A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

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ACIM W.pI.91 Miracles are seen in light.

March 31, 2020

Lesson 91:

Miracles are seen in light. ACIM W.pI.91

I love the concept of light. It is especially important in the Course. The Course reminds us that we are light. The fact that we are light cannot be changed – it cannot be harmed. Nothing can extinguish the light that we are. Yes, we can make decisions that obscure our light from our consciousness, but it can never ever be extinguished. And it is in our willingness to see the light we are that miracles occur. As we have discussed before, miracles are a shift in thought – a change of mind. The shift in thought is a change in how we think about ourselves and others. We have become accustomed to thinking of ourselves as lees than. We have believed our thoughts that value us as limited, broken, incomplete and un-whole, just to name a few. We have been practicing and developing these thoughts for most of our lives until we make a decision to look at ourselves differently – in a new light.

It is important to remember that miracles and vision necessarily go together. This needs repeating, and frequent repeating. It is a central idea in your new thought system, and the perception that it produces. The miracle is always there. Its presence is not caused by your vision; its absence is not the result of your failure to see. It is only your awareness of miracles that is affected. You will see them in the light; you will not see them in the dark.   W-pI.91.1.1-7

What is our state of mind at any given time? Our state of mind has everything to do with our spiritual vision. When our state of mind is in darkness – a denial of the light within us – we “see” through a veil of separation which distorts our perception. It doesn’t change who we are, but denies us the clarity of real vision that reveals who we really are to ourselves. It also hides the miracles within us from our awareness. The freedom of our innate wholeness, completeness and holiness is blocked from our awareness when we choose to align our thoughts and beliefs with darkness and limitation. The miracle within our mind is the sight of our holiness – of our wholeness. These qualities are within us eternally, yet appear to have disappeared simply because we have denied them by believing something contrary.

To be told that what you do not see is there sounds like insanity. It is very difficult to become convinced that it is insanity not to see what is there, and to see what is not there instead. You do not doubt that the body’s eyes can see. You do not doubt the images they show you are reality. Your faith lies in the darkness, not the light. How can this be reversed? For you it is impossible, but you are not alone in this.   W-pI.91.3.1-7

Does changing your mind about who you really are seem daunting or impossible? It is if we try to do it through our own egoic thought system. Our egoic thought system is limited and supports the belief in lack and limitation. Yet, we don’t need to even attempt this shift alone. What we need we already have and are. We are already holy and whole and complete. We are already One with the One, Source or Oneness. We are the Holy Spirit helper to which we can turn to guide our thoughts to what is real. Once we begin to allow ourselves to see ourselves and each other in the light of holiness, we will recognize the truth about who we really are. We will begin to recognize our holiness, completeness and wholeness. This light is the Great Rays that shine from Oneness and bathe us in the light of peace and love. All that is not real and true fades gently into nothing in this light. This is the light we are. We can and will allow this light to rise and shine from within us and join with the light rising and shining within each other. Be willing, even just a little willing, to believe this light is within you. That’s all you need do to begin to reveal the miracles within you.

ACIM Sheltering In Peace

March 24, 2020

Saturday I posted the following affirmation on my facebook page:

Today I choose to shelter in Peace ~ aligning my mind with perfect peace and love rising within me where it dwells.

It was inspired by both a prayer blog I get every day from Jennifer Hadley and the goings on in the world we live in today. We have been asked to “Shelter-in-place” within both our County and our State to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The pandemic has stirred up a great deal of fear in the world. Yet, we can hold a sense of peace for those around us and across the world. Just because so many perceive a threat to be afraid of, it doesn’t mean I have to jump into a sense of fear with everyone else. The Course asks each of us to let go of fear. Remember these gems?

Love Is Letting Go of Fear.  by Gerald G. Jampolsky (Author)

Everything you teach you are learning. Teach only love, and learn that love is yours and you are love.T-6.III.4:8-9

Sinking into fear is what blocks the awareness of love and peace within us. Love and peace are our natural state. The Course teaches us that anything other than love and peace is misperception. Our Source, the One, creates us with all we ever need. Even in this world as it appears, we have everything we need. And we have access to peace and love by looking within to our true Self. Have we lost sight of the peace within us? That’s OK. Recognize what is, and ask Spirit, your Higher holy Spirit Self, to show you a different way to look at the world and its shortcomings. Our body might get sick. But that can’t change who we really are. We are One with each other and our Creator in Oneness. That Oneness is unchangeable. And when we lose sight of our Oneness, a simple ask to see this differently can begin to lift us out of the fear we seem to be experiencing at the moment.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Allow the forgiveness of self to release you from the self-made bonds of fear. Find a way to connect with another. They may be feeling the same as you are. Or, they may have a different outlook and share an insight that will lift you from the oppression of fear. We are all in this together and we can weather this together much better than we will alone. Reach out and virtually touch someone. You may be the light shining in the darkness they need. And if you feel you are lost in the darkness, they may be the light you need to reach out to that will help lift you out of the darkness you feel you are in. Remember, that the Course teaches us that:

we are the light of the world. ACIM W-61

ACIM T.26.VII The Laws of Healing

March 10, 2020

Healing must be understood before we can understand and accomplish the purpose of the Course. We tend to think of healing in terms of the body, i.e. sickness and disease. The Course is very clear that healing occurs in the mind. Its goal is the healing of the mind; the healing of our thoughts and our thought system. This section will review the laws of perception and the laws of healing as we remind ourselves of what the Course has taught us thus far about separation and the healing of separation. This installment will review the first five paragraphs of this section; Chapter 26, Section VII, paragraphs 1-5.

All sickness comes from separation. When the separation is denied, it goes. For it is gone as soon as the idea that brought it has been healed, and been replaced by sanity.   T-26.VII.2.1-3

The idea that we are separate is the idea that needs healing. The Course teaches us that we are not at all separate and it is impossible for us to be separate in reality.  It is the mistaken idea of separation that we have believed and given our allegiance to that keeps our true identity in Oneness blocked from our awareness. Can we be just a little willing to allow our mind to be changed – to be healed? Are we willing to entertain reason’s light in our thoughts and mind?

Guilt asks for punishment, and its request is granted. Not in truth, but in the world of shadows and illusions built on sin. The Child of God perceived what they would see because perception is a wish fulfilled. Perception changes, made to take the place of changeless knowledge. Yet is truth unchanged.   T-26.VII.3.1-5

Truth and reality cannot be perceived, they can only be known. Perception is a way of interpretation and thus it blocks our minds from the awareness of knowing the truth. Once we allow our thoughts to see truth, perception and what we have perceived makes no sense anymore. Are we willing to allow ourselves to see and recognize truth?

Perception’s laws are opposite to truth, and what is true of knowledge is not true of anything that is apart from it. Yet has God given answer to the world of sickness, which applies to all its forms. God’s answer is eternal, though it works in time, where it is needed.   T-26.VII.4.1-3

Ideas do not leave their source – our mind. Their effects seem to be apart from our ideas. Ideas are of the mind. What is projected out, and seems to be external to the mind, is not outside our mind at all, but an effect of what is in our mind, and has not left its source – our mind.

God’s answer lies where the belief in sin must be, for only there can its effects be utterly undone and without cause. Perception’s laws must be reversed, because they are reversals of the laws of truth. The laws of truth forever will be true, and cannot be reversed; yet can be seen as upside down. And this must be corrected where the illusion of reversal lies.   T-26.VII.5.1-4

The illusion of separation is nothing more than a belief in that illusion. Its reality goes no further than our supposedly separated mind – that little bit of mind we thought we could wall off and make ourselves God over. The “reality” this little bit of supposedly separated mind believes is real seems insane, for it is an upside-down view of reality. It is insane in the light of truth and reality. Yet the healing of that mistaken idea is to allow Spirit –knowledge – within us to rise in our awareness. It has been waiting within us for our minds to awaken and be willing to see the truth of who we really are. It is time to let go of our stubborn belief in our mistaken ideas and allow the truth within us to rise to our awareness. This is where healing arises.