W-pI.154.13:1-2

Let me you with this thought from today’s lesson:The world recedes as we light up our minds, and realize these holy words are true. They are the message sent to us today from our Creator. Now we demonstrate how they have changed our minds about ourselves, and what our function is. For as we prove that we accept no will we do not share, our many gifts from our Creator will spring to our sight and leap into our hands, and we will recognize what we received.   W-pI.154.14:1-4

ACIM W.pI.147 – Review of lessons 133 and 134

May 26, 2020

Lesson 147 – Review of lessons 133 and 134

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(133) I will not value what is valueless.   W-pI.147.

The Course often asks us what we value and what that value is that we have placed upon it. Is what we value temporary or lasting? Do we see its value clearly? We have the freedom to choose what we value. It’s our choice. But does our choice have real value? There is nothing wrong with the temporary, but we need to recognize its true value. The Course teaches us that there is really only one choice regardless of form. What has value is lasing and what does not last is valueless. Value such as this is not monetary worth. Value in the Course’s sense is about what returns us to the awareness of our wholeness.

Today we list the real criteria by which to test all things you think you want. Unless they meet these sound requirements, they are not worth desiring at all, for they can but replace what offers more. The laws that govern choice you cannot make, no more than you can make alternatives from which to choose. The choosing you can do; indeed, you must. But it is wise to learn the laws you set in motion when you choose, and what alternatives you choose between.   W-pI.133.3:1-5

Look for the guidance Spirit offers. This divine guidance is already within us, even when we don’t recognize it. Our Higher Holy Spirit Self knows what choice we need to make, for all knowledge is already instilled in us. We are holy, we are complete, we are infinite and limitless. As we rest in the essence of our being, the choice we make in what we value becomes natural and what is not natural becomes unimportant. Let your inner Spirit Self be your guide.

 (134) Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.   W-pI.147.2

Do we understand what forgiveness is and what it does? Most of us have a skewed idea of what forgiveness is. We cannot truly forgive if we do not perceive it correctly. Forgiveness is a way to change our mind and recognize truth where we see illusion. One example of forgiveness is shifting our perception of another from separate to One with us. It is crucial for us to see another as they really are for us to see ourselves as we truly are. And the reverse is also true.

There is a very simple way to find the door to true forgiveness, and perceive it open wide in welcome. When you feel that you are tempted to accuse someone of sin in any form, do not allow your mind to dwell on what you think they did, for that is self-deception. Ask instead, “Would I accuse myself of doing this?”   W-pI.134.9:1-3

The way is already known. The answer is within our holy mind. We are asked to take a step back for just an instant and look within to our true Self. Be open to see a different perspective in the light of truth. Forgiveness is releasing our attachment to perceiving another as separate from us and perceiving the truth of our Oneness. Peace, love and joy are present in this recognition. The Course is teaching us who we really are and forgiveness releases all thoughts that conflict with the truth of who we really are. Sit with these concepts awhile and when you are willing, open your mind to their truth. We needn’t get rid of anything. Rather we take a new look at what is real. It’s not a battle, it’s a shift in thinking. Try it.

ACIM W.pI.140 Only salvation can be said to cure.

May 19, 2020

Lesson 140 –

Only salvation can be said to cure. ACIM W.p1.140

What really ails us? I know I can think of a million answers to this question for me. But  are they true answers? As we study the Course and practice the Lessons, we are asked to set aside our preconceived beliefs and allow Spirit to show us another way of looking at this. The Course teaches us there is only one problem and only one answer to that one problem. In the reality , sickness is of the mind and so the cure is also of the mind. How we see ourselves is the indication of our wellness and correcting how we see ourselves is the salvation that can be the only cure.

They are not healed. They merely had a dream that they were sick, and in the dream they found a magic formula to make them well. Yet they have not awakened from the dream, and so their mind remains exactly as it was before. They have not seen the light that would awaken them and end the dream. What difference does the content of a dream make in reality? One either sleeps or wakens. There is nothing in between.   W-pI.140.2:1-7

The life we live on this planet identifying as a body is like a dream because we do not perceive ourselves correctly. We perceive ourselves as less than whole, less than holy, less than complete. Our true essence is whole, complete, limitless and complete. How could lack and unholiness ever be a part of this? We fell into a deep sleep believing we are alone and separate, denying ourselves the awareness of who we really are. Our perception of ourselves is the illusion the Course keeps referring to as our mistake – our insanity. The purpose of the Course is to help us wake from the dream – this insanity.

Peace be to you who have been cured in Oneness, and not in idle dreams. For cure must come from holiness, and holiness can not be found where sin is cherished. Oneness abides in holy temples. Oneness is barred where sin has entered. Yet there is no place where Oneness is not. And therefore sin can have no home in which to hide from Oneness’ beneficence. There is no place where holiness is not, and nowhere sin and sickness can abide.   W-pI.140.5:1-7

This is the thought that cures. It does not make distinctions among unrealities. Nor does it seek to heal what is not sick. Accept this thought as it is. Release any judgement you may hold about it. Allow the knowing Spirit within you to reveal its truth, for our egoic thought system resists the truth about who we really are. Yet we have everything we need within us to make this shift. Once we decide we are willing to see ourselves whole and holy, a recognition of who we really are will dawn on us. Our true essence will be familiar and we may wonder why we ever abandoned our awareness of it. There is no blame or guilt. The recognition will flood our being with peace and love and joy. Simply accept it wholly.

With nothing in our hands to which we cling, with lifted hearts and listening minds we pray: “Only salvation can be said to cure. Speak to us, Source, that we may be healed.” And we will feel salvation cover us with soft protection, and with peace so deep that no illusion can disturb our minds, nor offer proof to us that it is real. This will we learn today. And we will say our prayer for healing hourly, and take a minute as the hour strikes, to hear the answer to our prayer be given us as we attend in silence and in joy. This is the day when healing comes to us. This is the day when separation ends, and we remember Who we really are.   W-pI.140.12:1-8

It takes just a moment to be willing to change your mind. Stop for an instant and allow yourself to rest in the peace that is within you – the peace you have been searching for somewhere other than within you. It has always been there and always will be there waiting for your choosing. Choose now. Or choose later. Your choice determines your awareness of who you really are and your state of mind. Let it be peace. Let it be love. Let it be joy.